Anyone use a soundbar for PC gaming?


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 18, 2007
Due to constrained desk space I can only really consider a sound bar.

Anyone have any recommendations on a decent set?

I still have my M-Audio AV40s that I hope to eventually re-incorporate but for now I'm looking at soundbars to compliment my headset setup when I don't want to wear a headset.
Sound bars are what they are but the Sony HT-ST5000 and the LG SJ9 are decent.
The problem you might run into with a sound bar is that they're probably designed to be 6+ feet away from the listener, so you might not get optimal results if it's sitting within 3 feet of your face.
My dad uses his Bose soundbar on his PC. his is a deep one, probably 18 or so inches deep.
He had AV-40's but decided to move the soundbar from the TV to his PC a few years ago.
I have that Sound BlasterX Katana mentioned above. I swapped the sub out for a BIC Acoustec PL-200 that I had laying around and the combination sounds amazing. I was coming from a 5.1 home theater setup I've been very happy with the change. The loss of the true positional audio was worth the loss of managing all that speaker cable. The sound levels that this little thing can put out are quite amazing.

The stock subwoofer sounded "fine"....sounded like what pretty much all computer speaker set subs sound like.
There's a saying (probably military). "If it's stupid, but it works, it ain't stupid."
My old man uses one of Klipsch's sound bars for his PC under this Samsung 4k display. Sounds great sitting right in front of it. He exclusively plays Diablo 3, so take that for what it is. We usually have YT videos streaming when I'm over having some drinks, sounds good to me