Anyone know of any games that use dual monitors?


Limp Gawd
Feb 6, 2008
Just got another Gateway 24" and wondered if any games support both monitors. Thanks!
As long as the game in question allows for custom resolutions and FOV, and your vid card, ( and it's drivers), can span 3d apps it can usually be done.
Few games have out of the box support for having your hud/inventory/notes/map open in one monitor while you game on the other. But I think MSFlight 9 and X do. Though I have never tried to use it in any thing but span mode.
Supreme Commander and Forged Alliance does it well but I'm not sure what kind of performance hit it brings.
Supreme Commander and Forged Alliance does it well but I'm not sure what kind of performance hit it brings.

I don't notice a major hit with 2 monitors versus 1.

Your milage may vary.
supreme commander is the only one i know of

SUPcom does it quite well. I dont notice much of a performance hit at all.
You can strech many games but SUPcom is the only game that i have seen that really makes use of it.