Anyone ever create their own home page?

Stang Man

Jan 19, 2002
I'd like to code up a single html file that will syndicate rss feeds from whatever sites I want, and automatically post stories in the order they were published. This would be very similar to Google/ig (personalized homepage), but this is something I dont want to log in for and would either keep locally on my machine or publish to my own website.

Anyone ever do this? TIA.
I believe you're just looking for an RSS reader, then. Right?
I would just use an rss reader (there are many free ones out there) or email client with rss functionality for that. Just open it and read, it would be the same as opening a browser and reading.

With that said, you could either host a file locally (web server + php) or use a remote server with a php file that sucks them all in. There are several php libraries out there for parsing rss feeds or you could make your own with the xml exentions.

Unless you are looking to learn how to work with rss feeds and some scripting language I would see that as wasted time though.