Anyone else read about this? I thought it was hilarious :D

Sep 7, 2004
Valve normally runs cute little Halloween events for some of its games. Team Fortress 2 gets Scream Fortress, for example, while DOTA 2 had Diretide. Oh, except for this year. And boy are people upset.1

Once Halloween came and went with no announcement of a Diretide for 2013, fans of the game went nuts. The game's forums were hammered by requests and concerns over the absence, to the point where any and all threads even mentioning the word "Diretide" are being removed by mods.

And that's just for starters. The mob, outraged, then turned their attentions to other matters. One dumb sentence brought up repeatedly was "daed gaem, Volvo pls fix!", leading people to start posting on Volvo's - yes, the car company - Twitter, Facebook and even Reddit communities asking/complaining about the lack of Diretide, a move helped along with a Tweet by DOTA 2 commentator Toby Dawson:2

LOLZ even Volvo got involved in the trolling and responded to the masses. :D

To their credit, the car company has taken it all in their stride, even posting their "support" for DOTA 2 "fans" on their Facebook page.

Valve, hats are great, but the people want Diretide!
How to make a good forum thread 101: Put what the thread is all about in the subject line.
That did give me a chuckle. :)

BTW... Kotaku is not the place to go for PC news :(
How to make a good forum thread 101: Put what the thread is all about in the subject line.

Give the guy a break his User Name is MadHatter for Christ Sake lol