2x 256MB GTX's or 1 512 & 1 256 GTX?


Apr 16, 2005
So Im contemplating as this new 512 GTX kicks major ass, wanting to get SLI. Should I get another 256MB GTX or grab a 512 (when prices drop) and SLI it w/ my current 256 GTX? I could have the 512 for single card gaming. What do you guys think? The prices on the 256's will drop but the 512 offers superior gaming performance.
I believe you can only SLI cards that are exactly the same. 256mb =! 512mb in regards to SLI capability
Meh, even if they lever did let you mix them, they would then have a max 256 buffer a piece. They don't share them. Then , you'd probably be downclocking the 512 too as your GTX 256 will never reach those clocks. Bet you flashing the 512 would work, but not an experiment I'm up for! There would be no point. They'd be 2 256 GTX's with how SLI works.

Your choices are to sell the 256 and take that hit and go to the 512. At $700 right now that might be tough to swallow. The other choice is taking that 300 or so you'd be spending (on the resale, swap out plan) could go to a second GTX 256 that would offer superior performance.
DangerIsGo said:
You can SLI different vendors, different BIOS's, and different RAM sizes.
But don't they have to run at the same clock speed?

New Flexibility:
Mix and Match Graphics Cards from Different Manufacturers

You can use a GeForce 7800 GTX from manufacturer ABC with a GeForce 7800 GTX from manufacturer XYZ.
Note: You must still use two graphics cards that have the same GPU. For example, a GeForce 7800 GT must be matched with another GeForce 7800 GT (not with a GeForce 7800 GTX or a GeForce 6800 Ultra). Mix and Match Graphics Cards with Different Input/Output Ports
Example: You can use a GeForce 6800 GT with Dual DVI & TV-out with a GeForce 6800 GT with Dual DVI & VIVO.

Mix and Match Graphics Cards with Different Clock Speeds
Example: You can use a higher clocked GeForce 6600 GT 550/525 with a standard clock GeForce 6600 GT 500/500.

Mix and Match Graphics Cards with Different Memory Sizes
Example: Using Coolbits, you can use a 128MB GeForce 6800 GT with a 256MB GeForce 6800 GT.

Note: NVIDIA recommends that SLI customers, whenever possible, purchase graphics cards with matching memory sizes. When dissimilar memory sizes are enabled to work together using Coolbits (value set to 18), the effective memory size for each card becomes the smaller of the two memory sizes.
I think there are sufficient hardware differences between the two cards that wouldn't allow you to run them in SLI, though they both use the G70 gpu, so who knows.
joses0 said:

New Flexibility:
Mix and Match Graphics Cards from Different Manufacturers

You can use a GeForce 7800 GTX from manufacturer ABC with a GeForce 7800 GTX from manufacturer XYZ.
Note: You must still use two graphics cards that have the same GPU. For example, a GeForce 7800 GT must be matched with another GeForce 7800 GT (not with a GeForce 7800 GTX or a GeForce 6800 Ultra). Mix and Match Graphics Cards with Different Input/Output Ports
Example: You can use a GeForce 6800 GT with Dual DVI & TV-out with a GeForce 6800 GT with Dual DVI & VIVO.

Mix and Match Graphics Cards with Different Clock Speeds
Example: You can use a higher clocked GeForce 6600 GT 550/525 with a standard clock GeForce 6600 GT 500/500.

Mix and Match Graphics Cards with Different Memory Sizes
Example: Using Coolbits, you can use a 128MB GeForce 6800 GT with a 256MB GeForce 6800 GT.

Note: NVIDIA recommends that SLI customers, whenever possible, purchase graphics cards with matching memory sizes. When dissimilar memory sizes are enabled to work together using Coolbits (value set to 18), the effective memory size for each card becomes the smaller of the two memory sizes.

Thanks for going the extra mile. Like I said though, your extra memory buffer goes out the window. Glad you can mix clocks, but this doesn't make sense to most. Instead of buying a new GTX for $700, you get the regular for $400ish, and lose some weird lopsided clock configuration, but better than burning your money on memory that never gets used.
texuspete00 said:
Thanks for going the extra mile. Like I said though, your extra memory buffer goes out the window. Glad you can mix clocks, but this doesn't make sense to most. Instead of buying a new GTX for $700, you get the regular for $400ish, and lose some weird lopsided clock configuration, but better than burning your money on memory that never gets used.
Or you buy a new GTX for $700, and sell your old one for at least 300, resulting the new GTX costing you no more than a second regular one. Might be worth it, depending on whether 512mb GTX > 256GTX SLI.
EnderW said:
But don't they have to run at the same clock speed?

lol didn't you read SLi ready for mainstream right [H]ere?

But that is a good question... It is the same GPU so it should work.... I think.