AMD Announces new CEO

Hopefully he can do something with AMD. His background from IBM is positive good fit for AMD.

Unlike the last 2 CEO's.... :mad:
I'm actually relieved. Over the years I have seen several up and coming companies that put a CEO in place that destroyed the company. This usually happens when the market challenges are view as insurmountable by the CEO. They decide to "punt" rather than to take on the challenges.
It always comes down to doing what is easy instead of doing what is hard. Doing what is easy is short lived gains, but no long term success. Doing what is hard can lead to a flat short term, but a successful company in the long run.

I like AMD. Not because they are the biggest or the best; but because they put serious computing power in my hands at an affordable price.
If Intel was the only company with a quad core processor it would be $500. We can be thankful they are not.
Lets hope the first thing this guy does is "Lets give these boyz some real bench marks ... Put up the Bulldozer stats to all the fan/review sites"

and then he gives us a release date ...
Lets hope the first thing this guy does is "Lets give these boyz some real bench marks ... Put up the Bulldozer stats to all the fan/review sites"

and then he gives us a release date ...

Lets hope the first thing this guy does is "Lets give these boyz some real bench marks ... Put up the Bulldozer stats to all the fan/review sites"

and then he gives us a release date ...

I think he is an excellent choice,his contacts within lenovo should be beneficial to AMD,as a bridge between the companies.

I wish AMD smooth sailing.:)
Hope he has fun dancing with a 800lb gorilla, intel is a tough one. Best of luck tho!