Anyone hear from user "Ins0mnyteq" recently?


[H]F Junkie
Jul 11, 2001
I bought two i7-4770 CPUs from user "Ins0mnyteq", from his thread here:

I paid on Jan 26th, and he responded that he would "ship them out today or tomorrow depending on work". I never received a tracking number or anything.

On Feb 8th I asked if these shipped yet. He responded back on Feb 9th:
Ins0mnyteq said:
hey, i was going to reply 100% yes but now I'm second guessing. i was positive i did but you saying you dint get it makes me wonder. ill find out in a few hours when i get back to my house.


You would think that this would be a simple matter of checking the tracking number - but he never gave me a tracking number.

I've got no further response from him and his profile shows that he was last active on Feb 10th, which was a week ago at this point. Starting to seem like a scam, but he has decent heatware and has been on this forum for a good number of years... I'd love to figure out what's going on. Thanks.

UPDATE: This guy is a compulsive gambler who is running these scams to fund his gambling habit. BEWARE

If you have been scammed, make sure to leave heatware feedback!
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Boguth 4 240gb sata ssd and a gtx 660 from him on Jan 18. He shipped out on Jan 24 but gave me wrong tracking. It was off by a digit or so but I just waited. Package did show up a few days later with everything there. Not the fastest shipper but he did tell me in advance and I was in no hurry to get it. One of the drive is DOA but I said it's ok and don't worry about it. He said he'll send a replacement but nothing since.
How ironic you post this. I posted yesterday about my ordeal and how he has hosed me for $210.

Mod deleted my post and told me to work it out in private. Gimme break. All I did was post what happened and his excuses to warn people and the mod basically dismissed it and told me kiss off.

Absolutely ridiculous to delete my post and tell me it didn't belong on the forums and now guess what someone else is getting screwed. Can we warn people now?
How ironic you post this. I posted yesterday about my ordeal and how he has hosed me for $210.

Mod deleted my post and told me to work it out in private. Gimme break. All I did was post what happened and his excuses to warn people and the mod basically dismissed it and told me kiss off.

Absolutely ridiculous to delete my post and tell me it didn't belong on the forums and now guess what someone else is getting screwed. Can we warn people now?
But, you posted it in the FS forum... not the Tips/Tricks & Trolls subforum.
I also sent payment for an i7 4770 on the 25th. He told me he was sent on a trip for some remote work and would be back last Wednesday. Haven't heard anything after that. He did tell me he would send a refund if I don't want to wait.
But, you posted it in the FS forum... not the Tips/Tricks & Trolls subforum.

Exactly because its not labelled as a BAD TRADER FORUM DO NOT DEAL WITH THESE PEOPLE like it should be. The majority of poeple on the forum look in the FS forum and maybe heatware when they do a deal. And what I posted was perfectly valid. I wasn't asking for help, I wasn't even calling him out. I posted details about our deal with dates and wanted everyone to know to use caution with him. I didn't even label him as a troll or bad trader etc. I was simply trying to be helpful.

And oh yeah where is my thread now ... gone into the abyss. Nice job mods (and yes I am aware they will probably ban me for this comment)
Common scam tactic is to delay so they can move funds around. The longer you wait, the more time they have to plan. Most reputable sellers will refund right away if they screw up knowing if it gets fixed later, an honest buyer will re-pay.
I also sent payment for an i7 4770 on the 25th. He told me he was sent on a trip for some remote work and would be back last Wednesday. Haven't heard anything after that. He did tell me he would send a refund if I don't want to wait.

And look at this yet another member who is having problems with this person.

Common scam tactic is to delay so they can move funds around. The longer you wait, the more time they have to plan. Most reputable sellers will refund right away if they screw up knowing if it gets fixed later, an honest buyer will re-pay.

This is 100% on the money
If everyone reported people they had issues with, their threads could be locked and their accounts suspended, limiting the damage. Posting a new thread that'll get buried in the fs/ft subforum (instead of the more tepid t/t/t subforum) is not helpful.
I respectfully disagree. I looked at the first page of this forum and there is one post about a bad trader - avoid on this person. There are 2 other threads about specific traders one about being hacked and the other is about a possible compromised account. That is all.

And how many people look in this forum before making a deal with someone. And even if they did what will they see on page 1 -- not much. Its more a tips forum than a bad trader forum IMHO.
I respectfully disagree. I looked at the first page of this forum and there is one post about a bad trader - avoid on this person. There are 2 other threads about specific traders one about being hacked and the other is about a possible compromised account. That is all.

And how many people look in this forum before making a deal with someone. And even if they did what will they see on page 1 -- not much. Its more a tips forum than a bad trader forum IMHO.
Disagree with what? You might see it in the other forum before it disapears under 100+ threads if you peek in at the right moment, whereas if you look here you will certainly see it sometimes even days later, on the first page.

But that's not what I said anyway. I said you should report it, and posting it in the other subforum isn't helpful (for reasons above).
I also sent payment for an i7 4770 on the 25th. He told me he was sent on a trip for some remote work and would be back last Wednesday. Haven't heard anything after that. He did tell me he would send a refund if I don't want to wait.

Wow that's really lame. There were only two 4770 CPUs listed for sale in that thread and I sent payment for both, so the fact that he apparently sold one of them to you also I think speaks a lot about his intentions.
Disagree with what? You might see it in the other forum before it disapears under 100+ threads if you peek in at the right moment, whereas if you look here you will certainly see it sometimes even days later, on the first page.

But that's not what I said anyway. I said you should report it, and posting it in the other subforum isn't helpful (for reasons above).
Yep, use the report button people!
I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, stuff happens. Seeing as though two of us paid for the same thing it no longer adds up, or he totally mixed up his orders and sent orders to the wrong people.

Absolutely ridiculous to delete my post and tell me it didn't belong on the forums and now guess what someone else is getting screwed. Can we warn people now?
Control what you can control.

You should leave Heatware feedback like GotNoRice did.
Exactly because its not labelled as a BAD TRADER FORUM DO NOT DEAL WITH THESE PEOPLE like it should be. The majority of poeple on the forum look in the FS forum and maybe heatware when they do a deal. And what I posted was perfectly valid. I wasn't asking for help, I wasn't even calling him out. I posted details about our deal with dates and wanted everyone to know to use caution with him. I didn't even label him as a troll or bad trader etc. I was simply trying to be helpful.

And oh yeah where is my thread now ... gone into the abyss. Nice job mods (and yes I am aware they will probably ban me for this comment)
Maybe instead of continuing to bitch in a forum about it you could hit the report button and I don’t know, ask the mods DIRECTLY about your concern.
I respectfully disagree. I looked at the first page of this forum and there is one post about a bad trader - avoid on this person. There are 2 other threads about specific traders one about being hacked and the other is about a possible compromised account. That is all.

And how many people look in this forum before making a deal with someone. And even if they did what will they see on page 1 -- not much. Its more a tips forum than a bad trader forum IMHO.
It’s how it’s been for years and seems to work just fine for the rest of us. If I had issues I posted in that forum. The fs/t forum does not need to be littered with topics like these.
Same here, bought the 2TB MX500 he had on there on Feb 1, took over a week after he said he'd ship just to reply, and then haven't heard from him since the 10th. Chalking it up as a loss at this point, it was only $120, which is a great price on a 2TB drive but nothing phenomenal or super suspicious (e.g. RTX 3000 MSRP sales), which is what made me go for it in the first place.
I bought 3 CPUs from him from the same thread within the same time frame. Although he delayed the shipment for a few days, he did deliver them. I don't think he is scamming people, probably just overwhelmed with work and other responsibilities, it doesn't excuse his behavior and everyone has a right to be upset in this situation, I would be. I'm glad my order was delivered.
The consistent pattern of taking others' money and not shipping and not communicating is a problem. If you sold something, you entered into a contract of shipping the product or providing a service in a timely matter (eBay standard is 3 business days). If you are not sure if you can meet the commitment, be it work or life, you should not be selling. It is that simple.
At this point you should have filed a claim with PayPal...

Oh wait, I'm guessing you paid with F&F or something equally without buyer recourse. Am I right?
At this point you should have filed a claim with PayPal...

Oh wait, I'm guessing you paid with F&F or something equally without buyer recourse. Am I right?

I'd rather take the risk than gift paypal money for something they had nothing to do with. No different than a cash transaction, and that doesn't make it okay to rip someone off. It's why we have heatware and forums sections like this. When someone has almost a decade of good heatware and forum history, that *usually* means something. I hope it was worth it for him, for the relatively small amount he took from me, because at this point it's my life mission to shit on any for sale thread he ever posts again, ever, on this forum or any other connected to his heatware.

I would strongly encourage everyone here who got burned to leave bad heatware ASAP:
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I'd rather take the risk than gift paypal money for something they had nothing to do with. No different than a cash transaction,
They do have everything to do with it if you're using them to relay money, and provide some protection from fraud. They are facilitating the transaction for you, and deserve a tiny cut for doing so. Talk about selfish.
Does no one check posting history before purchasing? this guy had 3 posts in April 2021 outside of FS/FT and going back further its not until 2018 he seen outside of here again. you are not buying from a member of this community, you are buying from someone that see's this place as their own marketplace.
Looks like this guy is conning people here to fund his Gambling habit:
10 days ago

Started in 98 literally the day after we saw rounders, bought all the books started cleaning up around rubidoux, then discovered online poker I was actually able to amass a bankroll of around $500k playing husng on stars, then black Friday happened I gamboled half my bankroll in two weeks and decided to quit after busting the main event in 2010. In 2018 played a $400 tournament with my friend from work and won $1300, the proceeded to play some guy named 5humans on acr and lost about 10k playing husng.Decided I was nowhere near as good as I thought, but I wanted to do this for the rest of my life.

to finish up i now treat this like I treated my job, I research, study, I don't chase cards or action or dreams winning the main on ESPN.

I started playing again full time Feb 1st. After grinding a roll mostly live playing 3 days a week in Maryland. I am going to finish my days as a middle tier grinder, cause at 43 it's unlikely I can be as good as the top pros but I'm here and I'm making money doing what I love.
From some of the reddit posts, he's sure pretending to make bank playing poker and doing what he loves. When in reality he's broke and needs to steal money from here to fund his $200 full tilt poker account.