911 Calls Raise Concerns Over Amazon Working Conditions

I'm not talking about a supply and demand for homes. The market demand I am refering too is what people want from a home. You can look at my post above to catch a clearer view of what I am saying. Houses today were mansions by comparison, 60 years ago.

I'll get back to you on your assertions on who created the housing bubble, "legal" immigration increasing, and your insinuation that it's being done to drive demand for housing.

OK, on immigration, from the following link, what has President Trump changed that has effected these immigration policies/limits?

And let's take this to PMs, we are getting off topic and into the politics thing and I've been slapped for that recently and didn't like it. So let's fix it ourselves and take it out of this thread if you don't mind.

That's fair and I agree with pretty much everybody in here. Anyone could get my job with a high school diploma and I make very very good money. But it's hard, real work. And so far 100% of the millennials I've gotten into the starting position, ready to move up to a seriously high paying career within a few years, have quit within one week. One week. The last guy quit after one day!

Anyway yes I'll stop hijacking the thread as well.
Some can't get anything better and have bills. 15/h isn't a lot. Take into consideration that rent alone can be unaffordable, let alone 1 single income if a couple has a child.

"More jobs" isn't a good thing when it's warehouse jobs such as this. "More quality-jobs" should be the sought-after thing to boost our economy.

Sorry but "More jobs" is much much better than "No Jobs" which is what we got for 8yrs under Obama. Also if you are an adult with or without a family and an Entry Level job like this is all you can get, then you have made some serious mistakes in your life, or this type of job is just all your capable of doing. Either way its still much better than living off the government.
Also not sure where you live, but here in Texas, and pretty much any other red state, its easy to live off of $15hr. If the most affordable apartments in your area are over $2000 a month, then my advise to anyone in this situations would be move immediately. GTFO of that terribly ran city or State and go somewhere that actually rewards the people that get off their ass and work for a living instead of throwing tons of government money at people to keep them from working.
Some can't get anything better and have bills. 15/h isn't a lot. Take into consideration that rent alone can be unaffordable, let alone 1 single income if a couple has a child.

"More jobs" isn't a good thing when it's warehouse jobs such as this. "More quality-jobs" should be the sought-after thing to boost our economy.

So here we come to a key issue. What is a quality job? I suppose a quality job is a job that meets a person's financial needs and offers enough job satisfaction. Is that fair enough?

But some people need to feel that their work is doing something worthwhile in the world, helping people, building something, and I can see that working in a warehouse would give these people any of that. But other people see the value of their job by what it does for their family, money is most important for them. Their job satisfactions comes from the pride they gain in what their pay provides for those they love. The job can suck as long as their family is cared for.

My youngest ran up $200K in education debt, and she is now working for DreamScape VR in LA. It's like a dream job for her, satisfaction is very high right now for her. But she making $80K in LA and although that isn't really high, it's really not high when you have all that debt on your back. If she were not married to an Optical Engineer who is earning $200K a year himself, she would not be in good shape at all.