Anyone else eagerly awaiting Threadripper 3960x results?


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 8, 2003
been holding out building my next highend pc needed for all sorts of things , gaming of course, but also rendering and VM usage stuff. Was gonna bite the bullet when 3900x came out, then decided to wait for the 3950x and now im considering waiting for 3rd gen threadripper as I can really use the extra mem bandwidth and extra cores. Anyone else super stoked about the 3960x 3rd gen treadrippers now that the memory issue is fixed and the IPC of zen2... I know I am, and I think im making the correct choice in waiting even further.
do we have an estimate of the possible cost of the 3960x?
Eagerly, I don't know. But whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there, with open arms and open eyes, yeah.
Looking forward to the reviews and what the new motherboards look like, though I know this platform is going to be very expensive, and will most likely decimate Intel's entire HEDT platform range as well but at a much higher price. Intel knew they were getting handed to them this round which forced them to introduce much lower but reasonable prices. I don't expect AMD will underprice their HEDT CPU's this round anyway,
I am waiting as well. I need a new motherboard so waiting to see how the Ryzen 3950x and the TR 3960x compare. I kinda like the idea of going with TR and trying to nab a monster core chip years from now when they drop in price to extend the life of the platform.
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I bought one of those $200 1920x's on amazon hoping the new chipset would be backwards compatible, and give me an upgrade path for pcie4 and much faster cpu. Rumors say it won't be, but I will wait for something official. Not a great lose if I am stuck with x399, the 1920x still a fantastic cpu, and could maybe still upgrade to 2950x at some point in the future when i can get one cheap =p.
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Depends on x399 compatibility... If I have to buy a new board I might just go 3950x as it'll be significantly cheaper, but if they're backwards compatible I'll probably go 32c and call it good for the next 4 years or so.
It will be very interesting to see how well it does at single core/few cores workloads. The Ryzen 3900X shows promise here, but the old threadripper didn’t quite do it compared to the Intel HEDT. EPYC Rome doesn’t clock that high, so we will see. Hopefully it will be great, but if not the Ryzen 3950X could be the sweet spot.
I need more pcie lanes then 3950x will provide. Its a real shame their isn't something between am4 and tr4 on this front, I don't need 64 lanes, that is vast overkill, but i do want 2 16x video cards(plan to run vfio/project looking glass I need 2 16x cards not 2 8x cards) and 2 nvme drives.
I'm waiting but not eagerly.

I've owned both 1950 and 2950 chips and the 3900x blew both of them away. 72mb of l3 memory is insane.

I'm expecting the 24 core to be about the same as the 3900x due to clocks in core performance and not quite as high as the 3950x will be.

However what is more exciting is the 128 or whatever MB cache the chip will have
I'm also very excited at the massive amount of pcie lanes and 8 chan ram although it's absolutely proven that 4 and 8 channel ram is like a 1 to 2% increase in performance in specific usage scenarios mainly SQL etc...

I game more than I produce now so I might pass this gen because the 3900x is just that damn good.

But if that cache makes a big enough difference it might be worth my interest.

I hope the boards aren't wired retarded like 16/8/16/4. I'm hoping we get 16/16/16/16.

I'm also hoping boards aren't 1000 bones either.

My gigabyte x570.master has more than enough power phases to power a threadripper so I'd probably go with Gigabyte for the x499 platform or whatever nomenclature they end up using. Anyways its like a week away so hurrah!

I've already got the xspc raystorm for tr4 so I'm good in the cooling arena.

I might toss my 3900x and board for sale in a day or 2 or whenever NDA lifts. I have no idea when that is.
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I'm waiting but not eagerly.

I've owned both 1950 and 2950 chips and the 3900x blew both of them away. 72mb of l3 memory is insane.

I'm expecting the 24 core to be about the same as the 3900x due to clocks in core performance and not quite as high as the 3950x will be.

However what is more exciting is the 128 or whatever MB cache the chip will have
I'm also very excited at the massive amount of pcie lanes and 8 chan ram although it's absolutely proven that 4 and 8 channel ram is like a 1 to 2% increase in performance in specific usage scenarios mainly SQL etc...

I game more than I produce now so I might pass this gen because the 3900x is just that damn good.

But if that cache makes a big enough difference it might be worth my interest.

I hope the boards aren't wired retarded like 16/8/6/4. I'm hoping we get 16/16/16/16.

I'm also hoping boards aren't 1000 bones either.

My gigabyte x570.master has more than enough power phases to power a threadripper so I'd probably go with Gigabyte for the x499 platform or whatever nomenclature they end up using. Anyways its like a week away so hurrah!

I've already got the xspc raystorm for tr4 so I'm good in the cooling arena.

I might toss my 3900x and board for sale in a day or 2 or whenever NDA lifts. I have no idea when that is.
i might buy your hardware... lmk
It will be very interesting to see how well it does at single core/few cores workloads. The Ryzen 3900X shows promise here, but the old threadripper didn’t quite do it compared to the Intel HEDT. EPYC Rome doesn’t clock that high, so we will see. Hopefully it will be great, but if not the Ryzen 3950X could be the sweet spot.

Yup. Perhaps it will be a better 'generalist' CPU than previous generations!
I am waiting for the 3960x and 3970x release. Will likely replace my dual xeon x9dai. bios battery died and now it doesn't boot.

I hope the boards aren't wired retarded like 16/8/16/4. I'm hoping we get 16/16/16/16.
Not enough lanes for that.

64 lanes, minus 4 to chipset. Some boards might also take 4 or more for a M.2 PCIe slot.
I'd be reasonably happy with 16/16/16, and the rest goes to driving the chipset, M.2, TB3, NbaseT, etc.
It will be very interesting to see how well it does at single core/few cores workloads. The Ryzen 3900X shows promise here, but the old threadripper didn’t quite do it compared to the Intel HEDT. EPYC Rome doesn’t clock that high, so we will see. Hopefully it will be great, but if not the Ryzen 3950X could be the sweet spot.

EPYC are the highest binned chiplets, then the 3950x/3900x. The EPYC doesn't clock high because well that's not the market its intended for, that and they're stuffing 64 cores and keeping it at 250w. TR3 will have similar IPC to Ryzen but with a ton more cores. That said, I think the 3900x is the sweet spot. 500 bucks for that amount of performance. The 3950x is 33% more cores for 50% higher price. TR will bring a ton of lanes and ofc pcie4 which will be like an all you can eat buffet when you consider wkstn class systems go hand in hand with add in cards, RAID, NICs, accelerators, etc etc.
Not enough lanes for that.

64 lanes, minus 4 to chipset. Some boards might also take 4 or more for a M.2 PCIe slot.
I'd be reasonably happy with 16/16/16, and the rest goes to driving the chipset, M.2, TB3, NbaseT, etc.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the specs. I thought these new chips have 128 lanes and 8 chan ram?

Or is it 32 lanes per ccd?
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Maybe I'm misunderstanding the specs. I thought these new chips have 128 lanes and 8 chan ram?

Or is it 32 lanes per ccd?
It used to be 32 lanes per CCD, with two CCDs actually connected to external I/O (TR 1 and 2).

For TR3, all of the external I/O comes from a special I/O chip. 64 lanes is just speculation on my part, since that is what last gen had. I do know there are rumors of an 8 channel DDR4, 128 lane PCIe version, though I personally find it unlikely. There are more rumors/leaks to reconcile this, with claims of two different platforms to replace Threadripper, one with 4/64, the other with 8/128.

Either way, exciting times :D
Current plausible rumor is TRX40 is basically X399 updated (possibly actually using the same X570 "southbridge" since the 60 available TR lanes comes from CPU already, just need redrivers/trace design for 4.0) and TRX80 is basically Epyc platform with different firmware. The big I/O die bits shown so far has quite a bit of symmetry to it, probably meant to be sliced up as needed.

The key points to learn are memory type support, available lane configuration and what SKUs they decide to release.

An "unlocked" 1P 64 core able to max boost 1 core per chiplet (so 8 total) would be seriously impressive, along with enough lanes to cram multiple gpus, networks and nvme arrays all at the same time. Cramming pretty much all the important latency-sensitive parts of a program inside the 256MB of L3 won't hurt either.
Waiting on one of the 32 to 64 core ones, will wait for some benchmarks / pricing to come out before deciding on which one.
First thing : X399 is pin incompatible with Epyc. Future TRX 40 will be pin incompatible with X399 but pin compatible with TRX 80 which may be the workstation version of Epyc.
TRX 40 boards appear to be very expensive, not quite on par with X399. So as we quite know the future performance of the 3960X we would rather be interested in its price.
Needs to be less than $1000 to be attractive against recent Intel price drop and against Ryzen 3000 familly. My bet is AMd will launch it at at higher price, like $1300, which is interesting only for very professional workstations. maybe AMD is not interested in selling to much of them and prefer better margins on the product like Intel used to.
There’s a premium for the best technology. Everyone paid intel so now it’s AMD’s turn to boost their margins.
maybe AMD is not interested in selling to much of them and prefer better margins on the product like Intel used to.

AMD is quite likely interested in getting back to the margins they had before Core 2 released -- with retail prices that were embarrassingly high.
First thing : X399 is pin incompatible with Epyc. Future TRX 40 will be pin incompatible with X399 but pin compatible with TRX 80 which may be the workstation version of Epyc.
TRX 40 boards appear to be very expensive, not quite on par with X399. So as we quite know the future performance of the 3960X we would rather be interested in its price.
Needs to be less than $1000 to be attractive against recent Intel price drop and against Ryzen 3000 familly. My bet is AMd will launch it at at higher price, like $1300, which is interesting only for very professional workstations. maybe AMD is not interested in selling to much of them and prefer better margins on the product like Intel used to.

X399 is pin compatible with epyc, just no firmware exists for epyc to run on x399. I don't see them not changing epyc but changing tr3, makes no sense.

X399 is pin compatible with epyc, just no firmware exists for epyc to run on x399. I don't see them not changing epyc but changing tr3, makes no sense.

This is what the guy in the video affirms but nothing is proved. He only found an ID pin (which is hardware). What about AMD is trying to avoid killing an Epyc CPU put on a X399 by mistake because it's the same socket by using a hardware test pin to avoid firing up the CPU ?

So the conclusion is that Epyc and X399 are not pin compatible !
This is what the guy in the video affirms but nothing is proved. He only found an ID pin (which is hardware). What about AMD is trying to avoid killing an Epyc CPU put on a X399 by mistake because it's the same socket by using a hardware test pin to avoid firing up the CPU ?

So the conclusion is that Epyc and X399 are not pin compatible !

Yeah, he blocked the id pin and the cpu passed self test, initialized and then failed memory test. The system powered on and initialized, it just has no bios to support an octo channel chip on a quad channel board. If the cpu wasn't compatible it would fail immediately with a cpu error code, not memory error. If you watch it he even states they are identical and the only thing stopping it working is a bios (and that single Id pin which is, as demonstrated, easily bypassed).

In short, if they didn't touch the epyc socket for zen2 why would they mess with tr4 that uses the exact same socket?
Apparently they did tweak the socket, different PCIe lane configuration for starters.

I still think TRX80 is just gonna be desktop Rome.
3960x at $1399 is too rich for my blood I think, I guess I will try and nab a 3950x.
Not having a 16 core TR seems like a mistake by AMD. Even at $1000, it could have been a great alternate to the Intel HEDT.

Yup, at $1300 plus a likely $400 motherboard it ends up roughly double the cost of a 3950x. I'm probably going to soldier on with my 1920x for a while longer. If 2950Xs get really cheap maybe I'll drop one of those in, but I'm regretting getting rid of my C6H for the tr at this point as I could have dropped a 3950x in it.