3 Pin Power/RPM Splitter


Mar 23, 2002
I need to split the RPM off my panaflo fan so I can hook the fan to my fanbus but still get RPMs on my motherboard. Are there any of these pre-fabricated? I looked around on SVC etc, but to no avail.
just pop the pin of the yellow cable out of the fan connector and put it in an empty connector, thats what I did. im sure some fellow [H]ardinians can set you up with some links to these.
Ya the way Rakinos said is the way to do it it will take about 30 seconds and you can feel proud because you did it yourself
the fan controller part on my case that is from a hardcano sends the RPM data back to the motherboard. it does this by having a wire soldered to the back of the pin that the yellow wire from the fan plugs into. this soldered wire then plus into the motherboard.

Simple as that.