I've been out of the game for about 2 years and want to upgrade just a bit and get an opinion from those still in the know:
Appreciate any advice on the situation
- Currently running Sig
- Want to upgrade wife's video card (x1800xt on an AMD x2 4000+) Just want a little more edge to it. She games but of course not hardcore. Does want to play co-op RE5 with me though and oddly that card doesn't work.
- Currently bought 2 GTX 260 video cards. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=9348725&type=product&id=1218089167038
- I'm thinking that I can use every once in a while the SLi feature and other times just have a dedicated physx card.
- I then give the wife the 8800 GT card
- Totally didn't think about this but do you think this powersupply which I currently have should be enough for SLI? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817159058&Tpk=COOLMAX CUG-700B 700W I'm assuming if I don't the worst that happens is the following questions answer themselves
- I know the processors are pretty old but I just don't have the scratch right now to do a big upgrade (cpu, ram, mb, psu) but would I actually benefit any or is too much of a bottleneck (currently native resolution 1600x1200 with most games at mixed high, medium settings, no aa usually)?
- Is it better to just keep my 8800 GT for physx and keep a single 260 for me and give the other 260 to my wife's computer? And yes I just want the option for physx available to me.
Appreciate any advice on the situation
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