It actually lists the hows and whys. Basically if you had an account on a service with that email that was ever compromised it will list you as pwned.

My problem is that it doesn't show which password was compromised. I use dozens and I don't want to go around changing all of them everywhere because one of my throw-away passwords was hit.
Easiest thing to do is check your actual email password, if that doesn't show any issues, then worry about shit like is your ebay or amazon account password in there, things that can directly spend your money (or credit card company's money). But for other things like message boards, meh... someone hacks that to post disparaging shit whatever. One of the ones listed for me had on the "Coupon Mom/Armor Games" data breach, and I'm not a Coupon Mom so yup that email I use to sign up to literally every site I know is going to turn around and spam me was on a list somewhere.
I use 1Password and am trying to teach my family members to use it. My wife had the same password - to make it worse, it was not even close to a strong password. I typed it in the Pwned database - it came up over 300k times.
I tried one of my old passwords I used in a few places - it came up 3 since it was relatively strong. I'm certain it was exposed in a breach.
It took some time, but each one of my accounts is using a random password. My challenge questions (favorite color, school mascot, etc) are also treated as passwords.
If I ever lose access to my password vault, I'm screwed I guess.
im curious about 1password. i am guessing you need a 1password account? if that gets hacked then your exposed lol

so in theory the website that you use the same passwords are now saved in 1passord and encryptes/generates a unique password?
From what I understand if no one else pointed it out, this is only part of the leak and older info. This older info makes up less than 90GB, the newer data is NOT listed (but for sale) is said to be over 1TB in size.