Alternative to Deep Freeze?

How effective do you need it to be?
If all you need is a basic level of non-tampering, you should just be able to put an account in the "guests" group, and remove it from the "users" group.
I know there's one other popular software similar to DeepFreeze. The name escapes me, however.

If you need any info on DeepFreeze tho, let me know. I use it at a university I work for and it works like a charm.
I know there's one other popular software similar to DeepFreeze. The name escapes me, however.

If you need any info on DeepFreeze tho, let me know. I use it at a university I work for and it works like a charm.

Me loves deepfreeze! No more 'Network Janitor' remove spyware for meees! Although I am interested in the alternative if someone knows what it is. Always looking at alternatives...
The other two programs used to restore public computers back to their original setting sare Clean Slate and Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit. While it is pricier than Deep Freeze, one advantage of Clean Slate is that a logoff/logon is all you need to restore the original settings, whereas DeepFreeze requires a reboot. As for Microsoft's version, quite a few people have reported it as having a steep learning curve and not as intuitive as Deep Freeze.
I've worked w/ both DF and Smart Shield in various size environments and Smart Shield is hands down the most reliable product I've ever worked w/. DF was nothing but headaches for me.
Smart Shield runs awesome as a stanalone client protecting one machine, but deploy it to an entire network and remotely manage your workstations from one centralized console and you'll see where it really shines. Centurion's Smart Control has tons of great features...all of which are in one application. DF requires multiple purchases.
Smart Shield has literally saved my job more than a handful of times. Here is the
I've never used DeepFreeze, but I'm not sure how SteadyState could be any easier :shrug: We use it on our 150 public computers that people download malware and porn on all day. Works great!
Steady State has no remote mgmt capabilities like Smart Shield. It's also not doing the same thing. It taxes the hard drive and relies on imaging. Smart Shield's driver loads all writes to a page file, so there are no changes to sectors on the drive.
Steady State has no remote mgmt capabilities like Smart Shield. It's also not doing the same thing. It taxes the hard drive and relies on imaging. Smart Shield's driver loads all writes to a page file, so there are no changes to sectors on the drive.
How free is Smart Shield? I'm sure your for-profit company can afford that but a lot of us work in the public sector that doesn't receive a lot of funding, or any at all.
I have used both Faronics Deep Freeze & the Centurion Products. We initially switches from Centurion to gain additional features and Faronics had a reduced rate for education too. We are now seriously looking to goto the new Centurion Product for "anti-virus" reasons. We found out that Deep Freeze doesn't protect the Master Boot Record (MBR), and according to there tech support thats the way it is. Since we had several stations compromized due to the newer bots getting into the MBR we spoke with Centurion, who DOES PROTECT THE MBR. In addition to this they have updated their products so much that they have all the features of deep freeze + some others we can use. If you want safety from Virus\Trojans\Bots look to Centurion until Faronics catches up. Just my 2 cents of personal opinion.
I have found something much better though. Its called Rollback Rx. This software does everything that go back does, but it is super faster, and you can create up to 60,000 restore points.
I know this thread is old but i thought i would share my find recently alternative to deep freeze and want something for free, I just found out that there is a product calledReboot Restore Rx available.

Essentially it is kind of like Windows SteadyState but works for Windows 7 and 8. Here is the link to the page:

Hope this helps anyone that needs it.

I personally Downloaded it and for a Free software it seems to work great for my kids computers