1070 is easily found for $430 or less, and 1080s have been $465-500. Coming a year later is one thing, but coming with 2-3x the power draw for the same performance? Thats where it falls flat for me. I personally dont care about the consumption part (though many others would), but the heat/noise that it brings with it, I do.
Also Nvidia cards hold value more then AMD cards do for resale.
As for mining, these cards wont be that appealing because they use HBM2 memory which is slower for mining, and they have huge power draw. Any miner considering a $400 card will take a 1070 hands down. And "most" gamers will take the 1070 even if its $30 more just because its Nvidia that has less driver issues.
Its weird times when AMD is competitive in the CPU department, and not the GPU
Also Nvidia cards hold value more then AMD cards do for resale.
As for mining, these cards wont be that appealing because they use HBM2 memory which is slower for mining, and they have huge power draw. Any miner considering a $400 card will take a 1070 hands down. And "most" gamers will take the 1070 even if its $30 more just because its Nvidia that has less driver issues.
Its weird times when AMD is competitive in the CPU department, and not the GPU