3200+ "Super Locked"


Jul 16, 2004
I have a week 39+ Barton 3200+ that I just recieved. I tried to change the multiplier and no luck? I've used search but I didn't find anything that I was looking for. My question is does anyone know if there is any way possible to change the multiplier via software, bios, or anything else. Thanks
When I put in 200mhz fsb and 11x multipler under AMD Barton it gives me the 2700+ so I don't know if it is correct or not. It only says 3200+ if i set the multipler at 12.5 which is not correct
Thanks Kozlop.
I really don't want go by OCInside because it says 2700 instead of 3200? If it is impossible to get it to overclock I'll still live, but just wanted to see how high I could get it to go because its about 39deg idle. Does anyone else have any other ideas?
Are you sure it's a 3200+ & they didn't send you the wrong chip? A 3200+ should come up as 3200+ if you set the fsb to 200.
Ya, when I boot the POST screen says its a 3200+ but I really don't want to risk messing up my cpu that I just got. I can live without overclocking it, I might upgrade in a few months anyway.
can you not close the L1 birdges on it? I did it on my 2000+ palomino core, will it work on my 3000+ barton core? or is the pin thing the only way?
StrandgecK, the L1 trick is OLD!!! No you CANNOT use it to unlock you're 3000+, you'll need to use the pin mod, assuming that will work (it doesnt work on all bartons :( )