Americans Are Getting Tired of Michael Bay's Transformers Films

This annoyed me too. They seemed to do a lot of building up names of Transformers that MIGHT BE IMPORTANT only to have them...
last one scene. Megatron's whole "I want my crew" scene was pointless since it took longer to introduce them than they actually lasted in the next scene. -.-;

I thought he explained that he couldn't talk because he didn't want to tell his daughter anything that could risk her safety in some way, so he just didn't say anything at all. I dunno, it was all hazy.

Yeah, that could have let them cut about 10 minutes from the movie. Could have just had them show up, have their names be mentioned and that be that. I felt like that entire section was trying to copy Suicide Squad for no reason.

I thought they only worded it as he couldn't say anything as if he did they would be able to track him down. Although like I said I worked a few 16 hours days (1am to 5pm) the days leading up going to see it so I might have went brain dead for a few minor plot points and just missed a line or two. It could have been that by him saying something it is then proof she is talking to him where they could then use her against him as opposed to her just talking to dead air and them not knowing for sure that she even has a way to communicate with him.
Michael Bay is capable of directing good movies. Check out 13 hours, it was a very good movie and I didn't realize it was a Michael Bay movie until it was over. It was way higher quality than his other movies, so he's certainly capable of it.

If you haven't seen it, I strongly recommend it.
I remember watching the 1st Transformers in 2007 thinking it wasn't horrible and was entertaining enough to let the brain check out for 2 hours, I watched it again earlier this year and man that movie was just painful to watch. This is supposed to be the last Bay-Formers movie so a reboot will be happening in the next couple of years. I think the best way to do the reboot would be to take it back to beginning and show the war start on Cybertron something like the War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron games from a couple of years back, this could make for some good stories and completely removes the human equation.

Which knowing that they are probably not going to go forward with the series any more, they should have cut the mid credit scene since it sets up something for a next movie which is pointless if you don't expect there to actually be another movie. Although I guess since they filmed it already and very few will see it in the end it doesn't matter if they setup a plot that will go nowhere.
The new Transformer movies are an abomination of the TV series and original movie that I grew up with. I have only seen bits of the second one and it was 20 minutes of explosions with something like 1 line of dialogue, "Run!"

Scriptless garbage.
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The new Transformer movies are an abomination of the originals. I have only seen bits of the second one and it was 20 minutes of explosions with something like 1 line of dialogue, "Run!"

Scriptless garbage.

The 2nd is by far the worst of the movies, but the script issues are understandable. The writers of the movie only had three weeks to write the movie due to the writer's strike happening. So they had to rush the script in order to not risk delaying production. None of them have good scripts, but they are all better written then 2.
The first three movies side by side:

Well, I found a new series of videos to watch. To add to the crazyness of these movies here is a link to the Nostalgia Critic reviewing Last Knight without even seeing the movie:

I started feeling like that but then I saw Logan, and realized it's not an issue with comic book movies, but making stuff for kids with ADHD. We need to go back to plot driven stories where action scenes can hold a single camera angle for more than .5 seconds. I'm really tired of just constant scene flickering. Show action where the camera sits in one place for 5+ seconds and I'll be amazed at awesome graphic footage.

Fix the stories + use steady camera shooting, and I'll go back to watching transformers again.

Watch some old school Black and White movies, I guarantee you will quickly see how thinly veiled todays movies are. You will also see that no one can replace acting with special effects.
Only the first 3 Transformers movies were decent. I stopped caring and watching after the 3rd.
Meh, I'm not. I get giant robots and explosions. That's what I want out of transformers. Only thing I would change is leave the bimbo's who can't act out of it.
I stopped paying attention when Mark W. tried to save the world with his super model daughter and race car driver driver wannabe boy friend. What a terrible movie. I guess they thought robot action every few minutes made up for a plot or something. Mark did his usual best but couldn't save that turd.

That one was really bad :(
I was like, oh there is a new Transformers movie out? How many of you didn't even know?
I'll just wait for the Auralnauts version. I mean, look at how much better their version of Age of Extinction is...
Don't do it. It will RUIN the dinobots for you.

Yup, Grimlock went from being a "legendary warrior" in part 4 to essentially a big dumb slobbering dog in this. =/ And you don't ever see them in their robot mode, just dino mode.
As odd as it sounds, I think the third one was the best one in the series. It felt the most like the classic G1 Transformers I grew up with. This isn't surprising as the story was essentially two G1 episode stories combined together. The only issue I had with it was that Megatron was completely upstaged by Sentinel Prime, but then again Sentinel Prime was a decent character. That alone was shocking given that it was a Michael Bay film. I thought Age of Extinction was only slightly better than the second film, which to date is the worst one.
Well Bay figured out in the last film that if you pander to the Chinese in your movie it doesn't matter how poorly it does int he US. Unfortunately it continues to be pushed on us as if we really give a shit. Any other movie that made $100M but cost 3 times that to make, and probably another 3 times that to market in the US would never have a sequel again.

And no, no reboot, just let the shit die.
I am a Transformers fan and even still buy some of the toys. My huge problem with these movies is the character designs. I can even tell who the hell some of the robots are, it's ridiculous.

The "characters" all look like junk yards having sex.
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I personally wore out of this film in the exposition scene, where they made a two minute ordeal out of Mark's character not having had sex for a while. Every joke fell flat, across the whole theater. There was more laughter at the action scenes.
So I'm the only 80/90s kid who wasn't totally juiced on Grimlock and the gang in Transformers 4? God I love dinobots.

No, you weren't the only one lol, that's why I got it lol. That and they do have some scenes which make good surround sound demos full home theaters.
These movies just became islands of "cool scenes" that have barely a thread of connection. Fair enough.. I'll probably catch it in a few weeks or so when the.. ahem.. crowds die down.
I was on a 14-hour flight once, and Revenge of the Fallen was available to watch. I literally less than three minutes of the movie before it completely lost my interest. "Yes, by all means, let's send a bunch of infantry to investigate this transformer that can totally rip them to shreds! And let's have the helicopters hover 20 feet off the ground, in convenient King-Kong-type swatting range! And let's have the transformer be five times the size of the vehicle it transforms out of!" Yeah, no thanks.
I get so sick of self serving snobs hating on everything that comes along and not allowing people to enjoy things. Honestly sad people with sad lives spreading the misery because they can't stand the thought that somebody might enjoy something that they failed to find enjoyment in. Some people think it makes them look intelligent or else wise elevates their ego to bash on things. Honestly, it's gotten so bad that I consider most people's opinions on stuff as crap until I see it for myself now.

I enjoyed the new Star Wars movies. Doesn't change the fact that I've loved Star Wars longer then most of you have been alive.

I enjoyed the new Star Trek movies. Doesn't change the fact that I've loved Star Trek longer then most of you have been alive.

I'm so sick of people trying to look cool by bashing on crap to elevate themselves. Yanno how you REALLY elevate yerself? Launch yerself from a catapult and save the rest of us anymore listening to the nasty hate for every new thing that comes along. Now THAT is real elevation...
These movies just became islands of "cool scenes" that have barely a thread of connection. Fair enough.. I'll probably catch it in a few weeks or so when the.. ahem.. crowds die down.

I can almost promise you that there will be no crowd if you go see it. Although have a feeling you are actually saying you will wait till you can pirate the movie to see it.
No.. no pirating here. Legitimate Thursday evening movie trips.
I'm tired of seeing Mark Wahlberg... But, yea... Transformers has been raped... like
I get so sick of self serving snobs hating on everything that comes along and not allowing people to enjoy things. Honestly sad people with sad lives spreading the misery because they can't stand the thought that somebody might enjoy something that they failed to find enjoyment in. Some people think it makes them look intelligent or else wise elevates their ego to bash on things. Honestly, it's gotten so bad that I consider most people's opinions on stuff as crap until I see it for myself now.

I enjoyed the new Star Wars movies. Doesn't change the fact that I've loved Star Wars longer then most of you have been alive.

I enjoyed the new Star Trek movies. Doesn't change the fact that I've loved Star Trek longer then most of you have been alive.

I'm so sick of people trying to look cool by bashing on crap to elevate themselves. Yanno how you REALLY elevate yerself? Launch yerself from a catapult and save the rest of us anymore listening to the nasty hate for every new thing that comes along. Now THAT is real elevation...

Ok hipster grandpa, you're so damn cool for liking crap. More power to that mid-life there. No no, the kids totally said you were dope.
I get so sick of self serving snobs hating on everything that comes along and not allowing people to enjoy things.
Sorry about how Americans are getting tired of Michael Bay movies, and sure enough some Americans are agreeing with the article about how "we" are tired of Michael Bay movies.

So yeah granddad there's nothing self serving about it, there's nothing snobbish about it, these are shitty movies who fucking tarshished my views of childhood.

And you want to talk self serving? Try using your own age as a point of authority... oh hey you liked someone longer than most of some group have been alive. Hey you're old I get it, my father is older than me too, doesn't mean that his advise on what is good in the world means anything.
If you let people "not allow you to like something", you have bigger issues.

I get so sick of self serving snobs hating on everything that comes along and not allowing people to enjoy things. Honestly sad people with sad lives spreading the misery because they can't stand the thought that somebody might enjoy something that they failed to find enjoyment in. Some people think it makes them look intelligent or else wise elevates their ego to bash on things. Honestly, it's gotten so bad that I consider most people's opinions on stuff as crap until I see it for myself now.

I enjoyed the new Star Wars movies. Doesn't change the fact that I've loved Star Wars longer then most of you have been alive.

I enjoyed the new Star Trek movies. Doesn't change the fact that I've loved Star Trek longer then most of you have been alive.

I'm so sick of people trying to look cool by bashing on crap to elevate themselves. Yanno how you REALLY elevate yerself? Launch yerself from a catapult and save the rest of us anymore listening to the nasty hate for every new thing that comes along. Now THAT is real elevation...
I love the Transformer movies. Haven't watched the new one yet. But, they are good for some action and kick ass explosions. Weak on the plot and story, but sometimes I want a bunch of shit blowing up and big fucking robots! :)

Comic book movies? Love 'em. Still loving every new one that comes out.
I get so sick of self serving snobs hating on everything that comes along and not allowing people to enjoy things. Honestly sad people with sad lives spreading the misery because they can't stand the thought that somebody might enjoy something that they failed to find enjoyment in.
The Last Knight was genuinely a pretty bad movie. I actually liked most of the other ones (if I mentally discard stupid stuff like robots peeing oil and humping girl's legs) and even *I* couldn't appreciate this one. It really felt like Bay wanted to bail on this franchise and was 100% certain nobody was gonna ask for a fifth movie but COME ON PLZZZZZZ WE NEED YOU and he was like "jfc ok if it gets you people away from me" but then the studio demanded stuff like "young independent girl mary sue" cuz ya know Star Wars had one and WE NEED LOTS OF NEW ROBOTS even though most of them serve zero purpose except maybe to sell toys? When I can see a scene start, see a thing, and be like "the studio probably told him to put that" then ya know, it ruins the fluidity of the story.