Antec EDGE 550W Power Supply Lucky Draw

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Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Antec EDGE 550W Power Supply Lucky Draw


Antec is giving away one EDGE 550W to one user that posts in this HardForum thread. All you have to do is tell us why you want to run an Antec PSU in your system!

Please post in this thread only once! Open to readers worldwide!

I've got an ANTEC case - and would like to replace the old PS it with a proper ANTEC PS!
Most of the power supplies I've used have been Antecs and they've always been great. I'm currently using the High Current Gamer 750W but 550W would be enough for my system and a fully modular unit will reduce a lot of the cable clutter.
The first system I built was with an Antec power supply. I still have it in the closet for testing fans and such (300w PP-303X).
The Power Supply in my Son's PC just died two days ago. I would love to get this Antec Power Supply with its modular connection design, large cooling fan, and the color scheme he would love. Thank you.
Cause it's ANTEC! They make good PSUs!

And... Reasons!!

Thanks Antec for the support of [H] and giving away some gear for a lucky winner! :D
Good PSUs I actually WANT in my computers... unlike the crappy ULTRA PSU I have in one right now. Can we say "Explode"?
Always had good luck with Antec PSU's. Still rocking a couple NEO he units 24/7 they just wont die. Good build quality and substantial heft to it passing the old "If its heavy you know its got good components inside test".

Wouldn't hurt to have a spare on the shelf ;)
Have been running only Antec cases in my builds and generally use them in my own stuff and what I build for others. I am working on building a machine for a friend and as it is out of my own pocket (Got an Antec 300-2 already for it) a PSU would ease the burden on me :)
Great PSUs. Love my Earthwatts, everything I needed in a PSU at a fabulous price.
I want an Antec PSU because my dad's system is still using a basiq 350watt from so many years ago. It's still going strong but he's overdue for a new system!
I am in the process of building a new rig and was planning on going Antec for the PSU, great stuff!
Looks good, modular, great specs, good reviews, and free if I win! Who could ask for more!!!!
because when i started building PC's Antec was all i ever bought. It would harken me back to the days of Socket A thunderbirds baby. Oh, and it would look great in my 300, or 300 two.
Antec PSU's have NEVER let me down, I wouldn't think twice about installing one in a system.
I already run an Antec PSU in my current system. I am in the process of slowly building a rig for my brother to game on and this PSU would be great.
A solid unit, from a solid brand. I'd be most pleased with the higher efficiency then my current units. Its also pretty damn cool looking with that baffled case.
I've always run Antec cases and PSU's. The 850 watt unit in my 1200v3 has been bullet proof.

There is an empty Antec 900 that needs a psu for a system I am building for my daughter.
Would be a nice fit. :D
I've used an Antec PSU before and I wouldn't hesitate to use another one for a future build.
Building a new machine and have been looking at PSUs in the 500 to 600 watt range. Antec is on my list. Modular would be nice, and that colour scheme looks great.
Antec builds some of the best power supplies. Still have great memories of my tru blue 480 Watt psu from several years ago.
I've got three Antec PSUs running right now since they're what I mostly buy. I haven't had to replace one in a few years but I'd love to use a new power supply with 80+ ratings and other modern features.
Because Antec was my first and my last(current) PSU

CP-850 with my old Antec 1200 (still works!) , and now a TruePower New 750w
I've had many Antec PSUs and they always work as advertised. Never had one fail on me. Excellent reliability.
I've run Antec PSUs in the past with no problems, I have a system this PSU would go in nicely to replace an old Ultra that appears to have started having issues.
Quality PSUs; I have one in my file server that has been running hiccup free for years.
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