Ashley Madison Offers $500k Bounty

Zarathustra[H];1041813610 said:
I make it my business.

And it's buttinsky bullshit like this that makes the world such a fucked up place.

Unless it concerns you directly, as in your wife/husband/partner is stepping out on you without your permission, or even with it, it isn't any of your goddamn business. EVER. So take your little peeping-tom ass out and get a life.

As a decent human being I see it as my responsibility to expose people like this.

No. It isn't.

Matthew 7:1
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged.

John 8:7
"Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone..."

Romans 2:1
You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.

No, I'm not going to go looking for them, but if I found out a friend of mine were cheating on his wife? Guess what, he wouldn't be my friend anymore, and I would see it as my duty to let his wife know about it.

That's between you and your acquaintance (if you're such a dick that you're going to run and tattle on him to his wife, you're NOT a friend).

And I'd be fine with them becoming unemployable as a result.

Words cannot begin describing how loathsome of a creature I find you.

Truth is, if someone cheats in what is supposed to be the most profound relationship of their lives, then they can't be trusted to do anything. You can't trust them in business, you can't even trust them to play a goddamned game.

Cheating transcends different aspects of ones life. Either you are a trustworthy person or you aren't, and if you aren't everyone needs to be warned, so no one else has to fall victim to the results of violated trust.

You go on and on about trust when, by your own admission, you're not trustworthy yourself.

So please, keep beating your chest about how moral and upright you are.

Scumbags of all stripes always do.
You have to love your particular brand of bullshit. Oh nevermind those studies from these sources that you've deemed as dubious, but hey, don't let your hubris get in the way of citing scientific american as the authority on these studies. Don't look there people, look here. LOOK!!!! because I said so!!!! lulz.

Scientific american may not be the most solid of scientific publications, but it is hell of a lot more reliable than special interest sites whose sole purpose to exist is to try to force their "christian beliefs" on other people by feeding them misinformation.
And who are you to make that call? You think people can't fix what is broken? You think a couple can't find a way to overcome something like infidelity? When the fuck did people start becoming so fucking brazen in their ability to wield the hammer of judgement when it comes to other peoples relationships? Oh wait.

This isnt like fixing a flat tire on a bicycle, this is just forcing yourself to accept something you dont want. I dont like the color pink. Sure I can drive a pink Prius all damn day and it will get me places and sometimes I will enjoy the wind between my hair, but deep down inside I still dont like the fucking car. Hey there's a blue one for the same price and is my favorite color. Why wouldnt I trade it in?
My thoughts are how are they going to pay the 380k when all the lawsuits for not deleting user data right or just plain not encrypting the data will be enough to bankrupt them... Not even counting the wrongful death suits...
Actually, you are defending the actions of the people who had affairs. In your very first paragraph you're blaming the person/people who released the information for suicides instead of the people who committed the affairs in the first place.

It's actually quite interesting how many people here overlook the wrong done by the cheaters as if nothing whatsoever happened. It's a complete failure of basic logic and problem solving. It has to make you wonder why people are defending the cheaters.

Nobody's "overlooking" the things the cheaters have done.

What's being said is that being a self riteous tale-bearer is every bit as loathsome. If not moreso.
You mean broken marriages involving affairs that should have ended anyway, providing examples for children to follow of what not to do, so that they end up in the same circumstance when they get married.

A broken home is better than a phony one.

Statistics do not lie. And you are assuming the marriage was somehow bad to the children or spouse in actuality there may have been no clue anything was wrong.

I do support divorce in the following situations when children get involved:
1. Where the mother and father are constantly fighting in front of the children.
2. Where the father or mother is abusive to another member of the family
3. One of the parents has an addiction and does not get help (alcohol, drugs, etc...)

But outside this the statistics are not very favorable for children of divorce.

Higher rate of drug use
Higher rate of depression
Higher rate of early sex
Higher rate of drinking
Higher rate of divorce as adults themselves
Higher rate of poverty.
Higher rate of abuse from new parents.

All major studies reach similar conclusions.

I could point to personal anecdotal information. Of all my friends who had divorced kids, or as adults themselves, they all suffered in one way or another. And I know quite a few. Unfortunately not one of them was a good outcome to their self esteem or sense of security.
And it's buttinsky bullshit like this that makes the world such a fucked up place.

Unless it concerns you directly, as in your wife/husband/partner is stepping out on you without your permission, or even with it, it isn't any of your goddamn business. EVER. So take your little peeping-tom ass out and get a life.

I is the right thing to do, and I would expect the same from everyone around me if I were being cheated on and were unaware of it. What comes around goes around.

No. It isn't.

Matthew 7:1
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged.

John 8:7
"Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone..."

Romans 2:1
You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.

Sorry, I don't make it a habit to take lessons on how to live my life from some religious bullshit.

That's between you and your acquaintance (if you're such a dick that you're going to run and tattle on him to his wife, you're NOT a friend).

So how deep does friendship go to you? I have good friends, whom I like, but I am not about to turn a blind eye if they do awful things.

What would it take for you? What if your friend were a thief? Would you be ok with that? What if they sold drugs? What if they hurt or killed someone? What if they confided in you they were planning a terrorist act?

friendship and being a good friend is important, but it does not transcend right or wrong. If you stick with your friends whether they are right or wrong, and defend them from the consequences of their actions, you are starting to sound like a criminal gang, speaking out against "snitch" culture.

IMHO, the "snitch" is always the hero.

Words cannot begin describing how loathsome of a creature I find you.

The feeling is mutual. Failure to act when you have knowledge of something that is wrong, whether a friend or a foe is very loathsome to me.
Your reference is a "global christian ministry" website. I didn't realise these kinds of sites were meant to be taken seriously.

You can't really argue with the statistics even if you don't agree with the people releasing them.
While I don't have a personal high opinion of cheaters myself, this world would just be a lot better off if all these hypocritical, "none of my business BUT" prudes would just shut the fuck up and mind their own business.

No, if people actually tried living up to their promises (i.e not lying, cheating, etc.) then this world really would be a better place.
And it's buttinsky bullshit like this that makes the world such a fucked up place.

Unless it concerns you directly, as in your wife/husband/partner is stepping out on you without your permission, or even with it, it isn't any of your goddamn business. EVER. So take your little peeping-tom ass out and get a life.

I know right, like if I see some guy get run over in the street who am I to stop and lend a hand? Just mind my fucking business and leave him there to bleed out.

Matthew 7:1
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged.

John 8:7
"Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone..."

Romans 2:1
You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.

Exposing someone has nothing to do with judging them. By your logic if I see a guy stealing snickers bars at the gas station I should just not judge him per Matthew's instructions. :rolleyes:

That's between you and your acquaintance (if you're such a dick that you're going to run and tattle on him to his wife, you're NOT a friend).
What if your friend is an alcoholic and needs help, and by admitting him to AA against his will you are actually doing him a favor? Considering exposing infidelity to be a kind of intervention. You are freeing up everyone to do whats in their own best interest by providing them all with equal information. Although to be honest with you I wouldnt turn in my own friend because I dont have the guts to hurt him like that. But I'd push him to end the relationship himself for the aforementioned reasons.

You go on and on about trust when, by your own admission, you're not trustworthy yourself.
Keeping dirty secrets is not an example of trustworthiness. Exposing the TRUTH is.
Zarathustra[H];1041813718 said:
The feeling is mutual. Failure to act when you have knowledge of something that is wrong, whether a friend or a foe is very loathsome to me.

Was it wrong to release the information of people who may not have been cheating?
Actually, you are defending the actions of the people who had affairs. In your very first paragraph you're blaming the person/people who released the information for suicides instead of the people who committed the affairs in the first place.

It's actually quite interesting how many people here overlook the wrong done by the cheaters as if nothing whatsoever happened. It's a complete failure of basic logic and problem solving. It has to make you wonder why people are defending the cheaters.

Birds of a feather?
Zarathustra[H];1041813689 said:
I don't think anyone is trying to tell the people that were cheated on what they should do with the information, simply that they have the right to know about it.

If they can (and want to) overcome it and repair their relationship, good for them. I wouldn't be able to, but that's just me.

I'm not one to hold a grudge, but if I can't trust someone I can't have them in my life, and trust - once broken - can not be repaired. At least to me.

Buddy, re-read everything you're contributed to this tread and tell us again, with a straight face, that you don't hold a grudge :D
I dunno, there is something fun about watching the woman take off her wedding band. I would never cheat nor would I want to ever be cheated on, but being the 'other guy' seems to not budge my slanted moral compass lol.

I do not think we should praise the people that obtained this data, a hero does not take the law into their own hands. It is all about the motivation, if they were to individually contact people about it to warn their others about this to help them that would be one thing. To publicly display this smells more of spite and amusement from suffering than any level of benevolence.

Also what kind of time frame are we looking at here? Could this have information that lets say I cheated on a woman 5 years ago, regret it and then changed my ways. Should my current relationship with someone new be destroyed because of a mistake? (just using me as an example in this story).
Statistics do not lie. And you are assuming the marriage was somehow bad to the children or spouse in actuality there may have been no clue anything was wrong.

I do support divorce in the following situations when children get involved:
1. Where the mother and father are constantly fighting in front of the children.
2. Where the father or mother is abusive to another member of the family
3. One of the parents has an addiction and does not get help (alcohol, drugs, etc...)

But outside this the statistics are not very favorable for children of divorce.

Higher rate of drug use
Higher rate of depression
Higher rate of early sex
Higher rate of drinking
Higher rate of divorce as adults themselves
Higher rate of poverty.
Higher rate of abuse from new parents.

All major studies reach similar conclusions.

I could point to personal anecdotal information. Of all my friends who had divorced kids, or as adults themselves, they all suffered in one way or another. And I know quite a few. Unfortunately not one of them was a good outcome to their self esteem or sense of security.

The problem with these studies is that there is no way to correlate them against forced marriages. It just assumes that the opposite of this circumstance is a successful marriage. Sure successful marriages that dont involve cheating where both parents love each other unconditionally raise better children. Fake marriages that parents try to hide form their children most likely produce the same outcome if not worse.
No. It isn't.

Matthew 7:1
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged.

John 8:7
"Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone..."

Romans 2:1
You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.

Sorry but, who wrote these rules you've quoted?
If you're cheating on your husband/wife, your marriage has already failed.

People love to think they can hide this kind of shit from their kids, "they're too young to know". Kids are very perceptive, and your feeble attempts to hide your misdeeds will be soaked up by them subconsciously. Why do you think there's so many messed up kids in the first place? It always starts at the home.

There's a huge difference from
Mild Curiosity
To Realizing you made a mistake, stumbled, and cleaned up your act
To Divorce

And I never ONCE in my life tried to touch another woman. So point your finger at someone else.
yeah I saw. Two suicides related to the release of the data. I can see a lot of marriage failures now...marriages that include children. And we know the stats on children of divorces.

Not so much fun and games is it?

As I said once already, these hackers are dead men. Someone rich and powerful, or someone with nothing to lose, will take them out.

DO NOT GET ME WRONG: I'm not defending the men's actions who seek out to have affairs. They will pay for their misdeeds one way or another. (If not in this life then the next) But the hackers aren't any better through the unnecessary misery they have caused to innocents.

Again, there is nothing about the registration process for the website that requires one to be married. They only use that as a way to convie that they hold one's privacy in high regard. Not high enough it would seem, but that's where it sits.
There's a huge difference from
Mild Curiosity
To Realizing you made a mistake, stumbled, and cleaned up your act
To Divorce

And I never ONCE in my life tried to touch another woman. So point your finger at someone else.

I havent accused you of anything, I'm just saying you cant hide your lack of love for your spouse from your kids. What they dont immediately know they learn from observation and repeat what they saw growing up. It's how you ended up in your present situation. How do you think wife beaters, rapists and sadists are born? Killers, cheaters and abusers? Something happened to them growing up, either directly or indirectly that they observed that made them that way. A loveless marriage, or one that involves a big show that pretends to be love will just result in your kids doing the same thing when they get married. Just like you observed of your own parents growing up without realizing it.
The problem with these studies is that there is no way to correlate them against forced marriages. It just assumes that the opposite of this circumstance is a successful marriage. Sure successful marriages that dont involve cheating where both parents love each other unconditionally raise better children. Fake marriages that parents try to hide form their children most likely produce the same outcome if not worse.

They are overall statistic, so therefore they are still valid.

And again, you are assuming that the Father or Mother is not loving and moved past these ways. (assuming they were looking to cheat) Maybe these problems happened before the kids.

Fake marriages that parents try to hide form their children most likely produce the same outcome if not worse.

Show me the stats spanky from credible sources and I'll shut up. Until then I'll take the majority of articles available that say opposite.
I havent accused you of anything, I'm just saying you cant hide your lack of love for your spouse from your kids. What they dont immediately know they learn from observation and repeat what they saw growing up. It's how you ended up in your present situation. How do you think wife beaters, rapists and sadists are born? Killers, cheaters and abusers? Something happened to them growing up, either directly or indirectly that they observed that made them that way. A loveless marriage, or one that involves a big show that pretends to be love will just result in your kids doing the same thing when they get married. Just like you observed of your own parents growing up without realizing it.

And if you read my post, you would have seen I support divorce in these situations of abuse for the children's sake.

I'm just saying you cant hide your lack of love for your spouse from your kids.
Just like you observed of your own parents growing up without realizing it.

You need to replace "Your" and "You" with "Them" It sounds accusatory.
Why don't you do research on that before you speak as an authority because you might have succeeded.

Here let me help you with a simple google search.

Also btw: The chances of you getting divorced from your spouse are significantly higher because she already had kids. Lets double that trauma shall we?

So is it better for someone whom is cheating on their spouse, and likely exposing them to sexually transmitted diseases to get to do it without every being exposed? And how about the children, I guess you think its in their best interest to be raised in a life that is a complete lie? I suppose your of the thought line that if you don't get caught you never did anything wrong.
Zarathustra[H];1041813673 said:
Yeah, and most of those google results come from anti-divorce special interest sites and their information can not be trusted.

If you skim through the bullshit, ignoring sites like "", "", ""," and yes, "global christian ministry" which rely on outdated studies from the late 70's and early 80's in order to sell their scare stories, and instead look for the real articles, you find the opposite information.

Like Scientific American coming to the conclusion that while divorce has profound short term impact on kids, it subsides rather quickly, and the majority have little to no long term impacts.

Similar articles exist from the New York Times and in Psychology Today.

The conclusion? Divorce is traumatizing to children, but it has rather little impact on lifelong success measured in how they do in education professionally and relationships as adults.

Don't get me wrong here, I'm not advocating divorce. I strongly believe marriage is a mutual commitment that transcends and goes beyond that of sexuality, and I am almost as disgusted by people who divorce because they are horny and want to sleep with other people, as I am with those who cheat. When you make a promise, a commitment, you keep it. Period. It doesn't matter if your spouse becomes fat, or "frigid" or if you lose sexual interest for other or no reasons. Just fucking rub one off in the shower and be done with it.

The commitment is greater than your selfish sexual desires.

That being said, once someone has proven themselves to be untrustworthy, they must be disposed of.

I would argue that it is even more harmful for the kids to stay in a relationship like that, than to turn it into a life lesson in doing the right thing.

I tried to stay out of this, but who the Fuck are you to shove your beliefs and morals on someone else? Be glad I'm in my phone because I could rant long and hard at how unbelievably judgemental, hypocritical and how much of a giant douchebag this makes you sound. I'm sorry but no, at no point is it EVER your right to ruin someone's career out anything else because you hold different values. I dislike cheaters as much as anyone but seriously, Fuck you man.
They are overall statistic, so therefore they are still valid.

And again, you are assuming that the Father or Mother is not loving and moved past these ways. (assuming they were looking to cheat) Maybe these problems happened before the kids.
If the cheater confesses and the two decide to remain together out of genuine love and not some extenuating circumstance and legitimately patch things together then fine. If your trick to maintaining a marriage is to just conceal information from the other person then you are in a pretend marriage.

Show me the stats spanky from credible sources and I'll shut up. Until then I'll take the majority of articles available that say opposite.
It's hard to quantify in the form or pure stats because these kind of surveys arent easily quantifiable. You are basically asking people who wish they were divorced to volunteer details about their lives.

Before we proceed with the obvious, is it your argument then that a couple who would rather be divorced and instead chooses to live together will raise a child just the same as a couple who genuinely enjoys their marriage? I mean, is that where we're going with this argument before I start sourcing psychological studies on the effects of bad marriages?
Oh I love trolls.

Hey dipshit, do a google search. I just pulled the first weblink, and after I read it I posted it. But all studies point to the same information about children of divorce....Christian based or not.

You'll find there are dozens of similar studies with similar outcomes.

Focusonthefamily could not have been a worse source to cite from, though. They're right wing propaganda. They're the folks who hired the Duggar molester, for fuck's sake.

Everything on that site should be taken as blatant lies if not willfully and completely misrepresented in their presentation.

They're effectively fascists. No other type of political leaning would continue to justify "conversion therapy" in this day and age.
Zarathustra[H];1041813463 said:
Right. IMHO, the hackers - although their motives were a little messed up - did a good thing in exposing the scumbags with this hack.......

Because a single guy who is just a little desparate for a girl, or a guy, is just an innocent victim in this case right?

People are so damned judgmental and frankly viewing this entire thing from the eyes of a simpleton.

Z you are smarter then this. Ashley Maddison uses that "have an affair" thing as a way to say that their services are secure and that they are not selling customer data to whoever is buying. They aren't promoting infidelidy, they are promising privacy. Infidelity is a discretion left up to the user.
And it's buttinsky bullshit like this that makes the world such a fucked up place.

Words cannot begin describing how loathsome of a creature I find you.

You go on and on about trust when, by your own admission, you're not trustworthy yourself.

So please, keep beating your chest about how moral and upright you are.

Scumbags of all stripes always do.

Bible quoting, eh? Do you eat shellfish? Cause if you have, you're going to hell.

Until then, keep your brainwashing out of the forums. Most of us don't live by your specious rules. (Thank god.)
I tried to stay out of this, but who the Fuck are you to shove your beliefs and morals on someone else? Be glad I'm in my phone because I could rant long and hard at how unbelievably judgemental, hypocritical and how much of a giant douchebag this makes you sound. I'm sorry but no, at no point is it EVER your right to ruin someone's career out anything else because you hold different values. I dislike cheaters as much as anyone but seriously, Fuck you man.

Again, you are making the cheater to be the victim here, and disregarding the person whom he's saving which is the person being cheated on. When you expose a cheater you arent ruining their career or destroying their marriage, you are SAVING the person who was being cheated on, thats how this works. You do it for the real victim, not the cheater. If I turn my buddy in it's not to hurt him, thats just an unfortunate consequence. It's to help his spouse, she deserves somebody to look out for her too.
Nobody's "overlooking" the things the cheaters have done.

What's being said is that being a self riteous tale-bearer is every bit as loathsome. If not moreso.

Bullshit. People are flat out stating that the cheating is not an issue and blaming the release of information for suicides, divorces, broken homes, etc. The release of the information is the not the cause, the cheating is.

So, informing someone that their spouse is cheating is being a "self-righteous tale-bearer" and that the informer is at least as bad if not worse than the cheater? All that just for telling the truth?

I'd say you and quite a few others posting have some serious reality and logic disconnects you should look into.
Z you are smarter then this. Ashley Maddison uses that "have an affair" thing as a way to say that their services are secure and that they are not selling customer data to whoever is buying. They aren't promoting infidelidy, they are promising privacy. Infidelity is a discretion left up to the user.

Bulllllll fucking fuckity shit. Have you ever heard their ads? The entire premise is to satiate some dirty secret desire to do something you know you're not supposed to. The whole thing sells you on this tawdry line of "omgosh this is so wrong but sooooo exciting". The "have an affair" line is directly meant for arousal and not some sort of business ethics creed.
Again, you are making the cheater to be the victim here, and disregarding the person whom he's saving which is the person being cheated on. When you expose a cheater you arent ruining their career or destroying their marriage, you are SAVING the person who was being cheated on, thats how this works. You do it for the real victim, not the cheater. If I turn my buddy in it's not to hurt him, thats just an unfortunate consequence. It's to help his spouse, she deserves somebody to look out for her too.

So my question would then be; how would you expose your buddy? Would you go to his partner in private and let them know what you knew, and let them decide what to do with that information? Or would you tell everyone for miles around with no regard for what your friend's partner might actually want?
I'd say you and quite a few others posting have some serious reality and logic disconnects you should look into.
It reminds me of guys who want to kick the ass of the man cheating with their g/f or wife, meanwhile their wife gets some kind of free pass or something as if they had nothing to do with it, or were just 50% guilty since the other guy was partly responsible.
So my question would then be; how would you expose your buddy? Would you go to his partner in private and let them know what you knew, and let them decide what to do with that information? Or would you tell everyone for miles around with no regard for what your friend's partner might actually want?

I see what your point is. I would tell them privately as it is only their business. I havent once supported what the hackers did. By exposing people publicly they have humiliated them in manners that they would not have been if done so privately. I wouldnt want my friends and family to know what I did anymore than I would want them to know I have herpes or anal fissures.

I dont see how the hackers could have privately released this info, and the damage they have done by doing so publicly would have been better off if everyone just kept cheating. I mean 2 people killed themselves already as a result of this, or so I've read. They didnt need to die just because they cheated on someone.
God is going to smite this world big-time. I guarantee he is extraordinarily pissed off.

You've been warned! :)
I see what your point is. I would tell them privately as it is only their business. I havent once supported what the hackers did. By exposing people publicly they have humiliated them in manners that they would not have been if done so privately. I wouldnt want my friends and family to know what I did anymore than I would want them to know I have herpes or anal fissures.

I dont see how the hackers could have privately released this info, and the damage they have done by doing so publicly would have been better off if everyone just kept cheating. I mean 2 people killed themselves already as a result of this, or so I've read. They didnt need to die just because they cheated on someone.

Right, and I'm not saying you did support the hackers but there are some commenting on this issue that do...and I just thought this was a good way of illustrating why, no matter what your stance on cheating is, what the hackers did in releasing this information was not right. I don't know how they could have informed people privately either...but I don't think it was their "duty" to inform by any means necessary. As you said, the people being cheated on deserve someone to look out for them too...and I think what they want is probably most important when it comes to an issue like this. Simply dumping everyone's info online is probably about the most harmful way to go about this kind of thing.
Right, and I'm not saying you did support the hackers but there are some commenting on this issue that do...and I just thought this was a good way of illustrating why, no matter what your stance on cheating is, what the hackers did in releasing this information was not right. I don't know how they could have informed people privately either...but I don't think it was their "duty" to inform by any means necessary. As you said, the people being cheated on deserve someone to look out for them too...and I think what they want is probably most important when it comes to an issue like this. Simply dumping everyone's info online is probably about the most harmful way to go about this kind of thing.

I think there's no doubt that the hackers who did went about it in the wrong way. But the question is - assuming that you and I (and McFry) are on the same page that cheating is just plain bad, what would have been a right way of going about it?

I guess I'll go back to what McFry said. Discuss the matter privately with the cheating spouse. Most likely these people have close friends who ARE aware of what they're up to.
yeah I saw. Two suicides related to the release of the data. I can see a lot of marriage failures now...marriages that include children. And we know the stats on children of divorces.

Not so much fun and games is it?

As I said once already, these hackers are dead men. Someone rich and powerful, or someone with nothing to lose, will take them out.

DO NOT GET ME WRONG: I'm not defending the men's actions who seek out to have affairs. They will pay for their misdeeds one way or another. (If not in this life then the next) But the hackers aren't any better through the unnecessary misery they have caused to innocents.

Oh puh-fucking-lease. People cheated and now that they're found out, the hackers are the bad guys? That's ridiculous.