290x to 1070 worthwhile upgrade?


Ukfay Ancerkay
Jul 25, 2006
I have been running the machine in my sig below for quite a while @ 1440p. I am running BF1 at a mix of high and medium to maintain a smooth playing experience. I have noticed that overall the framerate is pretty good, but there are these stutters that I get every now and then.

I was wondering if a 1070 would be worthwhile upgrade and my CPU or RAM wouldn't be holding me back, especially in Battlefield 1. My RAM isn't overclocked and I run the 4770k at 4.1ghz. That is as far as I could get it stable.
Well going from a 290x/290 cfx configuration to a 1070, I would say the 1070 is just as fast or faster then the CFX configuration. This is on a 3440x1440p monitor which a single 290x was not sufficient and CFX was just not cutting it due to too many issues or lack of support. Anyways the 1070 was a significant improvement graphically but also so much less a space heater as well as quieter. Basically I went from a 500w gpu power to 150w gpu power and better performance more often then not.
I went from a regular 290 to a 1070 (and now 1070 SLI due to... circumstances) and game on 1600p, and the move to the 1070 was huge. Things get better framerates at 1600p on the 1070 than they did at 1080p on the 290.

As a side note, adding SLI is worthless at 1600p. Can't tell a lick of a difference, not in today's games at least.
The extra memory of the 1070 alone will make it way better in today's games at that res. But I think 1080 would be even better at that res.
I went from a 290 oc/watercooled to a 1070 and it was at a minimum a doubling of fps. This was on 3440x1440.

do et! I got the EVGA D FTW. This gives you the 10 phase power and dual pcie sockets. Smoother power delivery and room to overclock later.

Not to mention it is putting out less heat. 290 is a freaken space heater.
I ordered a EVGA 1070. I will run it on air for now. Probably will get a waterblock in December. Looking forward to cranking the settings up.