Another Teacher Suspended over Facebook Comments


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Another day, another inappropriate Facebook comment, and another teacher suspended. The future of education, specifically due to the educators themselves, is in doubt if the teachers can’t figure out people actually read Facebook…. especially teacher’s comments.

Still, teachers --- and others --- need to remember that posting on the Internet means anyone can read it. What happens in Las Vegas may stay in Las Vegas, but what's put on the Internet, doesn't necessarily stay there.
I can't think of how first-graders would read or otherwise be harmfully affected by the teacher's comments, but that's not an appropriate thing to say about children. Totally fucked up way of looking at it, and shouldn't be teaching with that mindset.
Warden/criminals analogy goes pretty well with how I felt about my experience as a student, can't fault her for that comment. It's just how the school system is, I think I had one teacher I felt was engaging and she wasn't signed on again after her second year.

As for the picture, it doesn't seem like she said anything bad about the girl she took the picture of. The other people posted the poor taste comments...... I am sure her as a teacher taking pictures of the kids isn't bad......but reposting them on the net in a public space is the worst thing she's done here. I'd probably wonder about a kid that had jolly ranchers in her hair too.
Pretty fucked up. the kid didn't just stick jolly ranchers in her hair it was a pretty cool hair prop. I thought were supposed to indulge our kids and teach them to be unique snowflakes and all that shit?

That on top of her other remarks makes me think she's just a dickhead collecting a paycheck.
I can't think of how first-graders would read or otherwise be harmfully affected by the teacher's comments, but that's not an appropriate thing to say about children. Totally fucked up way of looking at it, and shouldn't be teaching with that mindset.

I knew a lot of teachers who shouldn't have been teaching, but they were. They just didn't say the shit they were thinking on facebook. Because facebook didn't exist back then.
Suspended with pay? In other words her punishment is to stay at home and still draw a check? I want a job like that!
the teachers mocking the students photo were definitely out of line. As a proffesional they should have known better, that was just stupid. I feel for the teacher who posted the warden/criminal analogy. She was just expressing her opinions, it wasn't a failure as a teacher. That being said why is she friends with her students parents?? All the teachers I know have either gotten rid of facebook or use a different name so they can't be looked up. Plus ther're privacy options on facebook, if you are in the public just make it so people can't read your wall.
Suspended with pay? In other words her punishment is to stay at home and still draw a check? I want a job like that!

Well, you can always become a public employee union member and your in like flynn.
I don't get this. They said they were like criminals, so what? Are people not allowed to state how they feel about their jobs? Did they single out or identify a student.

People get too easily offended.
Teachers' unions are relentless, I doubt the school would have the balls to fire her.
Thing is dont matter what the teacher does good luck firing them.

US public schools are a sick sick joke these days and its just going to get worse.
Well, we've long since given up on the concept that the customer is always right. I wonder how long til we give up on the tax payer is always right.. Oh wait...
That little girls hair was fucking stupid.


I wonder how many kids tried to eat her hair..
I can understand the frustration of teachers dealing with this kids and YUCK... their parents.
I can understand the frustration of teachers dealing with this kids and YUCK... their parents.

If this is true...

"She told me her teacher told her to put her hair in her face and she took out her cell phone and she took a picture, not knowing she was putting my baby on Facebook and criticize her," said Lucinda Williams, mother.

Then I don't understand the frustration at all. And if you are really that frustrated, then you probably shouldn't have chosen that job.
I don't think she deserves suspension for the comment or prejudice, which probably isn't completely unfounded. but for being stupid enough to allow the post to be visible to any one who may complain.

I have had co-workers on my friends list, and happily made comments about work, and seeing my boss next Tuesday, but that's free speech among people who I know wouldn't be a liability. I wouldn't ever have been retarded enough to have the brown nosers, clients or my actual boss on my list. I don't think I would want some one that careless in charge of my kids.

1. Get rid of the unions.
2. Pay teachers as well, or better, than other professionals (doctors, lawyers, and engineers).
3. Demand the best people as teachers.

1. Get rid of the unions.
2. Pay teachers as well, or better, than other professionals (doctors, lawyers, and engineers).
3. Demand the best people as teachers.
Never gonna get past least not here in California :rolleyes:

This is exactly why my future kids will be attending private school.

1. Get rid of the unions.
2. Pay teachers as well, or better, than other professionals (doctors, lawyers, and engineers).
3. Demand the best people as teachers.

1. Not gonna happen.
2. Maybe if more teachers actually taught instead of just reading out of a book, hell anyone can read out of a book to their kids.
3. Depending on the school district they may not be able to afford better than they have. Some school districts can only afford so much, especially now with budget cuts all around.

I guess we are fortunate enough to live in a district that can afford decent teachers. In the area we live in my kids have it good and have good teachers compared to the surrounding towns.
I grew up in a shit bag town and decided I was NEVER gonna let my kids education suffer cause of a poor ass town that cant afford decent teachers. While we can't afford to send them to a private school they have the best we can give then.
Huh... suspended with pay? Thats kinda like rewarding her, you suspend her and still gets paid while she's at home sitting on her ass and doing jack shit.
I don't get this. They said they were like criminals, so what? Are people not allowed to state how they feel about their jobs? Did they single out or identify a student.

People get too easily offended.

Making a guess that the teacher is white and the majority of students are black.
Huh... suspended with pay? Thats kinda like rewarding her, you suspend her and still gets paid while she's at home sitting on her ass and doing jack shit.

While they decide if they are making that suspension permanent, which even if they don't will likely stay on her record for 6-12 months, hindering any promotion prospects and maybe even stopping any pay rise or bonus for that financial year. I think a fairly proportionate disciplinary action.
Heh. My pops has been a teacher in public schools for nearly 3 decades. The stuff he used to say about the kids EVERY day, had me thinking the world would be doomed to failure with the next generation. He had so little positive to say about his work and school kids, I wondered for years why he bothered. But he was smart enough to keep it at the dinner table.

I just have to wonder about the mentality of the teachers that are teasing and mocking 1st graders publicly. Far as I am concerned, they all should be fired for lack of common sense. Like my pops...I wonder if this is a field they should be in.

1. Get rid of the unions.
2. Pay teachers as well, or better, than other professionals (doctors, lawyers, and engineers).
3. Demand the best people as teachers.

Whats wrong with Unions? They worked out great for the paper industry, no one received any paycuts and they got all kinds of vacation time. Of course, the mills aren't around anymore because they couldn't afford to pay unskilled laborers $60k a year, but thats just a minor detail. Its not like all those ex-employees were spending the money as fast as they got it, so that now they have to jump on the unemployment system.

The sarcasm, it burns.
I'd say she's probably a 100% right in her assessment given the district she was in, but still dumb to say it publicly. Our large city school districts are complete crap in this country, the parents don't care, and the kids seem to do whatever the hell they want without punishment.
Well yeah can't say she didn't have it coming. Honesty should not be tolerated.