Anybody buy any mobiles recently?


Aug 6, 2003
planning on purchasing a mobile 2600

was wondering what kind of mobile 2600's are coming from the egg

please post which factory(ca,nj) you got it from and results
hope they still oc good
ig ot a 2600 from the egg like 3 weeks ago and its rock solid..its a mobile too...ocd to 2.3 cuz thats all i really need it at but it deff can go higher.i dont know anything bout the steppings tho....
Got the one in my sig a couple days ago. Haven't pushed it any higher yet. Very happy since my old (unlocked) 2500+ wouldn't do above 2.2 at any voltage.
thanks for the reply
i see excalibeer has it for 110 with a guranteed stepping
might as well shell out that extra ten bones

anybody got something positive to say bout excaliber?
never ordered from them before
honkee said:
planning on purchasing a mobile 2600

was wondering what kind of mobile 2600's are coming from the egg

please post which factory(ca,nj) you got it from and results
hope they still oc good

just got a mobile 2600, its doing 2.6 right now
Got my mobile 2600+ from Excaliberpc yesterday. Didn't even bother boot it at stock anything. I tried this speed at 1.7V and it bombed. Upped to 1.8V and it's been Priming for over 25 hours solid now on air bolted to a Shuttle AN35N Ultra. Time to take her up a bit more. IQYHA 0401MPMW

thanks for that screenshot
only problem is they have 2 xpm 2600s

IQYHA:0401 XPMW or the IQYHA:0401 MPMW
which one should i get?

any advice appreciated
honkee said:
thanks for that screenshot
only problem is they have 2 xpm 2600s

IQYHA:0401 XPMW or the IQYHA:0401 MPMW
which one should i get?

any advice appreciated

The one I have that's running in the pic is the IQYHA:0401MPMW.
Trying to hit/break my target of 2600 on it now. Watch, I'll get to like 2599 and hit the ceiling! :p
I could. It'll take me some time. I just tried 2630 @ 1.8V and it ran Prime for about 15 minutes and restarted. :( Just upped it to 1.825V and started it again about 7 minutes ago.

My guess at 1.7/1.75, I'd be at 2500MHz on it -- not quite as good as some other mobile 2600's I've seen, but not shabby.
said fcuk it and ordered the other stepping

ill let ya know how it turns out
Yeah, let me know. That one wasn't there last Friday when I ordered this one.

Anyhow, mine's been Priming at 2556 (213x12) on 1.7V (BIOS) for almost 9.5 hours so far. I'm going to give 2600 one more crack tonight. I think it should do it but I may have to go to 1.9V and I don't want to do that until my water is setup.

Good luck on yours.
M XP2500...does 2.4 at 1.7v, 2.5 at 1.8v. With my oldish HSF, AX-7, idle temps are 40* and 50* respectively. Even at 2.5 there was no appreciable difference in speed that I could feel in my normal routine, compared to my XP2500 that was at 2.2ghz. But it's nice knowing its there :D
Trying mine at 2600 (200x13) at 1.75V in BIOS. Prime's been burning along for only an hour and a half though. Temps are much better at 43C loaded...
damn thats nice
hope i get anywhere near those numbers

i have a qusetion to ask though

is it safe to run the memory voltage at 2.9(overvolts to enar 3.0v)
with stock coolin?

will it fry my ram?
Anybody know anything about the mobile 3000+? I just saw they have those at newegg and if the 2600's are oc'ing this well I can just imagine what a 3000+ would do.
Pecos said:
What voltage are you pumping through that chip?

mine can do 2.7 at about 1.95v. i ordered an AN7 so i might actually be able to get a decent FSB with my pc3700.
Thinking about getting one of these instead of my 3200+, but I'm not sure if my board will get high multipliers and supply enough voltage. I have a A7N8X Deluxe Ver 2.0. Has anyone else used this motherboard and what speed / voltage / temps :D. Thanks

Also my RAM will go up to 400mhz at 2-2-2-5. So that shouldn't be a problem.
DarkT609 said:
Thinking about getting one of these instead of my 3200+, but I'm not sure if my board will get high multipliers and supply enough voltage. I have a A7N8X Deluxe Ver 2.0. Has anyone else used this motherboard and what speed / voltage / temps :D. Thanks

Also my RAM will go up to 400mhz at 2-2-2-5. So that shouldn't be a problem.
That's what I am running on right now...A7N8X-Dlx 2.0. See my specs and above post on how to get the higher than 12.5 multi to work.
i just ordered an a7n8x deluxe form newegg and i got a version 1.01, so that kinda pissed me off if some people are recieving v2.0, also, i think the BIOS was faulty, because i was in the middle of flashing an update, and i got a garbled screen (crazy characters filling the screen) and now it wont boot. so im thinking of buying anew one, how can i be assured a recent board revision? where can i order from). also back onto the topic, i have a normal 2500+ and i was curious after reading this thread why a mobile is better, i know the voltage is better, but the FSB is default lower, are they that much better OCs that they make up for that too?

natpond said:
i just ordered an a7n8x deluxe form newegg and i got a version 1.01, so that kinda pissed me off if some people are recieving v2.0, also, i think the BIOS was faulty, because i was in the middle of flashing an update, and i got a garbled screen (crazy characters filling the screen) and now it wont boot. so im thinking of buying anew one, how can i be assured a recent board revision? where can i order from). also back onto the topic, i have a normal 2500+ and i was curious after reading this thread why a mobile is better, i know the voltage is better, but the FSB is default lower, are they that much better OCs that they make up for that too?

Are you sure you didn't buy a "E" version....A7N8X-E Deluxe? I didn't know you could still buy the non "E" boards.....anyways, buy the "E" version. ASUS really has kind of stopped supporting the non "E" boards with BIOS updates. Plus the "E" has gigabit LAN and I think the new nForce southbridge with built in SATA and firewall....don't know for sure.
got my chip in at around 11 am in this morning
installed and left it priming at 205x12.5
at stock vcore

came back from work and
its now been ten hours prime at 2500 + + mhz at around 1.63 vcore(nf7-s undervoted from 1.65)

so it looks like both of the steppings at excaliber pc are top notch
id be happy to post screens later if someone would show me how
honkee said:
got my chip in at around 11 am in this morning
installed and left it priming at 205x12.5
at stock vcore

came back from work and
its now been ten hours prime at 2500 + + mhz at around 1.63 vcore(nf7-s undervoted from 1.65)

so it looks like both of the steppings at excaliber pc are top notch
id be happy to post screens later if someone would show me how

Sounds good lucky bastards with the NF7-S's can expect very substantial FSB overclocks. Everytime I see this it only makes me regret going with Asus in the first place -_-

I wonder if Abit will have a "NF7-S" for the 939 boards? Or is there one rite now already?
used to have the asus a7n8x-deluxe
fuckin thing would crap out around 200 fsb or 2200 mhz with my older barton

the nf7-s has been so much better than the asus in terms of ocing but the a7n8x is still a great board
honkee said:
used to have the asus a7n8x-deluxe
fuckin thing would crap out around 200 fsb or 2200 mhz with my older barton

the nf7-s has been so much better than the asus in terms of ocing but the a7n8x is still a great board

Yep, I've heard that many times before.. Does your NF7-S let you undervolt your CPU? My old IWILL KK266-R would let you. It was sweet, you could lower the voltage below defualt to the point is wasn't stable, up it back up a notch and the thing would run way cooler. This actually helped me overclock my factory unlocked 1.33 TB to 1.547Ghz. Can't do that with the A7N8X-DLX.
it undervolts the cpu and overvolts the ram
so if i put 2.9 max for ram it overvolts to around 2.98
Hi Met-Al - If your mobile Barton in your sig is running at 2.6ghz then it's running faster than a 3300+ PR rating - LOL. Try Sisoft Sandara and see what PR rating it shows.
honkee said:
it undervolts the cpu and overvolts the ram
so if i put 2.9 max for ram it overvolts to around 2.98
Nah, I didn't mean like that. I meant like an Athlon default voltage is 1.7v. Will the board let you select let's say 1.6v?

The A7N8X doesn't. The lowest you can go is default.
running 220x 10.5 at 1.5 volts actual under load(1.55 in bios)
for a temperature of 42 degrees under load
220x12 made my temperatures go into the higher 60s even with a low vcore

i think im gonna leave it at this until i see the need to bump it up
honkee said:
running 220x 10.5 at 1.5 volts actual under load(1.55 in bios)
for a temperature of 42 degrees under load
220x12 made my temperatures go into the higher 60s even with a low vcore

i think im gonna leave it at this until i see the need to bump it up

One word:


I think I'll actually get mine fired up today.
I picked up a Mobile 2500+ from newegg and it's happy at 12x200 @ 1.625V on a Shuttle AN35(n)-Ultra. I got the IQYHA 0407. It's got a lot left in it, but i'm not willing to watercool or get the Tornado quite yet :D
i can do over 2.5ghz on mine.. for only $77... that's hard to beat... and i forgot to check the stepping because i was too excited when i got it and put my computer together right when i got home and saw my newegg boxes...