AMDs 2nd gen Ryzen mobo support


Jun 19, 2001
Will existing motherboards support the 2nd gen Ryzens like the 2600/2600x out of the box or will they require a BIOS update?

If not, how can I tell if a motherboard supports updating without a working CPU? Supposedly these exist now?

I would say older boards will need a BIOS update, always check the manufacturers website. It may already been patched in.

My only concern would be boxed mobos from last year that never left storage, shelf, etc....
my guess is they'll probably extend the loaner cpu thing from mobo manufactures/amd for zen+ as well.
EEPROM programmer and soic clip start around 30 bucks, some boards have dedicated pins or socketed bios and you don't even need the clip.

This is about the 15th time this kind of tool has been useful in the last decade, just counting PC motherboards.
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start around 30 bucks

You know you're getting old when it clicks a few hours later..
I mean i actually read it, liked it and, oops, memory flush. Where were we, lol

You know you can do this with a grand total of 5 bucks, right? CH341A or whatever it's called? Amazing quality, straight from deep China!