Anyone Use Ruby on Rails?


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 27, 2000
i just started reading up on it this morning and was just curious if anyone as any experience with it? It looks interesting and there's apparently a lot of excitement over it. But is it mostly hype, or is it really worth exploring?

For those who have no idea what i'm talking about, here's a link
I haven't messed around with it but from the video I watched it seems pretty nice. This instructor wrote a simple blogging app in no more than 15 minutes. When I finally finish my site design, i'm going to use ruby for the content management
I personally have not see the benefits of frameworks like these. I am not saying there are no benefits; I just don’t exactly see it. I remember reading about one know as Fusebox a while back. , though this seems to use other established languages.

I can study any specific field of computers day in and day out, hour after hour and I still feel like I am behind. I love computers. :D
haven't tried ruby on rails yet, but I did see the tutorial video. It looks powerful and robust but it was way too compilcated for me :-(
I've played around with it. I'm surprised more people here haven't. I whipped up a simple little webapp to display and manage my music collection. You could basically add, edit, and delete genres, artists, and albums. It was fun, but ultimately not a very productive experience.

The major problems with these framework environments is... well, the framework. For a little music management app like that in PHP, I'd have, say, a half a dozen files or so, each no more than a few kilobytes. With RoR, I got over 2MB of files:
|-- Rakefile
|-- app
|   |-- apis
|   |-- controllers
|   |   |-- album_controller.rb
|   |   |-- application.rb
|   |   |-- artist_controller.rb
|   |   `-- genre_controller.rb
|   |-- helpers
|   |   |-- album_helper.rb
|   |   |-- application_helper.rb
|   |   |-- artist_helper.rb
|   |   `-- genre_helper.rb
|   |-- models
|   |   |-- album.rb
|   |   |-- artist.rb
|   |   `-- genre.rb
|   `-- views
|       |-- album
|       |   |-- edit.rhtml
|       |   |-- list.rhtml
|       |   `-- new.rhtml
|       |-- artist
|       |   `-- edit.rhtml
|       |-- genre
|       `-- layouts
|           `-- standard.rhtml
|-- components
|-- config
|   |-- database.yml
|   |-- environment.rb
|   |-- environments
|   |   |-- development.rb
|   |   |-- production.rb
|   |   `-- test.rb
|   `-- routes.rb
|-- db
|   `-- development_structure.sql
|-- doc
|-- lib
|-- log
|   |-- development.log
|   |-- production.log
|   |-- server.log
|   `-- test.log
|-- public
|   |-- 404.html
|   |-- 500.html
|   |-- dispatch.cgi
|   |-- dispatch.fcgi
|   |-- dispatch.rb
|   |-- images
|   |-- index.html
|   |-- javascripts
|   `-- stylesheets
|       `-- scaffold.css
|-- script
|   |-- breakpointer
|   |-- console
|   |-- console_sandbox.rb
|   |-- destroy
|   |-- generate
|   `-- server
|-- test
|   |-- fixtures
|   |   |-- albums.yml
|   |   |-- artists.yml
|   |   `-- genres.yml
|   |-- functional
|   |   |-- album_controller_test.rb
|   |   |-- artist_controller_test.rb
|   |   `-- genre_controller_test.rb
|   |-- mocks
|   |   |-- development
|   |   `-- testing
|   |-- test_helper.rb
|   `-- unit
|       |-- album_test.rb
|       |-- artist_test.rb
|       `-- genre_test.rb
`-- vendor

30 directories, 54 files

Granted, 99% of that was auto-generated by various scripts, but it's still an awful lot of overhead for such a simple application. And to some extent, the scripts are a problem in themselves. It's been several months since I worked on that thing. If this were PHP, I could still just pop open the files and start editing things with my trusty text editor, save the files, and see my changes immediately. In this RoR framework, I'm not so sure. There's this whole suite of tools that went along with it, and I'd have to have some sort of tutorial to work on it again, as opposed to just a simple, dictionary-style reference.

Anyway, I'd still recommend that you try it. If nothing else, you'll get some exposure to Ruby, which is a great language, even apart from all of this Rails hubbub.
Sounds like RoR would be great for prototyping. The formula never fails, cheap/good/fast, pick two. I should check to see what's up with fusebox. Haven't done any CF is a long time.