Apple's Interactive Transparency Report Shows a Rise in Data Demands


Staff member
Mar 3, 2018
As spotted by TechCrunch, Apple has changed the format of its biannual transparency report. While the tech giant still lists government information request statistics in the PDF format, for those who want it, they've also launched an interactive website that breaks down the information in an easier to digest format. Apple also published CSV, for those that want access to the raw data, and TechCrunch notes that the sheer volume of requests is on the rise.

According to the report, Apple received 32,342 demands - up 9 percent on the last reporting period - to access 163,823 devices in the second half of the year. The report found Germany as the top requester, issuing 13,704 requests for data on 26,160 devices. Apple said that the figures were due to the high volume of device requests due to stolen devices. The U.S. was in second place with 4,570 requests for 14,911 devices. Apple also received 4,177 requests for account data, such as information stored in iCloud - up by almost 25 percent on the previous reporting period - affecting some 40,641 accounts, a four-fold increase. The company said the spike was attributable to China, which asked for thousands of devices’ worth of data under a single fraud investigation. And, the company saw a 30 percent increase in requests to preserve data for up to three months to 1,579 cases, affecting 4,033 accounts, while law enforcement obtained the right legal process to access the data.
Germany's numbers seem excessive compared to the world , with a stolen device explanation
Germany's numbers seem excessive compared to the world , with a stolen device explanation
Maybe it is all the new German's or maybe the government trying to track down those who hurt the new German's feelings on Twitter?