ASMedia Expects Sales Rally


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
DigiTimes is reporting today that ASMedia is expecting to see sales rally by 80% in 2H17. So why is this interesting? Well, ASMedia is one of the companies that makes a lot of controller parts for USB, SATA, and PCIe interfaces. And guess what? Yes, new motherboard platforms rely on these controllers. If you were looking on confirmation of some sort of timeframe as to what is coming to the motherboard and CPU world, this is what ASMedia president Lin Che-wei had to say.

ASMedia's revenues will move upward along with the release of Intel X299 series chips in June, AMD X399 series chips is July as well as Intel Coffee Lake CPUs, and Z370 chips in August, Lin noted.

ASMedia has begun developing USB 3.2 controller chips in order to cope with Intel's planned release of 300 series chipsets and expects to roll out USB 3.2 host controller and device controller chips in 2018, Lin revealed.

Thanks to Shintai for the link.
This is one crap component I wish my motherboard didn’t need.

This is one crap driver I wish my Windows installation didn’t need.
They only grow. AMDs chipset is pretty much complete ASMedia design for example.

As more parts gets integrated, mobo makers gets equally more desperate to add something to make them stand out.
They only grow. AMDs chipset is pretty much complete ASMedia design for example.

As more parts gets integrated, mobo makers gets equally more desperate to add something to make them stand out.

That was my biggest fear about the new AMD platform. It seems to be ok though. I haven't heard any huge complaints, so maybe that design is not too bad.
If ASmedia made great chips, motherboards would be more expensive.
If ASmedia made great chips, motherboards would be more expensive.

I'll pay $10 extra for a motherboard with a great ASmedia chip. How hard can it be to get USB 3.0 or SATA 3 correct? It's not like it is a brand new, untested technology.
If ASmedia made great chips, motherboards would be more expensive.
If they just made good fast and stable drivers, that would be a great start for them. I often wonder how much their crappy performance comes from their drivers, which are probably programmed in C64 Basic.
I'll pay $10 extra for a motherboard with a great ASmedia chip. How hard can it be to get USB 3.0 or SATA 3 correct? It's not like it is a brand new, untested technology.
Lol right? But MB's that use better chips are more expensive, just not $10 more :(
If they just made good fast and stable drivers, that would be a great start for them. I often wonder how much their crappy performance comes from their drivers, which are probably programmed in C64 Basic.
right? If only they cared to do more then just basic support...