Are you excited/looking about the new entrants in Video Cards.?? [XGI/Deltachrome]

they make some positive remarks but I don't see anything positive in the benchmarks :(
The XGI cards are expected to be in the US by February (maybe the end of February).
Both have promise. I am however let down at the relative betaness that the deltachrome is still in. That card is 6+ months late, and still has some serious problems. That card would have been really good six months ago, but delaying it hurt them in the short run. It is good though that there are two new players back in the market making a go at it. The nvidia/ati market has become stale and uncompetitive with the highest prices I have ever seen. Back in the s3 days a high end product would cost you $200(250 max) at the most, now you are bending over to the sum of $500+. If s3/xgi get it seriously together with thier driver department they should start to tear away at the low end market. It looks like they both have good products, but poor driver coding. OTOH what would they call thier detonator/catalyst drivers? Deltanator, volalyst?
This is an interesting statement ..

As for the texture quality in the DeltaChrome pictures above, there are two things worth mentioning: first, there are no “inconvenient” angles (the anisotropic filtering algorithms by ATI lose their anisotropy level at certain angles), and second, there are no “simplified” tri-linear filtering like by NVIDIA’s solutions.

But definitely driver does need a lot of work.. and i believe if they manage to pass the initial bumpy start they can have an impact on the graphic market
I will get a deltachrome to replace my 9600np and sell the 9600np to make up for my foolishness.

Deltachrome, I love you.

Are you saying Deltachrome produces the best looking picture?
The drivers for the XGI Volari cards are called Reactor drivers.

I don't know about the S3 cards, though.