Amazon Abandons Plans to Build a Headquarters in New York

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Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Amazon has announced that it has abandoned plans to build a headquarters in Long Island City, Queens. This decision was due to a lack of cooperation from "a number of state and local politicians" who "have made it clear that they oppose our presence and will not work with us to build the type of relationships that are required to go forward with the project we and many others envisioned in Long Island City." Amazon says it is disappointed to have reached this conclusion. Amazon will not reopen the H2 search at this time and will proceed with its planned expansion in Northern Virginia and Nashville.

After much thought and deliberation, we've decided not to move forward with our plans to build a headquarters for Amazon in Long Island City, Queens. For Amazon, the commitment to build a new headquarters requires positive, collaborative relationships with state and local elected officials who will be supportive over the long-term. While polls show that 70% of New Yorkers support our plans and investment, a number of state and local politicians have made it clear that they oppose our presence and will not work with us to build the type of relationships that are required to go forward with the project we and many others envisioned in Long Island City.
Amazon has announced that it has abandoned plans to build a headquarters in Long Island City, Queens. This decision was due to a lack of cooperation from "a number of state and local politicians" who "have made it clear that they oppose our presence and will not work with us to build the type of relationships that are required to go forward with the project we and many others envisioned in Long Island City." Amazon says it is disappointed to have reached this conclusion. Amazon will not reopen the H2 search at this time and will proceed with its planned expansion in Northern Virginia and Nashville.

After much thought and deliberation, we've decided not to move forward with our plans to build a headquarters for Amazon in Long Island City, Queens. For Amazon, the commitment to build a new headquarters requires positive, collaborative relationships with state and local elected officials who will be supportive over the long-term. While polls show that 70% of New Yorkers support our plans and investment, a number of state and local politicians have made it clear that they oppose our presence and will not work with us to fork-over the kind of ludicrous, citizen-funded tax breaks required to go forward with the project we and many others envisioned in Long Island City.

Fixed. :smuggrin:
Good for New York.

I generally will not fault a business for trying to get best deal possible, but the way Amazon went about its selection process was dubious at best in my eyes.

Also before people say that New York lost out big on this, they may be right, but from a person living in that area perspective, Amazon moving in could have a profound negative impact on their lives. It's easy to sit far removed from the scene and point out all the benefits of Amazon moving in has, but when you are forced out of your dwelling and can no longer afford a place to live its a different story (see similar situations in the California and Washington).
Amazon needs to choose a smaller city which can benefit more...forget about the NYC's...somewhere close to the big market city...I heard Newark, NJ being thrown around earlier and I think that's a great choice
Amazon knew where HQ2 was going to be from the start. They just needed a gimmick to extract as much as they could out of those communities.

This whole thing is farcical.

I think shit like this, the foxconn deal, sports stadiums and anything being funding by taxpayers for a private for-profit business should be outlawed. we are a capitalistic society why are we allowing moneyed interests with the money to do what they have announced on their own w/o any incentives to bleed the government and in turn the people taxed dry
Glad I'm not a real estate investor that banked on them moving in and driving up demand. I had read how a lot of houses/apartments/etc where purchased at a premium following the news. Oops.
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Amazon needs to choose a smaller city which can benefit more...forget about the NYC's...somewhere close to the big market city...I heard Newark, NJ being thrown around earlier and I think that's a great choice
I’m still pulling for Detroit. It’s just across the border from Windsor, Canada and easily within commuting distance of Ann Arbor or even Toledo. The city has its issues and the state is half broke but there is a good workforce that would be available.

Never will happen though. Detroit probably wouldn’t subsidize the building for them. Although they did fork out over 300 million for a damn hockey/basketball arena.
I’m still pulling for Detroit.

That's what I thought - Detroit has the space, the real estate prices, the work force and location to be an easy set up. It has the rail and road infrastructure if Amazon needed it, there are even spots to install an Amazon air port.

New York was always a dumb idea. How can you ask for thousands of people to come work for low wages in an area that doesn't have enough housing and an overcrowded road infrastructure? I realize they aren't going to put their warehouse downtown, but in some ways that's even worse.
Well played Dems.....NY is in free-fall right now. They are trying to punish any business who tries to leave. Basically building East Germany type financial walls to keep people prisoner.

I have a buddy who is in contact with the Unions up in NY and they are PISSED at AOC and the dems for this.
He had full support from the key Dems in the state. All he needed.

And suddenly, they just don't need another HQ right? That's pretty interesting, don't you think? From a multi billion dollar project to "unnecessary" all of a sudden.

I think it became unnecessary to have a high profile, "Look at me, I can create jobs!" symbol, giving him an excuse to spend lots of time in NY, where he would've likely used the infrastructure Hillary built up in Brooklyn to run for President.

No business goes from spending years planning for a multi-billion dollar project, and because of some minor opposition by nobodies, suddenly decides they don't need another HQ after all.

It would have been credible if they chose another location, but this is extremely fishy. I'll bet he got the thumbs down from the party elite after recent events saddled him with too much baggage.
Good for New York.

I generally will not fault a business for trying to get best deal possible, but the way Amazon went about its selection process was dubious at best in my eyes.

Also before people say that New York lost out big on this, they may be right, but from a person living in that area perspective, Amazon moving in could have a profound negative impact on their lives. It's easy to sit far removed from the scene and point out all the benefits of Amazon moving in has, but when you are forced out of your dwelling and can no longer afford a place to live its a different story (see similar situations in the California and Washington).
Amazon would have devastated the area with homeless workers and overpriced rent. NYC dodged a bullet.

Amazon needs to choose a smaller city which can benefit more...forget about the NYC's...somewhere close to the big market city...I heard Newark, NJ being thrown around earlier and I think that's a great choice
What? No, god no.

It was a good move on Amazon's part. The message is clear: we reached an accord, you decide to make things more difficult and expensive to operate, and we're out.

NYC is as politically savvy as it gets. The headwinds change, time to bail. I would definitely do the same. Although, really, I'd setup shop in a right-to-work state in the Southeast, where wages and cost of living are low. Plenty of locations with infrastructure in place.
"and will proceed with its planned expansion in Northern Virginia and Nashville."

Awesome. Thanks NY! Maybe I can retire early when the property around here goes up. Between this and Micron things are looking up in my neck of the woods.

And for those panning the jobs Amazon was providing these aren't warehouse workers, but six figure jobs.

But hey, easy come easy go! It baffles me that so many large companies put up with corporate hostile blue states. Maybe this is finally the start of something.
I think shit like this, the foxconn deal, sports stadiums and anything being funding by taxpayers for a private for-profit business should be outlawed. we are a capitalistic society why are we allowing moneyed interests with the money to do what they have announced on their own w/o any incentives to bleed the government and in turn the people taxed dry

It's an easy way for weak politicians to make themselves look good. Look at all the jobs they created! Forget about the cost to the taxpayers, that is easily buried in the news.
How is a government hand out comprising of ludicrous, citizen-funded tax breaks a victory for unions. its a victory for the people that would fronting the bill for the tax breaks.

Do you actually think tax subsidies come out of your pocket? Apply for a position on AOC's team right now... you've just proven you are as economically illiterate as she is. :ROFLMAO:

Now you get 100% of nothing and the added bonus not getting 25k new jobs. FYI.. those employees would have paid taxes to.

Big round of applause.. you guys really stuck it to "the man"....

Amazon didn't just demand freakish tax breaks, they wanted long standing immunity to potential formation of Unions or organized action, preferential prioritization for air/ground transport routes, and significant discounts on use of water, sewage, and power. All so they could offer entry level pay with no guarantee they wouldn't just convert most of the labor to KIVA systems
And for those panning the jobs Amazon was providing these aren't warehouse workers, but six figure jobs.


They use transferred established & experienced staff to fill most of the mangement positions, and hire for new staff @ the locations suffering the losses.

They use transferred established & experienced staff to fill most of the mangement positions, and hire for new staff @ the locations suffering the losses.

You are probably better off without Amazon. Now some other city will have to suffer 25k new jobs.. investment in infrastructure and billions in tax revenue.

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