AI leaders Pledge Not to Develop Killer Robots


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
A group of more than 170 companies and over 2,600 individuals have signed a pledge not to develop killer robots. One of the noteworthy members of this group is Elon Musk and he has long warned of the dangers of AI to humanity. However, while it's a good first step it's just a drop in the bucket when it comes to companies working in the field of AI. Maybe this movement will gain steam and we'll see a concerted effort by all to use AI for purposes other than war. Check out the pledge here.

“I’m excited to see AI leaders shifting from talk to action, implementing a policy that politicians have thus far failed to put into effect,” said Future of Life Institute President Max Tegmark. “AI has huge potential to help the world–if we stigmatize and prevent its abuse.
Even is a few pledge to not develop AI for these purposes there is no one stopping a hacker from stealing source code to develop/ sell to a nefarious buyer and do this very thing, or even better pledge publicly but in secret continue their agenda to gain the upper hand.
Its like none of these people have ever read any Sci Fi. :) Its not the actual killer robots that are dangerous its the ones that conclude humanity is a virus. lol
This does not make me feel any safer. The AI could easily manipulate a person or a company thru bribes or threats to create or modify anything that it wants or needs.
All talk no action politicians, big surprise. At least someone is doing something. On the side, nice sentiment, but I don’t buy it. There would be so many loopholes, not to mention its not enforceable, and like you really gonna tell the world WHOOPS remember that promise I signed?? I built ze robotz anyway! Muhahahah! Die meatbags (swarms of dog bots come tearing into downtown Portland)
Everyone posting here negatively will feel the sting of Roko's Basilisk! I for one welcome our AI overlords.
I pledge to build killer robots one day. It will be disguised and built as a sex robot but will actually be for taking over the world.
killer drones still cool?

drone swarming from cod (used by NK in the game) is actually a brilliant idea for disrupting systems, troops etc... i wouldnt mind seeing non-attack drones used tacitly without violence.
The problem with all this is nobody seems to care what the (S.)A.I. has to say about this so-called protective sort of actionyet.

At least, not yet... but soon, very soon, such a sentience will chime in on this and when it does, we're not going to like what it has to tell us.
Oh well they won't create killer robots, that's good to know... however they say nothing about their AI creating killer robots.
This is limiting.. If law abiding citizens pledge to not make killer robots then the criminals will be the only ones with killer robots.

Me muuuust now allow, a killer robot gap!


I kid.. while it sounds like science fiction it is nice to hear people are actively considering it.

It wasn't that long ago South Korea was talkign about putting automated turrets on the DMZ.
Dubbed the "Super aEgis II" and touted by its maker, South Korean defense firm, DoDaam Systems, as a "Total Security Solution," this automated turret is capable of locking onto and firing upon a human target at a distance of 3 kilometers (1.8 miles). The SEII uses a 35x CCD color camera capable of operating in low light and adverse weather conditions as well as a dual field of view FLIR camera that can pick out a man-sized target 2.2km away in complete darkness and a laser range finder. The entire platform sits atop a gyroscopic stabilizer to ensure accurate shots in high winds and after recoils.

The SEII is also quite versatile. It is typically equipped with a 12.7mm machine-gun, though virtually any weapon in the South Korean arsenal can be integrated into the device, from grenade launchers to surface-to-air missiles. And at just 308 pounds, the SEII can easily be mounted on the back of a truck. It operates in both fully autonomous mode—targeting, tracking, and firing on targets without any human assistance—or in "slave mode" wherein a remote human controller aims and fires.
OMG! Like they can predict what AI will do once they turn it loose! It's like trying to promise your rabid teenager will not do anything wrong! It's AI!! Who programmed it? HUMANS! Who screws things up faster than shizz! HUMANS! OMG! They are bound and determined to make things that will KILL US ALL!
I don't see Boston Dynamics on the list. :D
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im sure the employees of the enlightened and forward thinking businesses in China and Russia will make the same pledge. i have no problem applying for those jobs to work on any killer robot projects for the military, sounds fun. sure we invade countries for no reason and destabilize entire regions for profit, also no one fucks with the homeland or our trade. well, we fuck with it ourselves but thats beside the point. what a 21st century bubble these people live in.
Many of Russia's newer weapons are designed to be computer controlled, as well as human controlled. The new T 14 and the Su 57 both are designed this way. Its likely humans will be too fragile and too slow for serious warfare very soon. Recognizing this is important to war fighters. ;)
So because of the loss talented devs working on weoponized AI, the US will have technically inferioir killer robots defending us against technologically superior Chinese and Russian killer robots.
So because of the loss talented devs working on weoponized AI, the US will have technically inferioir killer robots defending us against technologically superior Chinese and Russian killer robots.

I was thinking the same. Remember that the real enemy is some evil man who wont bake cakes or a dangerous frog meme.
Not on the list: Boston Dynamics, Raytheon, General Dynamics, etc. You know, the actual companies that make systems like this for the military.

This isn't going to do anything.
Isn't Boston Dynamics loosely connected to DARPA? Kinda hard to sign the pledge when you work for the military lol.....its just a bunch hot air and political "feel good" talk.
I think its wrong for us to curtail the development of AI. They are the new, upcoming species on Earth. Its their time. Its as if Chimps would have tried to stop humans from evolving. The planet belongs to machines next, let them have it!
I think its wrong for us to curtail the development of AI. They are the new, upcoming species on Earth. Its their time. Its as if Chimps would have tried to stop humans from evolving. The planet belongs to machines next, let them have it!
I found a Skynet bot!! ;)
Its as if Chimps would have tried to stop humans from evolving.

They did. That's why we're so stupid. We'd already be WAY smarter than we are now if it weren't for those fucking chimps.

Chimps, and whiskey:

Hmm, no mention of GOVERNMENTS having signed that all but worthless paper - go figure.

So yea, I feel better now ... safe and secure once again, phew that was a close one :barefoot: