Anybody else liking their ps3 more than their 360?


Oct 25, 2009
No trying to start a flame war, but lately I have been neglecting my 360.

For the record, I have owned a ps1, ps2, xbox and many, many 360's so I'm not a shill by any means. And for serious gaming, I prefer my eyefinity setup, but for casual sofa gaming...I'm loving the ps3 more.

Gamewise they are pretty much identical with the exception of exclusives (Halo & Gears versus Drakes uncharted and God of War). So that comes down to a matter of preference...but for me, halo is getting a bit tired and I prefer FPS games on a pc with a controller & mouse (I hate the keyboard and use a hybrid 360 control pad and mouse from pc gaming) basically the ps3 exclusives are more fun for me.

Its strange, I used to hate the ps3 controller, but now I find myself liking it much, much more as the looser analog sticks don't fatigue my thumbs like the xbox controllers do. This makes a huge difference for me when I play three hour NHL 12 benders.

Third the internet browsing capability of the PS3 is getting better and better. True its not as good as the pc, but it serves a purpose and its pretty sweet to go from gaming to surfing on the fly. I cannot believe the 360 still does not offer a browsing interface...which comes in real handy when your layin in bed and wanna check something out real quick, without the hassle of booting up a pc or laptop. I love the ability to game, surf, and then jump back into a game.

I know the 360 has slight graphical advantages, but they are not enough to override the benefit of the ps3's web surfing and blueray player.

Yes, xbox live is good, but PSN is almost as good and its free. When playing coop games on two different systems, I don't have to purchase another yearly plan with the PS3 and that is huge for me.

I dunno, anybody else an xbox to ps3 convert? Don't get me wrong, I cannot wait for Halo CE Anniversary on the 360 but thats it really.

If you could only have one console what would it be?
My ps3 is only really used for Blu-ray and Netflix. 360 always got the another of gametime when it came down to it.

If it was just for console games I'd take the 360 and day of the week but as it stands now I haven't turned it on since probably April. Pc gaming is where it will always be for me pretty much.
If you have a gaming computer, owning an X360 is pretty pointless. PC/PS3/handhelds are all the eclectic gamer needs.
I only own a PS3, and I agree with jedinat, if you own a PC, it's pointless to own a 360 since the best games generally are multiplatform and end up on PC anyway, even some of the 360 exclusives end up on PC, so you get the better experience anyway.

That said, the PS3 has better exclusives, but HOWEVER, the 360 has a vastly superior online experience. I think Xbox Live is a great service (albeit one you have to pay $50 a year for . . . .). But that said, it's not enough by itself to make me want a 360. Add in the failure rate of 360's and the above reasons add up to the reason why I don't have one.

PS3, I use mine for single player gaming experiences, mostly the exclusives and the multiplatform games like Assassin's Creed or Red Dead Redemption, my PC for multiplayer gaming experiences.

If you want 2 GREAT PS3 experiences that provide you with a challenge and offer a stark contrast to the easymode console and PC games that have come out lately, then may I recommend you buy Demon's Souls for your PS3? It's $18.49 on Also, Dark Souls comes out October 4th, I've already preordered my copy, it's the sequel to Demon's Souls.

These games are hard, brutal, and unforgiving, but they are very rewarding to play! See my thread called "Wanna see what a good game looks like?" and the Dark Souls thread in Console Gaming.
the 360 has a vastly superior online experience.

Yes id much rather pay for p2p gaming! Would make me feel good inside knowing i'm paying for what is free everywhere else, and hosted on other peoples consoles either way. But alas, something stops me :( Damn you common sense. Damn you!
The PS3 exclusives rock. As said above, the 360 ones are okay, and they do usually come to PC eventually. I don't like the 360, the interface is clunky. Also, for the multiplayer exprience, the 360 is not better. I've played cod on both ps3 and 360, and the ps3 users are more... mature. I played on the 360, and there were glitchers floating in the air killing people and spawn campers. On the PS3 there was just spawn campers. And not many at that.
Yes id much rather pay for p2p gaming! Would make me feel good inside knowing i'm paying for what is free everywhere else, and hosted on other peoples consoles either way. But alas, something stops me :( Damn you common sense. Damn you!

Derp, I said that the 360 has a better online experience compared to the 360.
This was basically what I was doing, but you can't get God of War III, Uncharted or NHL 12 on the computer.

For straight up console gaming I always believed the 360 was the way to go, but I'm now convinced the PS3s got more entertainment value. If your a game afficionado, your gonna have all the systems, but if I could only have one console in my bedroom far, far away from the PC, it would have to be the PS3.

My ps3 is only really used for Blu-ray and Netflix. 360 always got the another of gametime when it came down to it.

If it was just for console games I'd take the 360 and day of the week but as it stands now I haven't turned it on since probably April. Pc gaming is where it will always be for me pretty much.
pc owns all, but of the consoles i prefer my 360 over my ps3 for games.

ps3 is just my blu-ray player atm.

and to be honest i havnt touched either of them in atleast 6-8months

ill be fondling the ps3 soon when i get around to picking up SW on blu-ray
I am about the exact opposite. I started off with PS3 and find myself gravitating more to the 360 now. That could have something to do with the fact that I was pissed the dicked up Resistance 2 IMO :( But maybe the 3rd will get me to come back around again.
I definitely play my PS3 more than my 360. Mostly due to the exclusives being so much better IMO.
Yes id much rather pay for p2p gaming!

Yes id much rather pay for p2p gaming! Would make me feel good inside knowing i'm paying for what is free everywhere else, and hosted on other peoples consoles either way. But alas, something stops me :( Damn you common sense. Damn you!

I hope you enjoy identity theft then because for the price of "free" service on PSN you can have your very own thief steal your CC info and private information! Sony's isn't concerned with firewalls or updates (no seriously , they didn't even have active firewalls for the PSN servers before the breach and they were lacking security patches months old). Common sense? Right.

Has the 360 had any major security breaches that have resulted in the theft of millions upon millions of private customer information?? A portion of which had to actually cancel there credit cards because of fraud transactions as a result of that breach? No.

You will all gladly pay $9.99 a month for tons of other services and you can even find a year subscription to Live for $45 .. that's around $3.70 a month , I guess that's "too" much?

Anyway , my PS3 is currently collecting dust. After the PSN mega fuck up I never signed back in and I canceled my CC just in case since I had used it only a few weeks prior to the breach. The only things I've ever really used my PS3 for were 1. Blu Ray player 2. PS Media server 3. The once in a while exclusive game. The only reason I'm hanging on to it now is for Uncharted 3 , otherwise I would probably trade it in.
I hope you enjoy identity theft then because for the price of "free" service on PSN you can have your very own thief steal your CC info and private information! Sony's isn't concerned with firewalls or updates (no seriously , they didn't even have active firewalls for the PSN servers before the breach and they were lacking security patches months old). Common sense? Right.

Has the 360 had any major security breaches that have resulted in the theft of millions upon millions of private customer information?? A portion of which had to actually cancel there credit cards because of fraud transactions as a result of that breach? No.

You will all gladly pay $9.99 a month for tons of other services and you can even find a year subscription to Live for $45 .. that's around $3.70 a month , I guess that's "too" much?

Anyway , my PS3 is currently collecting dust. After the PSN mega fuck up I never signed back in and I canceled my CC just in case since I had used it only a few weeks prior to the breach. The only things I've ever really used my PS3 for were 1. Blu Ray player 2. PS Media server 3. The once in a while exclusive game. The only reason I'm hanging on to it now is for Uncharted 3 , otherwise I would probably trade it in.

Well that's a major exaggeration which I won’t get into.

I’d say the PS3 online is vastly superior. It does everything my 360 does but better, easier and for free. Ok, the one thing I do miss is the private chat rooms 360 has but it’s pretty minor if you ask me.

Yes I own both systems, I can’t say either really collects dust. That’s mostly due to my friends wanting to play games like Gears or L4D online. PS3 has the better exclusives IMO. Name all the exclusives on 360 this year that wasn’t a Kinect game? Gears of War 3 and….?
I hope you enjoy identity theft then because for the price of "free" service on PSN you can have your very own thief steal your CC info and private information!

Links to people that lost all their monies over this single incident, and wasn't just background noise credit card fraud? I have lost no money over anything that happened, nor do I know of anyone else, nor any person they knew talking about how they lost money... after any security breach it's good to change your details as a precaution. But, again Xbox live automatically "defrauds" you $50 a year, just because people like being defrauded. :p

1 year ago there hadn't been this single incident, so was PSN a better network until this happened? You can play on the network (for free) without using a credit it makes no sense why you would suddenly avoid it. No network in the world is 100% safe.
Well that's a major exaggeration which I won’t get into.

I’d say the PS3 online is vastly superior. It does everything my 360 does but better, easier and for free. Ok, the one thing I do miss is the private chat rooms 360 has but it’s pretty minor if you ask me.

I will preface this by saying I own each system as well.

If you honestly believe the PlayStation has a better online system, the more power to you. I respectfully disagree on all aspects. Along with, the private chat rooms being "minor". If you have friends being able to chat while playing a game is a much more rewarding experience. I remember buying Call of Duty: MW2 for the PS3 and attempting to play with my brother-in-law online. It was a horrible experience. Part of the reason I even play online is for the interaction - I might have just played with bots. Say what you will, downplay private chat rooms, I wouldn't trade them for anything. If Sony's Plus service allowed you to have them, I would pay for it alone.

The biggest deal breaker of the PlayStation was been the controller. I just don't find it as comfortable as the Xbox. That is the primary reason I stick to buying Xbox 360 games. My wife on the other hand prefers the PlayStation controller, and loathes playing on the Xbox - to which I say - to each their own.

I would admit that the PlayStation has better exclusives, and as a standalone piece of hardware, it's probably a better deal. But the PC is the best anyways, so this whole argument is moot :)
You learn to appreciate how valuable cross-game private chat is when in-game chat is essentially broken, as it was in NHL09 and NHL10 on PS3. Now mind you that was EA's fault, but the lack of a backup chat system other than running something on a PC killed it for me.

I buy pretty much all my cross platform games on 360 because of the party chat system, and it is usually the lead console during development which can lead to less issues. Oh, and I prefer the controller but I hate the battery packs. I like the USB system the PS3 uses.
I’ve had my 360 longer than the PS3. I’m no stranger to it. My gamer score shows it. I think cross gaming chat is a nice feature no doubt. Still doesn’t make or break the overall system to me.

I’ve played various CoD on both systems and chatting was just fine. I’ve played a good amount of Killzone 3, a ton of Uncharted 2 and even Fat Princess online. I’ve had little problem with the chat on PS3.

Have I had issues? Yes. Yet I have had problems but no more than playing L4D2 with my 360 buddies in a private chat room. I wouldn’t say it’s prefect 100% of the time but that’s too be expected I suppose.
PS3: Netflix and BD for the bedroom.
X360: gaming and the occasional netflix movie.
ps3: charges my phone
360: play co-op games with IRL friends (none of which game on PC)
PC: most of my gaming.
]|[ Mar']['in ]|[;1037787948 said:
ps3: charges my phone
360: play co-op games with IRL friends (none of which game on PC)
PC: most of my gaming.

lol. at least my old PS3 (before it clunked out - at least it managed to last through 3 xbox units, the longest of which was an insane launch unit :eek:) managed to be a bluray player :p

But now all I have is an U2711, and that only has one HDMI input... :p
I usually play the ps3 with exclusive or single player games (such as demon souls). Most of my friends are on the xbox360, so I play the xbox with any coop or online games.
lol. at least my old PS3 (before it clunked out - at least it managed to last through 3 xbox units, the longest of which was an insane launch unit :eek:) managed to be a bluray player :p

But now all I have is an U2711, and that only has one HDMI input... :p
I've always been lucky on the xbox front (though I'm lucky in general). My day one 360 Pro is still functioning just fine, I chose to buy a new black elite, because I wanted to. I would use my ps3 as a bluray player (and might still someday), but as it stands, I have an HTPC for all of my hd video playback.
Wii ... collects dust, not sure i've turned it on in over a year
360 ... collects dust, finally turned it on for gears 3, and was annoyed when I got the reminder hey you gotta pay for online... so i subbed for 1 month since it'll be collecting dust again before long.
PS3 ... collects dust, use to be my blu-ray player, but once burners got to $90 I put one in both my PC's and use them instead.
PC ... 99% of my gaming.

Tho I really should dust off my PS3 and 360 more often, I have way to many games I bought and then never played ... the PS3 I would use more, but I don't know anyone else who owns one, so online gaming is dull. 360 anything good for it, comes out for PC.

I will probably end up doing mass effect 3 on 360 tho :/ for the same reason I did mass 2 on it... I have such a back log of games to play I don't have time to replay the first one, and i'm attached to my sheppard :p
Pick up NHL 12, even if your not a hockey fan its one of the only reasons to own a console...they don't offer it on pc, so you wont feel like your playin an inferior version and it is fun as hell.

Wii ... collects dust, not sure i've turned it on in over a year
360 ... collects dust, finally turned it on for gears 3, and was annoyed when I got the reminder hey you gotta pay for online... so i subbed for 1 month since it'll be collecting dust again before long.
PS3 ... collects dust, use to be my blu-ray player, but once burners got to $90 I put one in both my PC's and use them instead.
PC ... 99% of my gaming.

Tho I really should dust off my PS3 and 360 more often, I have way to many games I bought and then never played ... the PS3 I would use more, but I don't know anyone else who owns one, so online gaming is dull. 360 anything good for it, comes out for PC.

I will probably end up doing mass effect 3 on 360 tho :/ for the same reason I did mass 2 on it... I have such a back log of games to play I don't have time to replay the first one, and i'm attached to my sheppard :p
I bought both a 360 and PS3 on their respective launch dates. My ps3 is still working like a champ even though pretty much never turn it off. I even play the occasional ps2 game on it (currently working on the original Devil May Cry). PS2 games are only around $4 these days, so that's a plus. Also, I do most of my online gaming on the PS3, as it's free and I have a large amount of people in my friends list.

As for the 360, I basically only play it when there's an exclusive. Also, 3 have failed on me already, so I try to play it as little as possible. Once my current 360 fails (and it IS only a matter of time), I'm done. I will say, the one major advantage the 360 has for gamers in the USA is there are simply more users online. If you're playing a lower-profile game like Demon's Souls on the ps3, it can be hard sometimes to find players online. Never had that issue with the 360.

Also, I do prefer the 360 controller a little bit because it has real triggers, but then again the PS3 controllers have the 6 axis support which can really augment a game experience in spots if utilized correctly. Heavenly Sword is a terrific example of this...if you've never tried it, put it on your rental list...great fun.

All in all, I greatly prefer my PS3. It's basically always on. I love the XMB layout, the PS Store is less cluttered than x-box live. When you add the free online, blue ray and ps2 functionality, it's got too many advantages over the 360 for me.
To be honest, I cant remember the last time I played a game on my PS3.

PS3: Gets used mostly for Netflix, Hulu+, Bluray.
360: Games, games, games, xbox live friends, and more games.
PC: Most of my serious gaming. BC2, CSS, and soon to be BF3

My Samsung led TV natively streams .mkv files from my external HDD so I just use that for Movie/TV storage. I also have it hooked up as a 2nd monitor via HDMI for watching youtube or streaming from some "other website" :D
i don't really see high demand for 360 for most of gaming pc owner unless they have tons of friends on xbox live network already
I use my ps3 everyday. However, if I had a roku I would only use it once a week. My 360 once every two months. When I do game it is about half ps3 and half pc.
Depending on what I am playing.
I really like the ps3 hardware.
At one point in time I owned 6 xbox's for lan gaming with friends. My living room looked like a sports bar, but each of those 360's RR at least twice. So xbox wise I've suffered 12-15 red rings! I have had my ps3 since early 2008 and it just YLODed on me last week...however, $50 later a teenage craigslist repairman had it good to go!

I enjoy Halo, and really liked Reach as its the most like the original...however, I find very little online enjoyment with reach (or any halo). Basically, halo is not enough for me to choose a 360 over a ps3...and gears 3, I'll wait until I can find it used for $20 like I did God of War III.

Originally, I liked the 360 pad better than the ps3 because I have large hands and I found that the 360s gamepad is superior for FPS (which is not much of an advantage because I use a PC for FPS). However, the PS3s gamepad is superior for sports games and 3rd person games as its looser thumbsticks are way more forgiving for long gaming sessions. After an hour, the xbox controller cramps my hands and thumbs, but amazingly I'm good to go with the ps3 pad.

Its been a three year fight, but the ps3 has won me over with cross platform console exclusive games.
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I hope you enjoy identity theft then because for the price of "free" service on PSN you can have your very own thief steal your CC info and private information! Sony's isn't concerned with firewalls or updates (no seriously , they didn't even have active firewalls for the PSN servers before the breach and they were lacking security patches months old). Common sense? Right.

So you'd rather pay for a false sense of security? Just because XBL hasn't been hacked, doesn't mean it's not possible just because you pay for it. :rolleyes:
I hate the build quality and noise of my Xbox 360. The hardware is really awful. 20 gb harddrive was ridiculous already when I got it. The design is an afterthought. Optical out on the cable??? My network connection seems to be about to go permanently.

Gamepad and graphics tend to be a bit better then the PS 3 equivalent so I more often then not end up buying the 360 version anyway due to this.

Both take a big big big backseat compared to my PC though which is way superior in every single regard.except portability :)
My PC does the majority of my gaming. When I had a 360, it was a lot of fun and I absolutely adore the 360 controller (by far the best controller I have ever used), but I sold it after I got my G73. I didn't really use it anymore. Most of my gaming at the time was either WoW or FPS's which I enjoy a mouse and a keyboard to a controller for.

I recently bought a PS3, which I don't regret but I could have gone without. A lot of the games I have for it (exclusives and console-only games) are fun, but very few are lastingly great. I'm glad I have it, but I'd be just as glad to have the $250. Once I get a larger T.V., I'll probably start gaming on it more.

As it is, PC is for gaming only, PS3 is for occasional gaming and mainly Blu-Ray, PSP is pretty much neglected like nothing else, iPad is for browsing/mundane tasks (absolutely very little gaming on that thing :p)

In terms of directly commenting on the topic of liking the PS3 more than the 360, I kind of disagree. I loved my 360 when I had it, a lot of the games on it were great and I had a heck of a time with it. I haven't had quite that experience with my PS3. It could be for a multitude of reasons (just bought the ps3, didn't own them at the same time, I'm a lot less of a console gamer now than I used to be, etc).
I'm a long term PC elitist who wanted to get a console to use with my new projector, I'd previously borrowed a friends 360 and honestly wasn't very impressed, the whole thing screams "13 year old" at me.

So I went to a friends house and broke my golden rule of not touching consoles in case of cooties (i'm making that up by the way, console cooties don't exist) and found that the PS3 in fact has some reasonably decent games, we ended up bringing his PS3 back to mine to play on the big screen and had a fricken brilliant time with Heavy Rain and LA Noire.

I ended up buying my own PS3 Slim recently, the attraction of the platform over the 360 is largely in part down to it's maturity, not how well the platform has matured but rather the age range the platform seem to be target at. The interface of the 360 is hard to take seriously, it's bold and colourful and looks like a giant colouring book to me, almost like a sort of "my first UI" that you'd give to a toddler, and the exclusive games tend to match, things like halo being a platform seller? It's this cartoony looking horrible FPS full of 13 yr olds smack talking over their mics

The PS3 just feels 10x more mature, the interface is sleek and nice, it feels more high def than the 360 for some reason, the games feel more mature with things like Demons souls and Heavy Rain topping my list of faves.
Totally agree with you about the UI. If I was going to design a UI from scratch, I'm thinking I would've done something pretty close to the PS3's.
Another vote for PC + PS3 getting you the best coverage.
PS3 exclusives for the win.
Except for the abortion known as Demon's Souls.
Not a huge God of War fan but they are OK.
I can't imagine never playing the Uncharted series. Infamous, Resistance, Killzone...I also use mine to play the Assasins Creed type games. Also played RDR on mine which was a really cool game.

360 is superfluous if you own a PC. Also agree with PrincessFrosty that 360 seems like for the kiddies while PS3 is for adults.

Plus that having to pay to get online thing is abominable to me. Would never be able to do that.
Demon's Souls is one of the best PS3 titles out there, I'll say that much.