Amazon Prime Free Games (September 2022)


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
Available starting September 1

-Assassin's Creed Origins
-Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY Edition
-Football Manager 2022
-The Dig
-Defend the Rook
-We. The Revolution
-Castle on the Coast
-Word of the Law: Death Mask Collector's Edition

All Amazon Prime members can claim the eight free games starting September 1st...if you're not a member, you can sign up for a free 30-day trial to claim the freebies...once you add them to your Prime Gaming library, they are yours to keep even if your subscription lapses
I already own both Mordor and origins... and haven't really played either of them yet. Painful. lol
I have all the AC games except origins for some reason - definitely will be playing that one.
Shadow of Mordor I may play - I just remember I button mashed so much in the original that my fingers started to hurt - lol.

Thanks OP.
I hated the first assassin creed because that time time-travel overlay gets boring fast, and it felt like you got punished if you didn't sneak kill successfully, but origins looks like it might b worth my time

Also, haven't played mordor either

the rest look like free-to-play trash, or more marginal switch games
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This wasn't showing yesterday but when I looked today it had shown up. It's claimed through GoG.

OK, Ill check when I get home, and update my untouched for months copy of galaxy

already have origins installed (so have something to do while it downloads)
Nice ya shadow is a GOG unlock. Not big $ value... nice though always nice to have the GOG versions.
Sorry to hijack, but I just noticed all my reviews I left sellers were removed, anyone have/had the same happened?
Most my reviews were 4-5 stars.

Can be found in your in your Account, under "Ordering and shopping preferences", "Your Amazon profile".
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Just found out why my reviews were removed.
Turned out someone got offended by a legit, on topic question I had about search results, and my account got flagged for .....

"Thank you for your inquiry. We have noticed some unusual reviewing, rating, or voting activity associated with this account. As a result, we removed all of this account's reviews, and the account is no longer able to contribute reviews, ratings, votes, customer questions and answers, and other related Community content.

Why is this happening?
Customer reviews, ratings, and votes are meant to help customers make informed purchase decisions through unbiased product feedback. Reviews, ratings, and votes that violate our Community Guidelines and our Review policies are not allowed.

This account can no longer contribute content for one or more of the following reasons:

-- Reviews, ratings, or votes were posted in exchange for compensation, such as gift cards, product refunds, review swaps, or free or discounted products."

They couldn't ban me for the question I posted so they excused me of selling ratings for compensation!?
They said they emailed me about the violation which I never got and everything is sent to my inbox for that email account.
Their community moderation team is also broken and refused to side with me.
Guess I'll try to talk with customer service to get my full access back, if not, then I'll just boycott Amazon, even if what I spend with them is a drop in the sea.
Is shadow of Mordor good? I've been having prime for 5 yrs or more so it's cool to know they are giving free games away!
Is shadow of Mordor good? I've been having prime for 5 yrs or more so it's cool to know they are giving free games away!

Yes. I think the controls were tighter in Shadow of Mordor compared to Shadow of War. It played more like a LOTR Arkham game. Mad Max and Shadow of War were somewhat more clunky even though supposedly they were similar.
Sweet I never got around to buying it.. I usually wait till it's super cheap bc my backlog is never ending I still have to finish Witcher 3 lol.. Anyways it's still the same game today as it will be 5 yrs from now lol