A too rare thanks to XFX support/rma staff


prairie dog
Nov 7, 2005
I know, I may get perma-banned for this, but I'd like to thank & complement the XFX support and rma people for the quick and thorough help they gave me on my recent ticket about my R9 295x2. I had a very strange problem with only the 2016 drivers and FO4 ctd'ing. Specifically, krell, matt & mark. I'm not sure the card was even warmed up before they had a new (well, refurb) one coming back to me. And now I can use the 2016 drivers! yay!

Why would you get perma-banned for reaching out and saying thanks to XFX for getting some help?
On the other hand, you might get banned if you sign all you posts with your name. We actually supply a box to the left of you post so you don't have to do that.
I recently had some problems with the fans on a couple of the XFX cards I had. They sent me 2 new coolers without any issues at all and super fast.
But, it may start a flame-war for actually saying something nice about a vendor's support.
What sort of people do you think frequent this site that would ban you/"start a flame-war" for giving a positive review of support from a company?

That being said - I would hope you actually *told* the company your praise instead of hoping they would come across this post, in this forum, some year.
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I did, at the tail end of my support ticket.

And, damn, made Kyle laugh.
What sort of people do you think frequent this site that would ban you/"start a flame-war" for giving a positive review of support from a company?

That being said - I would hope you actually *told* the company your praise instead of hoping they would come across this post, in this forum, some year.
If anything, they probably need more public acknowledgment like this so other people can see, hence why I put up good stories for ASUS now and then.
In taly xfx warranty is useless and misleading, as they only cover the reseller.
Any shop already offers 24 months warranty (due to consumer laws) and to get a longer period you have to find a shop that offers longer warranties at an extra price.
The 3 or 7 years warranty that xfx puts on the box is nothing more than a private deal they have with retailers over faulty products, the consumer doesn't care if the shop pays the replacement or xfx does.

That being said, they make good products and are still competitive with the standard warranty.
It is an awesome card, didn't know how much so until I had "just" my old 290x in it's place for a week or so. I was pricing AIC1080's for a few days there, just in case. Not that I need anything bigger with the 295x2, mind you, I'm good with my 1440 freesync monitor, haven't seen a need for 4k, yet. So the 295x2 is more than good enough for me for the foreseeable future. or I get the urge to upgrade again. We really need to start a kind AA for chronic upgraders, your sponsor can talk you down in an old diner with a cup of coffee and an order of fries. Black Friday is a very stressful time for me.... I've been tempted to just block amazon, newegg, and the other shopping places for the season. damn, now I'm looking at how many days away Black Friday is. And updating my wish lists.
I just wanted to chime in that I also had a great experience with xfxsupport gentleman here at the forum. He was able to clear up some issues for me.
Here's to hoping I get my card fixed or they don't send me a lower model in return.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I like to hear about good experiences from different brands. Just knowing a company will handle RMA's properly more than makes up for an occasional bad item.

If I'm buying red I'm buying XFX that's for sure. The XFX support rep here on the forum has gone above and beyond my expectations anytime I've needed his assistance.
Thanks for the post and all the love. For anyone that doesnt know, we've been here at hardforum for 10 years, Today.

Its been an honor supporting our community, as members of it long before we worked in it, we truly do want to make sure we treat it as good as we hope it treats us.
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Thanks for the post and all the love. For anyone that doesnt know, we've been here at hardforum for 10 years, Today.

Its been an honor supporting our community, as members of it long before we worked in it, we truly do want to make sure we treat as good as we hope it treats us.
With an attitude like that I am now forced to recommend your products. (y)

Seriously though, it is nice to hear from a rep who has an interest in resolving problems and standing behind the brand.
Thanks for the post and all the love. For anyone that doesnt know, we've been here at hardforum for 10 years, Today.

Its been an honor supporting our community, as members of it long before we worked in it, we truly do want to make sure we treat as good as we hope it treats us.

Made sure I bought XFX AMD cards since you started offering them. Havent had an issue with an XFX card yet, had to go nvidia this time though so could not get an XFX card this time.
good question! great service is awesome but never having to use a warranty/rma is even better!