Apple reaching out to new people

the only thing i know about that issue of Playboy has a pictorial of the chick from MySpace that has over a million MySpace friends, Christina Dolce. heh.
Black Morty Rackham said:
I'd rather look at purty pictures of Macs, than read a Playboy.

I don't know where I'd be in life without reading Playboy.

Like the "20 questions with Johnny Knoxville" article or the candid interview with Ludacris.

Man, I gotta have that stuff. :p
Black Morty Rackham said:
I'd rather look at purty pictures of Macs, than read a Playboy.

small advice. don't ever mention that again.
Black Morty Rackham said:
Silicon is sexier than silicone.
only a true macfag would say that. You sire, have proved yourself totally loyal to the Apple [H]orde :D
Black Morty Rackham said:
I'd rather look at purty pictures of Macs, than read a Playboy.

I'd rather look at purty Playboy pictures on a Mac.
CEpeep said:
I'd rather look at purty Playboy pictures on a Mac.
That two finger scrolling and GPU accelerated image drawing makes it really easy to look at print resolution images, huh? ;)

buzzard34 said:
only a true macfag would say that. You sire, have proved yourself totally loyal to the Apple [H]orde :D
Why's that? Because I don't find inflatable floating devices particularly attractive? :p