Apache 2.2 / Debian 5 - Web Server Security

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Limp Gawd
Feb 18, 2009

I want to set up a web server so that I can post a blog and a php script (kplaylist). I want to be sure I am setting up my web server and apps correctly and secure. Anyone have any how-tos on how to properly set it up? With current documentation -- not stuff from like 2003 or something (unless it is still relevant).

I have the following software installed:

- Debian 5 (Lenny)
- Apache 2.2
- PHP 5
- kplaylist (http://www.kplaylist.net/)

P.S. Any recommended web blog software? I really just want to set up a clean blog.
Make sure MYSQL has a root password
NO phpmyadmin
Disable any php Functions you don't need php.ini
Limit where scripts can be ran from with Apache2 httpd.config(I think