Anyone else think Halo is overhyped?

diehard said:
Ive said this many times and i will say it again, I have had access to all FPS games ever, having a high end pc for almost all of them, and the Halo series are stil the best FPS games, bar none, on any platform.

I'll have to disagree with you, there. Doom. Looking back, it's hard to grasp just how much of a mindfuck it was at the time. It was like actually being there, being the Doomguy, rather than looking down like in Gauntlet or reading about it like in Zork. To me, Doom has always been the Saturn V rocket that kicked off the FPS genre. How many people got started in networks due to Doom IPX/SPX? (Damn t-connectors and flakey cables taking down your whole network.)

From that perspective, Doom has always been for me the best FPS game, just because of how much of an impact it had. I'm ignoring "fine art" plot stuff, here.

I played HaloPC. It was fun, but repetitive, and kinda reminded me of the original Unreal. Certainly not worthy of the worshipping some seem to give it. Multiplayer was fun, in that "Goddammit, I've been bitchslapped again" way. (Being the only newb in a room full of CS veterans is humbling for the ego.)
alan.p said:
I'll have to disagree with you, there. Doom. Looking back, it's hard to grasp just how much of a mindfuck it was at the time. It was like actually being there, being the Doomguy, rather than looking down like in Gauntlet or reading about it like in Zork. To me, Doom has always been the Saturn V rocket that kicked off the FPS genre. How many people got started in networks due to Doom IPX/SPX? (Damn t-connectors and flakey cables taking down your whole network.)

From that perspective, Doom has always been for me the best FPS game, just because of how much of an impact it had. I'm ignoring "fine art" plot stuff, here.

I played HaloPC. It was fun, but repetitive, and kinda reminded me of the original Unreal. Certainly not worthy of the worshipping some seem to give it. Multiplayer was fun, in that "Goddammit, I've been bitchslapped again" way. (Being the only newb in a room full of CS veterans is humbling for the ego.)

True...but doom was one good game. doom 2 had only minimal improvements on the same engine, and doom 3 was basically a tech demo of that engine so id can sell it to other companies and make loads of money doing nothing. doom was completely amazing at the time, but as a series, ive been quite let down by every release since the first.
I differ, as I thought Doom 3 was the ultimate Doom. With the modern technology, it was amazing the atmosphere and sense of dread they were able to create. Doom 2 was a bit boring, and Doom 1 was obviously revolutionary.
Presto88 said:
Please tell me that I'm not the only one who thinks halo is a standard shooter?

flame away if you want but it wont affect my opinion

Yeah I never saw the appeal of it. It seemed to me that the majority of Halo players were kiddies who have never had a decent computer and would wet themselves over the tiniest amount of eye candy.
Replicant1911 said:
Yeah I never saw the appeal of it. It seemed to me that the majority of Halo players were kiddies who have never had a decent computer and would wet themselves over the tiniest amount of eye candy.
I was gonna post, but you just summed it up and hit it right in the eye
Replicant1911 said:
Yeah I never saw the appeal of it. It seemed to me that the majority of Halo players were kiddies who have never had a decent computer and would wet themselves over the tiniest amount of eye candy.

Kind of like everyone who praised Doom 3 eh?
Replicant1911 said:
Yeah I never saw the appeal of it. It seemed to me that the majority of Halo players were kiddies who have never had a decent computer and would wet themselves over the tiniest amount of eye candy.

That doesn't make much sense. Does that mean that a WRX or the Prelude aren't nice cars because I'm too poor to buy a Porche? No, but it means for the amount of money, they are very nice cars. Most people would say that buying quality for cheaper is a more intelligent decision. If somebody is going to get the same enjoyment out of 350 as another person will get out of 1-2k, who's the real winner -- especially when the person spending the 1-2k will more than likely spend another 3-600 dollars in the next 4-6 months just so they can keep looking at their eye-candy?

Other than the people that just say they didn't like it, I have yet to hear a non-PC fanatic response to why halo wasn't good.
I played the PC vesion, and loved it. True, the flood part was a bit repetetive at times, but the developers admitted that they ran out of time on the library sequence and had to kind of cut and paste.

The AI was amazing. In most games, cranking up the difficulty leads to more powerful enemies. In this game, the AI gets damn right sneaky on Legendary setting. Sure the FEAR AI is superb all around, but for the time Halo came out, I was VERY impressed with the gameplay and quality.

In fact, this thread has inspired me to reinstall it. Playing in a lan game setup throughout my college dorm was loads of fun.

As far as enemy types, in Halo you had Hunters, big guys of the typical, invisible, and superstrong variety, the short guys, the little thin guys. In FEAR, you have the armored big guys, the lighter armored mediu guys, invisible guys (a whopping three in the entire game), and two types of infantry. In COD, you have three enemies - bad guys in tanks, bad guys manning machine guns, and infantry.

Play the game on legendary and THEN tell me it's boring.
Reguardless of what you all think Halo will ALWAYS be remember as one of the greatest GAMES of all time.
IMO, Halo has the best console MP around hands down. I also expect some groundbreaking stuff with the upcoming Halo 3 :D The single player, however, is a bit boring. The storyline is hard for me to get interested in . . .

Overrated? Depends on what you look at. MP no - SP yes.
Replicant1911 said:
Yeah I never saw the appeal of it. It seemed to me that the majority of Halo players were kiddies who have never had a decent computer and would wet themselves over the tiniest amount of eye candy.

Turns out some of us play pc gamers as well as console gamers and, being adults, we can appreciate a game for being good - Without needing to argue with others because they didn't enjoy it.
theNoid said:
Reguardless of what you all think Halo will ALWAYS be remember as one of the greatest GAMES of all time.

LOL! Funniest thing I've heard all day.
I never saw what made it so good. The only thing I saw was that it brought a modern FPS to the console-masses. And not to be unPC, but this is one of the first non-sports games I saw blacks play. I mean, most only play Madden/NBA live, but how many see them playing an FPS?!

In that sense, if it takes Halo to get console players to understand the FPS nirvana, I'm all cool for it.

But I still can't put it as greatest game of all time...

I love FPSs, but they are MP games. Original platformers/RPGs are still better games in my book.

If Halo is famous for anything, I have to give it to the music. Of all the FPSs I've played, Halo is probably the only one I'd say memorable for its soundtrack.
To all the people saying "'s ok for a console", I'm curious. What PC games were so good that you think that Halo is not even in the same league? And please don't say Half Life -- most overrated game ever imo.
FoxhoundOp said:
To all the people saying "'s ok for a console", I'm curious. What PC games were so good that you think that Halo is not even in the same league? And please don't say Half Life -- most overrated game ever imo.

It's just a matter of opinion. To me, Halo was just above average in all of its aspects. Granted, to be above average in multiplayer, singleplayer, and coop is a great feat, and I won't argue that Halo wasn't a good game. I actually had fun a much of the time playing coop. It almost made the flood levels bearable lol.

I just prefer games that pick fewer aspects and really excel at them. Take Quake3 for instance. It was developed with the intent of being the best damn deathmatching (notice I didn't say 'multiplayer', I said DEATHMATCH) game around, and it succeeded (of course another opinion, but a popular one). Its single player element was only there for practicing running the maps really.

Example 2: Deus Ex. Single player. Awesome. It had no pretense of even trying to succeed at any form of multiplayer. It had good level design and a great (even if a little strange) story.

Example 3: Tribes (and Tribes2, which I preferred, though it had bugginess). Multiplayer, with vehicles. Simply kickass. People can talk about not being able to grasp the subtleties of Halo's l33tness, but for some reason either they themselves couldn't grasp the subtleties of Tribes, or they never played it. Oh, and tribes wouldn't let you carry "an arsenal" of weapons either.

Halo's coop was fun, but as far as being the best? Well all I have to say to that is:

up up down down left right left right b a select start

Now that's fun :D

Like I said, it's all opinion, and it's what the original poster asked for.
I would say that Halo is overrated, but not nearly as much as Halo 2. I don't play much FPS so I can't cite a lot of examples, so I will say that I enjoyed Halo, but not as much as Serious Sam or FarCry. I think it's an above-average game, but not one of the greatest games of all time. I would, however, say that it's one of the greatest console fps's of all time.
FoxhoundOp said:
To all the people saying "'s ok for a console", I'm curious. What PC games were so good that you think that Halo is not even in the same league? And please don't say Half Life -- most overrated game ever imo.

Far Cry, System Shock 2, Half Life, Unreal and Unreal Tournament, Half Life 2, Blood, Quake 4, Deus Ex, SiN, FEAR, Red Faction, Serious Sam... Shall I go on?

Halo is not in the same league as any of them because none of them are so repetitive and bland.
I hate getting involved in arguments over personal preference, but the above comments are hard to ignore.

A game that is (IMO) better that HALO...just a little game called, TRIBES!
For every one person saying Halo is overhyped there are ten other people saying Halo is the best game ever.
Kitt2003 said:
For every one person saying Halo is overhyped there are ten other people saying Halo is the best game ever.

Where did you learn to count?
CodeX said:
Far Cry, System Shock 2, Half Life, Unreal and Unreal Tournament, Half Life 2, Blood, Quake 4, Deus Ex, SiN, FEAR, Red Faction, Serious Sam... Shall I go on?

Halo is not in the same league as any of them because none of them are so repetitive and bland.
None of those games are repetitive and bland? Oh man, that was worth a good laugh. The A.I. in halo alone makes it less repetitive than half those games.
What I liked about the game was when I cranked up the difficulty from easy to hard it became a totally different game. At easy it was a standard FPS, but at hard it turned almost into a strategy game.
CodeX said:
Far Cry, System Shock 2, Half Life, Unreal and Unreal Tournament, Half Life 2, Blood, Quake 4, Deus Ex, SiN, FEAR, Red Faction, Serious Sam... Shall I go on?

Halo is not in the same league as any of them because none of them are so repetitive and bland.

Dude, have you EVER played F.E.A.R.? :p
Halo went wonky after halo 1. Halo awsome but Halo 2 was a piece of shit.

Halo 2 should have been renamed to : Monkey Bible Thumpers from Outerspace.
Halo is by far the most overhyped FPS out. You can argue well HL2 is really hyped, but HL2 delivers. I've played both xbox and pc versions of halo, along with halo 2 on xbox and I have to say the gameplay is slow. Compared to other shooters the movements are crap and it feel like the entire game lags.
General Crespin said:
Dude, have you EVER played F.E.A.R.? :p

I'm about a quarter through it, are you saying you never get out of the buildings? Even so, at least they are different, not the EXACT SAME BUILDING over and over again, ala Halo 1...
I'm going to go ahead and say that Halo is overrated as well.

The game just doesn't appeal to me... and has never appealed to me, much like the Unreal Tournament series.

Something about that futuristic-type setting and bland gameplay can't keep me occupied.

I can remember playing Halo's multiplayer on XBOX and having a great time with it, but the single-player portion was dreadfully numb, uninspired, and overly repetitive.

Halo 2 came around, and the multiplayer was jam-packed with more features... yet it almost felt as if the magic was already gone? It's hard to describe, really, but within the process of adding/removing things, I believe that Bungie made a crucial mistake and somehow damaged what was originally there and what made Halo such a fun game for multiplayer. Once again with Halo 2, the single-player portion was god awful.

I actually suckered in and bought the Collector's Edition of Halo 2. Within 2 weeks, I had sold the game. That's how much I couldn't stand it.

It just boils down to flavor I guess, and one thing is for sure: Halo just isn't suited for my tastes.
CodeX said:
I'm about a quarter through it, are you saying you never get out of the buildings? Even so, at least they are different, not the EXACT SAME BUILDING over and over again, ala Halo 1...

And you say I exaggerate.
I loved it when it first came out. But after the first "Wow" factor it got very "normal". I still have fun on multiplayer with friends, but its an 8/10 as some have said. Halo > Halo 2 in my honest opinion.

BTW Halo for PC sucked.
Halo was the Counter-Strike for the next generation of console gamers. Of course people on this board, a PC hardware enthusiast site, aren't that impressed with what Halo brought to the table because we've been playing the same style of game for years on the PC. We've had CS and Quake forever.

For gamers bred on consoles though Halo was the first taste of true multiplayer online deathmatching. It was a good single player game in its own right but the multiplayer is the reason it's still a cult favorite.

Superfly3176 said:
Halo is by far the most overhyped FPS out. You can argue well HL2 is really hyped, but HL2 delivers. I've played both xbox and pc versions of halo, along with halo 2 on xbox and I have to say the gameplay is slow. Compared to other shooters the movements are crap and it feel like the entire game lags.

Meh, I disagree about HL2 delivering. The atmosphere and physics engine are nice but the rest left a lot to be desired, IMO.
CodeX said:
Far Cry, System Shock 2, Half Life, Unreal and Unreal Tournament, Half Life 2, Blood, Quake 4, Deus Ex, SiN, FEAR, Red Faction, Serious Sam... Shall I go on?

Halo is not in the same league as any of them because none of them are so repetitive and bland.
God no, please don't. I've played most of those games and none of them were really as good as people make them out to be, except for Unreal Tournament, but twitchfests are only fun for so long.

I really hate these Halo+overhyped+emo threads because people don't realize that most of the attention that damned game even gets is from the people who make threads every 5 minutes about it being overhyped. It's not so bad now, but a few years ago, it just made me sick.

You couldn't even bring up Halo without some jackass coming in and going "bah Halo's not that good" "wah wahh repetitive levels" and generally derailing the thread into some emo-fest of PC fanatics whining like the success of Halo was some kind of personal defeat for themselves. Anyways, sorry to go off-topic.

To restate my opinion, no, I don't think Halo is overhyped. I didn't even know the game existed until I rented it from Blockbuster because there weren't any other good Xbox games in the store and ended up falling in love with it -- and I'm not the only one. A lot of people didn't expect it to be as good as it is and word-of-mouth contributed to it's success more than anything. Whether anyone agrees with me or not, Halo delivered, and that's why people "hyped" it, and why a good number of even hardcore halo fans were disappointed with the lackluster Halo 2, including myself.
No not overhyped, it is a great game to play with friends and beer and steaks.
K600 said:
Meh, I disagree about HL2 delivering. The atmosphere and physics engine are nice but the rest left a lot to be desired, IMO.

Totally agree. HL2 visually was amazing, and their texture artists must really be commended. But the game itself was pretty bland, and at times annoying. Compared to the original, HL2 didn't even stack up.
CodeX said:
I'm about a quarter through it, are you saying you never get out of the buildings? Even so, at least they are different, not the EXACT SAME BUILDING over and over again, ala Halo 1...

Lol, in halo you are in a ton of different buildings/ huge outdoor levels. You're grabbing at straws here. And if you think Halo had limited mobs to kill, you'll hate FEAR.
Halo was garbage imo. It looked promising when they said it would be pc first but then they went and made it xbox. It looked shitty, the controls sucked.
another one of these..

Anyways Halo' sucked ASS for their multiplayer maps, they had NOTHING to them, plain, boring wide open spaces, not like UT o Quake, or Delta Force where the maps actually have something to them.

Another reason it go so much hype was because how MS marketed it as if it was the first ever FPS for a console!, which for a console, it was a good release.
Halo is extremely overhyped, but only because XBOX owners don't know what they're missing. This is the same reason Doom 3 on the XBOX was such a huge success, even though it was one of the worst PC games out (or at least most disappointing). XBOX games can't match CS, HL, HL2, Quake (any of them), Dues Ex, and a huge list of other games. The hardware can't do it, and the controller can't do it. Halo is just the best thing they have, so they cling to it for all its worth.

If all you eat is sh!t, and you get a piece of moldy, nasty cheese....that cheese is going to taste absolutely amazing...but you're still not going to know what real food taste like. :)
Halo is extremely overhyped, but only because XBOX owners don't know what they're missing. This is the same reason Doom 3 on the XBOX was such a huge success, even though it was one of the worst PC games out (or at least most disappointing). XBOX games can't match CS, HL1/2, Quake (any of them), Call of Duty 1/2, and a huge list of other games. The hardware can't do it, and the controller can't do it. Halo is just the best thing they have, so they cling to it for all its worth.

If all you eat is sh!t, and you get a piece of moldy, nasty cheese....that cheese is going to taste absolutely amazing...but you're still not going to know what real food taste like. :)