Amazon Puts a Camera and Microphone into Your Bedroom with “Echo Look”


Staff member
Aug 20, 2006
There’s a new Echo in town for $199.99, and as you could presume by the name, it’s got an integrated camera and microphone. The device appears to be aimed at people who are too stupid to dress themselves and require photo guidance—it even lets you send your images to Amazon so they can let you know how gaudy you look. What could go wrong?
There's no limit to stupidity. It's the only abundant resource in the world.
okay i like my echo and it is very useful. I have defended it strongly in the past. Now the camera is making that a little more difficult to fight.
Perfect. Look at the shitty security on most peoples existing IP cameras. I for one look forward to all the hot chicks taking pictures of themselves say "Echo look, are my boobs too big?"
I don't have any cameras inside my house. I don't trust them or need it.
One thing though - I'd like a digital assistant that knows who is in a room. If Alexa supported different roles (aka users), maybe this would be something for the camera.
For the fashion crap, no.
on a completely semi-related note:
Can someone explain to me what the person on the video is wearing? What's the black ribbon around her neck?
It's all fun and games until the malware attacks start occurring.

It already has but you just can't fix stupid and even ignorant in most cases. I educate my friends in this regard and they still use their Google Echo and Alexa...I told them to throw that shit out of a window and explained why but they don't get it.
I always knew technology would send humanity down the drain some day. Disheartening to see it actually happening.
Baby monitor is the only thing close a supportive comment? I assume this could be disabled by unplugging it. Technology is sometimes a solution looking for a problem. I'm sure it will be very successful just the same.
Where is your state-sponsored monitoring device? Don't you like Shopping? Buy something, you will feel better. Alexa is your don't like having Friends? You may need reeducation, Comrade.......

Time to watch THX-1138 again.....
regardless of how people feel about this, it's little incremental technology advances like this, that are going to shape our collective consumer future. Other than massive data collection, I could see a nice virtual mirror/monitor combo that can show you products you are shopping for online, from the comfort of your home, on your body, in any color/size/ect allowing you to speak with vendors directly ect. This is just another step towards our virtual futures, be it in VR or AR that can enrich peoples lives.
How long before the following happens?
Alexa "Your toilet reports that your defecation is 30% under average, do you wish to order some nice high fiber snack bars?"
Facebook app on phone "Do you wish to update your status?"
would position so that it looks at the side of my bed length wise and then when I call the dog over, they can see right up it's rear end....
are people really just allowing microphones and cameras in to ever facet of their lives?

i wish there was a fund to give to so everyone would have a copy of 1984.

It still amazes me that people will go on and on about how Windows 10 is sending every aspect of your entire life back to the huge Windows 10 Personal Information Collection Server Farms*, and then go out and buy a device that's specifically designed to listen in on you and send the information back to huge server farms, and willingly connect it in their home.

*they gotta be doing something with it, right?
Very interesting that two stories (this and the Uber engineer) pop up the day before THIS movie hits the theaters..


a movie about a HUGE Internet company, the Circle, which develops a range of sophisticated technologies, including SeeChange: light, portable cameras that can provide real-time video with minimal efforts. Eventually, SeeChange cameras are worn all day long by politicians wishing to be 'transparent', allowing the public to see what they are seeing at all times.

Coincidence?? I think not!!

To repeat myself once again: Mass surveillance + the ability for data to be edited by those that hold it = complete death of freedom

Enough audio samples and they can recreate your voice to say anything. A couple more years of research and live video will be manipulated easily too (Augmented Reality anyone?)