Amazon Working on New Body Shaming Technology


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
If you just thought you were fat and ugly, wait till Amazon is working on showing you just how fat and ugly you really are so that it can sell you more clothes. The kids over at The Conversation are very worried about what happens to you when you see a 3D body scan of yourself. It is going to make you feel sadder and worse about your appearance. Of course they are assuming that you were sad about it in the first place. On the upside, tubetop sales in the deep south have fallen to all time lows. In other news, mirrors are under heavy scrutiny as well and Scotland Yard is rumored to be looking at breaking all of those in Britain under new hate speech laws. Yes folks, truth is stranger than fiction nowadays.

Amazon is reportedly looking for people who are willing to have their bodies scanned in 3D in order to track and measure subtle changes in their sizes and shapes. It’s part of the company’s broader push to sell more clothes by more accurately predicting how garments will fit different body shapes.

But Amazon may not be considering the psychological effects 3D body scans can have on consumers.
Honestly I do like the idea of body scanning to create the best fit for clothes. Might be better geared toward suits or custom dresses or scuba gear etc etc than maybe jeans and shirts.

But now I am picturing like how amazon does for car parts "this part will not fit on your vehicle" will become "these pants will not fit on your fat ass. please select filter options"
I think it could be positive. People already know if they are overweight, have love handles, etc. Amazon isn't likely to tell them anything they don't know.
But it can be hard for people to buy clothes after having kids or carrying extra weight, having a thick neck, long arms, etc. Stores might be more likely to cater to these people if they know what the size of the target market is.
Nothing Amazon does is ethical. They essentially run a giant dystopian slave network that pimps their subsidized shit to everyone. Simply search for all the atrocities of this hyper douche Jeff Bozo and you will be amazed at what you read and it's damn near all verifiably true. Hot off the press is his desire to provide real-time constant facial recognition to police around the world. Think 24-7 surveillance state. Something right out of 1984.
Have you ever sat down and read some of the 'reviews' customers leave for items? It's insane how deluded people have gotten. If yer fat.. you deserve to be called on it when and if you decide to squeeze your 35lbs of potato ass into 10 lbs pf potato pants.
Fat and ugly people don't look in mirrors?

The whole story is batshit crazy.
Fat and ugly people don't look in mirrors?

The whole story is batshit crazy.
I think it's kind of like listening to your own voice that has been recorded. "Do I actually sound like that? I sound like a tool." When you are talking, you hear how it sounds inside your own head. Same thing for mirrors. You see yourself, but you know what you already look like in the mirror. But that 3D scan of yourself - "That can't possibly be me! My body looks like that?!!"
I think it could be positive. People already know if they are overweight, have love handles, etc. Amazon isn't likely to tell them anything they don't know.
But it can be hard for people to buy clothes after having kids or carrying extra weight, having a thick neck, long arms, etc. Stores might be more likely to cater to these people if they know what the size of the target market is.
It could, until the harpies complain that it is fat shaming people. Remember when Google released a seemingly innoucuous, even helpful feature on Maps showing how many calories you'd burn by walking to your destination? I guess showing how many equivalent cupcakes that was was a step too far for the HAES crowd.

Level-headed reporting from NYT:

The feminist perspective:
But that 3D scan of yourself - "That can't possibly be me! My body looks like that?!!"

well.. to be honest, what you see in the mirror isnt what you see in a 3D scan. How often do you get to see what you REALLY look like from behind?
Honestly I do like the idea of body scanning to create the best fit for clothes. Might be better geared toward suits or custom dresses or scuba gear etc etc than maybe jeans and shirts.

Then again its becoming hit or miss as far as sizes go. I have polo shirts in my closet ranging in size from L to XXL that all fit. Many are the same brand - I'm guessing that the retailers are buying different production runs from different parts of the world and there are no set dimensions for sizes.
Then again its becoming hit or miss as far as sizes go. I have polo shirts in my closet ranging in size from L to XXL that all fit. Many are the same brand - I'm guessing that the retailers are buying different production runs from different parts of the world and there are no set dimensions for sizes.

^ this. If clothes just moved to measurements only and were held to those, shopping would be simpler.

You are probably right with the production runs, different raw materials of the month, or high and low end of the size range for L or XXL. Lack of control is really where it comes from.
If it can help get the right items the first time, I can't see the harm. Not everyone is going to rock those muscle shirts....
Not body shaming to me. If you're fat, you're fat. Either comes to grips with it, or change it. Don't be upset when its pointed out in a non demeaning way. This whole 'trying to make fat be normal' shit is not good.

I mean I try to blame others for why most of my jeans don't fit right now. Because as I have garlic buttered wings with some kentucky burboun barrel ale, i clearly cannot be at fault for this.
I used Amazon Body Scan (TM) every day and felt terrible, until I realized that I was body shaming myself and decided that fat was healthy. Now, Amazon provides reccomended food choices such as sugar cubes and 4lb bags of gummi bears. I scan every other hour to know how much healthier i'm becoming.
There's an alternative to being fat and ugly - just be ugly!


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If someone tells you you're fat, maybe you're being bullied, but maybe your also fat.

What's wrong with American culture here? Being fat isn't OK. Aside from the fact that many find people more attractive when they're not fat, it's serious sign of terrible health. People are murder on cigarette smokers but if you call a fat person fat you're an asshole? Why aren't people assholes for calling cigarette smokers cigarette smokers? You can't even smoke cigarettes on many college campuses in my area but they let tons of fat people on the campus.
"Everyone thinks the music of their generation is the greatest ... but mine actually is." - Tom Petty

Same goes for one's appearance and what is a socially accepted weight (as though you ought to give a hoot what others think regarding these two)
I'm fat. I'm on a diet. I've started going to the gym. I can defeat this. If you are fat too, you can do it. It's not wrong to feel ashamed of an unhealthy body. It is literally killing us. Together we can end obesity.
I'm fat. I'm on a diet. I've started going to the gym. I can defeat this. If you are fat too, you can do it. It's not wrong to feel ashamed of an unhealthy body. It is literally killing us. Together we can end obesity.
that's the right attitude!
i guess some people dont have fitted suits or tailors at all, & dont already know their measurements? ooooooooookay
one word......snowflakes. If you don't like your current situation do something about it.
Ok, follow me here: remember that medicine called xenocal (i think) that was to keep the body from absorbing fat in the digestive track, whose side effects included uncontrollable explosive gas/diarrhea? Maybe just maybe if you are so fat that you take a medicine to not absorb fat from the fucking cheeseburgers you're macking down, you deserve to shit your pants at mcdee's? is it possible that this is aligned, technologically, with that medicine? things that make you go hmmmmm...
I am fat, and it's a fact whether I like it or not. It's a factor I have to consider when buying clothes. Otherwise I won't fit into my clothes no matter how I ignore my size.

Not sure what is the issue here. This is going out of the way to find issues where there are none.
I mean I try to blame others for why most of my jeans don't fit right now. Because as I have garlic buttered wings with some kentucky burboun barrel ale, i clearly cannot be at fault for this.

There is nothing wrong with Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale - it is truly the nectar of the gods, especially with a fresh draft!
I'd be down with that, if it can help me find what fits me faster on amazon and nearly eliminate any return for clothes that don't fit well I'm all for it.
So much information is out there about me already that I don't see why I should care about amazon having a 3d representation of my body.
If they really wanted to they could alrdy have a pretty good idea of your body if you buy clothes with them anyway.
On they have great price on many clothing item and I don't have to go to an overpriced local store that may not have what I'm looking for or my size available.
Reality is offensive. We must pander to people's delusions. Especially when being subjected to this is entirely self-inflicted.
If someone tells you you're fat, maybe you're being bullied, but maybe your also fat.

What's wrong with American culture here? Being fat isn't OK. Aside from the fact that many find people more attractive when they're not fat, it's serious sign of terrible health. People are murder on cigarette smokers but if you call a fat person fat you're an asshole? Why aren't people assholes for calling cigarette smokers cigarette smokers? You can't even smoke cigarettes on many college campuses in my area but they let tons of fat people on the campus.

Well, I think the difference is between one of those being harmful to others, while the other is only harmful to that individual.

Also, body shamming is already here.
Well, it's out in Japan right now.
It's called the "zozosuit"
One thing that I hear all the time, is that finding clothing that fits people that are larger set is extremely hard to find. And then it's usually way more expensive.

While I do see the shame aspect of this, there are upsides to this. The more we can do to help such people find good, affordable clothing, the better.

We all deserve dignity.
The only thing I would like is for clothing from all manufacturers to be sized properly and have correct measurements. I wear a 34w pant but in real true to size clothing its closer to 36. Online only stores and ebay handle this correctly for a suit or jacket they give the pit to pit, shoulder seam to seam, sleeve length, waist and collar to bottom measurements. I can be anywhere from a 42s to a 45r depending on the jacket. Typically Italian made jackets are more TTS.

I picked up a large shirt from Banana Republic online and it was not even close and yet a large from other manufacturers looks like I put on my big brother's shirt.