A few networking/security questions.


Oct 21, 2002
Q1. I am a lab-tech at college (just for the extremely crappy pay.. and the flexible schedule.) We try to keep the computer lab pretty secure... The one thing that I cant figure out though is how to disable the ability to type in C: into IE, which allows access to just about anything.

Q2. I would like to do a small amount of file sharing for some of the people in my dorm(no access outside of the campus network is really allowed though) I can easily do that, yet I would need some help on how to set up mulitple users on it (let person A, B read only, yet let person C, D read and write to the folder)

Q3. I have never used remote desktop before (other than TightVNC) because I am a new user to XP. I am curious about the preformance of it. For instance would I be able to play WOW over it? or at least do simple file system work?

Thanks in advance.

1. There's a buncha registry settings and other tricks you can pull. Are your computers on an AD domain?

2. This also can depend on Active Directory, but it involves adding individual users and setting permissions in the File Properties window -- someone should give more details, I'm just shooting this off the top of my head :)

3. Forget playing any games that depend on more than 1-2fps. :) It's only good for administration duties, although freecell or minesweeper wouldn't be too hard.