Anyone still play TF2? Looking for people to play with.


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 16, 2008
I just started playing tf2 again, and it's a lot better than I remember. Anyways, I am looking for people to run with because I am tired of hopping on to a team that sucks incredibly bad and we get rolled. Anyone still playing and interested in getting something started?
I still play it...but I suck. Add me if you want (I think you have to be logged in to view my profile).

I'll be away from 17 July til early September, so don't expect me to play between those dates. I usually play at night (east coast), but I'm moving to the far west coast.
my steamID is ekuest. started playing again about 2 weeks ago, and i still love the game to death. my first true love in computer gaming. i think my display name is DJ Roomba right now. send me a friend request and let me know its you and i'll try to play with you sometime. in HI though so a few hours behind you probably.
ekuest, I'm going to try and add you. I'm moving to Hawaii and have no gamer friends on west coast :( Steam is running so slow...

Which "DJ Roomba" are you? I couldn't find anything using ekuest.
Added you both. I am usually a late player, but you guys are still way behind in central time. Probably see you guys on the weekends.
ekuest, I'm going to try and add you. I'm moving to Hawaii and have no gamer friends on west coast :( Steam is running so slow...

Which "DJ Roomba" are you? I couldn't find anything using ekuest.

um, i should have a friendly-looking watermelon as my avatar. it should also say im either from hawaii or seattle. not sure if ive changed my location since i moved here. my usual display name is "slaughtermelon" if that helps. :) sounds good man, i have no gamer friends period. :/ thats why i mostly play single player games or local coop like trine and lego games with the gf. just got back into tf2 again because its too fun. used to have a bunch of friends and was in a clan for a bit, but i kinda stopped playing like 2 or 3 years ago.
I suck at searching people on Steam. I've tried all your user names and can't find you.
I suck at searching people on Steam. I've tried all your user names and can't find you.

haha yeah idk. i'll search you when i get home. you got a mic? same question to you, bravo. i find its hard to use teamwork at all without a mic, also its fun to talk to other gamers.

what classes do you guys play? my best in order are probably medic, spy, heavy, pyro. suck at scout, soldier, demo, engie. i used to be great at sniper but recently ive been playing on my htpc (~10ft screen :D) using an i3, 5570, and wireless mouse and keyboard so sniping is impossible and i have no idea if im still any good. if i get a chance to play with you guys this weekend it will definitely be on my gaming rig so i can use my mic and get better performance. sniper and spy are both twitch reaction classes so its hard to play either one right now.
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I have a mic when I use my headset. I haven't tried it on TF2 we'll see how it works. I play soldier and engineering primarily. My soldiering skills are mediocre at best, but I can hold my own. I play in my living room too (40" tv) on a wireless setup, but I don't experience much input lag.

Add me whenever you can. We'll definitely get some Hawaii gaming in!
ekuest, just shoot me a friend invite when you get home. My profile page is linked above. I'm going to bed soon, so I won't be online.
invite sent cod. yeah it wouldnt let me search for you either but your link worked. accepted yours too bravo.
I accepted your invite this morning. We'll definitely get some TF2 going in a few months, when all my stuff gets to HI.
I've been playing TF2 again a lot recently. Been playing since beta. I hate what they've done with the hat/item system, but it's getting them money!

Add me if you want. Steamid: cai
P.S. - Where's the [H] TF2 server?? :cool:

i thought you were gonna start it? :p ill add you when i get home skigz. i actually like all the new stuff. i havent spent a single penny on tf2 since i bought it full price when it first came out but the random items and free play get other people into the game and still make valve money, which are both things i support. i like that random item drops are pretty common now, just got a crossbow thing for medic which i really like.

cod, sounds good. can you play at all in the coming weeks/months before you move or are you gonna be going dark til you get to hawaii?
I'll be online this weekend, but I will be dark after this weekend until my stuff gets there. I will be on Steam via my laptop, but can only play RTS games at low settings. Hence why I got Trine and Trine 2 in the summer sale and C&C 3: TW (+DLC) a few weeks back. Bottom line, I'll be on Steam, but unable to play any FPS, graphics intesive games, etc.
I'll be online this weekend, but I will be dark after this weekend until my stuff gets there. I will be on Steam via my laptop, but can only play RTS games at low settings. Hence why I got Trine and Trine 2 in the summer sale and C&C 3: TW (+DLC) a few weeks back. Bottom line, I'll be on Steam, but unable to play any FPS, graphics intesive games, etc.

you got a mouse? i actually think the trine games are very beautiful and deserve a bigger screen. they are also better on a controller and with a friend co-op imo. just played through both with the gf on xbox controllers and we had a blast. C&C sounds like a good choice. lets try to play some tf2 this weekend.
I was debating whether or not to pack my xbox pc controller w/ my laptop. If anything, I could use it for Trials 2 as well. I hope to be online at night this weekend, but with so much going on, I can't promise anything.
I've admin'd a few tf2 servers over the years (Including dicking around in the back end) but I've never really set one up. Also I'm kinda new around here so >_> but I'd be willing to help/play with you guys.

SteamID: Sn0_Man

PS: use sourcemod. Its really the only way to effectively admin TF2 servers.
There is a clan called EGO Gamers, very active people

Fun Group with some servers.

yeah i used to play with ego now and then. them, lotus, and xeno were my favorite servers back in the day. recently ive been back on lotus a lot but i dont think ive been on any ego servers in a looong time.

i doubt we could get enough people together to populate a server, and there are so many more servers than there are players that i dont think its really worth it. we should definitely check out ego and lotus though for possible regular servers.
yeah i used to play with ego now and then. them, lotus, and xeno were my favorite servers back in the day. recently ive been back on lotus a lot but i dont think ive been on any ego servers in a looong time.

i doubt we could get enough people together to populate a server, and there are so many more servers than there are players that i dont think its really worth it. we should definitely check out ego and lotus though for possible regular servers.

I would agree with this, but might as well if we can.
fine with me. i dont have time to play around with getting a server up and running but if you want to we can play some custom maps/gametypes sometime. can we all add the [H] tag or is that an official process to get? it would make it easier to find you guys for me, and i would like to add it too since i have more loyalty to [H] than to any clan or other group. :) if so, anyone who wants more [H] friends for TF2 (or other games) is welcome to friend me (steamID: ekuest) and just put an [H] before your display name first so i know youre a friend and not some rando.
fine with me. i dont have time to play around with getting a server up and running but if you want to we can play some custom maps/gametypes sometime. can we all add the [H] tag or is that an official process to get? it would make it easier to find you guys for me, and i would like to add it too since i have more loyalty to [H] than to any clan or other group. :) if so, anyone who wants more [H] friends for TF2 (or other games) is welcome to friend me (steamID: ekuest) and just put an [H] before your display name first so i know youre a friend and not some rando.

I think what we will do is hold off and plan a gaming night to start it up. As for the tag, anyone can where it. It's to show where you are from and who you are. We a clan friendly, but we are also a community as well.
Add me if you want. Steamid: cai

i couldnt find you. your profile here says youre from florida, but the steamid "cai" says hes from edinburgh, UK. is that you? just wanna make sure i get the right person.

SteamID: Sn0_Man

if youre from calgary then i sent you an invite.

I think what we will do is hold off and plan a gaming night to start it up. As for the tag, anyone can where it. It's to show where you are from and who you are. We a clan friendly, but we are also a community as well.

i put the [H] tag in front of my name today. joined your game too but you left like 10 mins later. stayed on the server though and made some new friends. i think it was "skaid" or something goldrush. good server. gave away my 3 crates, and one guy ended up giving random items to everyone in the server. A+ will play again.
ya but do most people have the bandwidth needed to do so..

also for me at least, vanilla TF2 is so darn boringgggggggggggggg
I hate how most servers have all talk on. Teamwork is useless because the other team can hear what you're saying/planning. We need to find some servers that do not have all talk on.
agree. you gonna be on tonight cod?
I should be. I played w/ Bravo last night for a bit. Tonight will likely be my last with the desktop, so I'll be limited to RTS games until I get to Hawaii.
I would play some PayLoad this weekend, maybe tonight after work, we'll see.

I like PayLoad the most, it offers the most action intensive fun you'll get while playing TF, but honestly it can be a little lopsided sometimes as well.
played some good games last night. im really liking the skial servers. i think we played about 2+ hours of badwater. i know some guys there too now so we had about 4 good players with mics and that made it a lot more fun. my ping seems to be 100+ on all their servers though so i think i may be relegated to medic and pyro only as long as im in hawaii. :/
played some good games last night. im really liking the skial servers. i think we played about 2+ hours of badwater. i know some guys there too now so we had about 4 good players with mics and that made it a lot more fun. my ping seems to be 100+ on all their servers though so i think i may be relegated to medic and pyro only as long as im in hawaii. :/

Hey, I just caught this post... I know it's a tad old but not horribly so.

I'm glad you're enjoying our servers. Have you tried the LA servers? The ping might be a tad better than the Texas, Chicago, or NY servers.

Also, we have a forum if you have any questions (the site name is obvious LOL). I'm [TC]CreepingDeath on there if you have any questions.
Hey, I just caught this post... I know it's a tad old but not horribly so.

I'm glad you're enjoying our servers. Have you tried the LA servers? The ping might be a tad better than the Texas, Chicago, or NY servers.

Also, we have a forum if you have any questions (the site name is obvious LOL). I'm [TC]CreepingDeath on there if you have any questions.

hey cool! i didnt know skial had a rep here. i do get a little better in LA but i think my ping is like 120 in LA and 150 in texas, so either one is still laggy enough that i cant snipe or do other quick-reflex stuff very well. when i lived in seattle i was usually single digits or teens. there are definitely some down sides to living in hawaii.

anyway to any other TF2 players, i didnt do any gaming the last 2 days so my gf would let me spend all day today playing the new mann vs machine update. anyone else gonna be on? i should be on from about 6pm PST to maybe 110 or 11. might even leave work 2 hours early to catch the beginning of the update. :D
hey cool! i didnt know skial had a rep here. i do get a little better in LA but i think my ping is like 120 in LA and 150 in texas, so either one is still laggy enough that i cant snipe or do other quick-reflex stuff very well. when i lived in seattle i was usually single digits or teens. there are definitely some down sides to living in hawaii.

anyway to any other TF2 players, i didnt do any gaming the last 2 days so my gf would let me spend all day today playing the new mann vs machine update. anyone else gonna be on? i should be on from about 6pm PST to maybe 110 or 11. might even leave work 2 hours early to catch the beginning of the update. :D

I'm not officially a rep. Just a long-time [H]er that happens to be a Skial admin. LOL

120's not a horrible ping... One of our best snipers gets a ping over 100. Sounds like there might be a bit more going on than just your ping.