2017 WCG X-mas Race

Rank    Team                                              Score    3-day avg.   Tue, Dec 12   Mon, Dec 11   Sun, Dec 10    Sat, Dec 9    Fri, Dec 8      Dec 1 - 7
1  -->  HardOCP                                     200,167,439    16,772,669    16,544,032    17,071,780    16,702,195    17,349,044    17,085,742    115,414,646
2       Team China                                  191,769,125    15,971,816    15,339,797    16,119,509    16,456,143    15,746,312    15,904,107    112,203,257
3       TeAm AnandTech                               59,479,454     5,495,716     5,590,825     5,404,972     5,491,351     5,847,387     4,036,453     33,108,466
4       Team Andrax                                  31,762,024     2,689,875     2,744,474     2,675,359     2,649,793     2,606,368     2,626,256     18,459,774
5       UK                                           27,380,024     2,304,643     2,395,756     2,280,196     2,237,976     2,297,560     2,302,757     15,865,779
6       SNURK and friends                            21,910,305     1,869,278     1,819,789     1,869,269     1,918,777     1,882,518     1,901,363     12,518,589
7       MyOnlineTeam                                 15,919,139     1,371,260     1,441,378     1,372,862     1,299,539     1,274,650     1,275,808      9,254,902
8       BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID                         11,571,994       896,612       965,221       933,280       791,336       801,369     1,054,242      7,026,546
9       SETIKAH@KOREA                                 7,550,331       626,636       662,797       642,522       574,589       649,655       680,597      4,340,171
10      Vulture Central III                           6,358,895       524,826       496,684       547,841       529,954       524,350       528,653      3,731,413
11      Kraland                                       5,210,004       451,349       436,167       455,539       462,341       486,275       489,724      2,879,958
12      top40.nl                                      4,935,749       495,516       523,379       495,981       467,187       511,055       513,949      2,424,198
13      SeriousCrunchers                              4,765,479       549,625       573,966       562,637       512,272       496,141       531,358      2,089,105
14      Chicago-IL-USA                                3,350,700       293,234       300,243       277,471       301,988       276,106       278,795      1,916,097
15      CHINA BOINC                                   1,831,406       124,036        77,948       120,072       174,088       137,444       200,364      1,121,490
16      Special: Off-Topic                            1,319,025       129,946       126,894       126,524       136,419       128,554       125,987        674,647
17      Abstract Media                                1,043,774        91,293        99,388        87,748        86,744        81,599        91,275        597,020
18      UCSB Active                                     993,208        67,591        73,406        69,520        59,846        73,179        83,992        633,265
19      Liverpool Community Grid                        950,210        54,653        62,793        53,390        47,776        46,126        59,676        680,449
20      NULL-A                                          888,961        75,278        72,566        78,696        74,572        72,202        89,293        501,632
21      Sweden#Crunch                                   779,582        61,266        61,446        62,242        60,111        63,399        72,562        459,822
22      BOINC@Malaysia                                  766,486        65,717        55,580        75,830        65,740        59,270        62,380        447,686
23      Naked for the World                             567,309        51,849        50,530        72,591        32,427        38,399        38,744        334,618
24      Bird Conservation                               556,867        41,581        46,519        41,729        36,494        40,009        40,584        351,532
25      World Bus LTD                                   422,002        33,704        30,933        33,216        36,963        31,465        45,893        243,532
26      oliopur78                                       359,051        13,839         8,609         9,581        23,328        33,872        42,829        240,832
27      ALSACE COMMUNITY GRID                           320,148        29,692        25,831        31,641        31,605        25,979        36,236        168,856
28      Just Me                                         290,290        24,387        24,661        25,035        23,465        29,222        26,441        161,466
29      STUDIO Mia                                      262,145        22,388        20,184        26,939        20,042        20,374        19,749        154,857
30      BOINC@TOKYO                                     245,476        15,161        15,888        10,767        18,827        23,969        28,437        147,588
31      Harbin University of Science and Technology     183,718        14,955        15,289        15,417        14,159        16,713        19,699        102,441
32      UTAR Malaysia                                   165,632        11,999        11,828        16,035         8,135        19,448        13,983         96,203
33      ACOLISYS (Campinas-SP / Brazil)                 156,821         7,859        11,621        10,789         1,168         4,782         4,745        123,716
34      Day drive                                       155,874        12,224        14,757        21,121           795         3,455        15,316        100,430
35      BOINC@Pfalz                                     145,602         8,047        12,070         5,066         7,004        12,108        16,942         92,412
36      ProjectArea51                                   130,400         2,695         4,974         1,424         1,688         1,517        10,042        110,755
37      SHANGHAI 2009                                   127,657        10,618         7,666         9,939        14,249         5,671         8,761         81,371
38      Aussie Helpers                                   40,574         4,133         5,862         3,864         2,674         4,894         2,176         21,104
39      kuegmi                                           21,235         1,536         1,485         1,767         1,355         2,073         1,792         12,763
40      Crunchers4Life                                    4,281             0             0             0             0             0             0          4,281
41      kouro                                                 0             0             0             0             0             0             0              0
Forgot to turn off power-saving features (sleep/hibernate)...back up and running again. D:
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like this
im not sure if that

is referring to the latest chart or not, are we still leading?
Rank    Team                                              Score    3-day avg.   Wed, Dec 13   Tue, Dec 12   Mon, Dec 11   Sun, Dec 10    Sat, Dec 9    Fri, Dec 8      Dec 1 - 7
1  -->  HardOCP                                     217,276,256    16,908,210    17,108,817    16,544,032    17,071,780    16,702,195    17,349,044    17,085,742    115,414,646
2       Team China                                  207,165,720    15,618,634    15,396,595    15,339,797    16,119,509    16,456,143    15,746,312    15,904,107    112,203,257
3       TeAm AnandTech                               62,155,430     4,557,258     2,675,976     5,590,825     5,404,972     5,491,351     5,847,387     4,036,453     33,108,466
4       Team Andrax                                  34,454,856     2,704,222     2,692,832     2,744,474     2,675,359     2,649,793     2,606,368     2,626,256     18,459,774
5       UK                                           29,657,037     2,317,655     2,277,013     2,395,756     2,280,196     2,237,976     2,297,560     2,302,757     15,865,779
6       SNURK and friends                            23,670,159     1,816,304     1,759,854     1,819,789     1,869,269     1,918,777     1,882,518     1,901,363     12,518,589
7       MyOnlineTeam                                 17,278,048     1,391,050     1,358,909     1,441,378     1,372,862     1,299,539     1,274,650     1,275,808      9,254,902
8       BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID                         12,531,561       952,689       959,567       965,221       933,280       791,336       801,369     1,054,242      7,026,546
9       SETIKAH@KOREA                                 8,205,472       653,487       655,141       662,797       642,522       574,589       649,655       680,597      4,340,171
10      Vulture Central III                           6,799,858       495,163       440,963       496,684       547,841       529,954       524,350       528,653      3,731,413
11      Kraland                                       5,597,760       426,487       387,756       436,167       455,539       462,341       486,275       489,724      2,879,958
12      top40.nl                                      5,384,898       489,503       449,149       523,379       495,981       467,187       511,055       513,949      2,424,198
13      SeriousCrunchers                              5,339,134       570,086       573,655       573,966       562,637       512,272       496,141       531,358      2,089,105
14      Chicago-IL-USA                                3,654,828       293,947       304,128       300,243       277,471       301,988       276,106       278,795      1,916,097
15      CHINA BOINC                                   2,076,486       147,700       245,080        77,948       120,072       174,088       137,444       200,364      1,121,490
16      Special: Off-Topic                            1,429,245       121,213       110,220       126,894       126,524       136,419       128,554       125,987        674,647
17      Abstract Media                                1,128,442        90,601        84,668        99,388        87,748        86,744        81,599        91,275        597,020
18      UCSB Active                                   1,061,642        70,453        68,434        73,406        69,520        59,846        73,179        83,992        633,265
19      Liverpool Community Grid                      1,001,249        55,741        51,039        62,793        53,390        47,776        46,126        59,676        680,449
20      NULL-A                                          959,738        74,013        70,777        72,566        78,696        74,572        72,202        89,293        501,632
21      Sweden#Crunch                                   848,526        64,211        68,944        61,446        62,242        60,111        63,399        72,562        459,822
22      BOINC@Malaysia                                  819,622        61,515        53,136        55,580        75,830        65,740        59,270        62,380        447,686
23      Bird Conservation                               599,806        43,729        42,939        46,519        41,729        36,494        40,009        40,584        351,532
24      Naked for the World                             595,869        50,560        28,560        50,530        72,591        32,427        38,399        38,744        334,618
25      World Bus LTD                                   454,168        32,105        32,166        30,933        33,216        36,963        31,465        45,893        243,532
26      oliopur78                                       364,975         8,038         5,924         8,609         9,581        23,328        33,872        42,829        240,832
27      ALSACE COMMUNITY GRID                           352,284        29,869        32,136        25,831        31,641        31,605        25,979        36,236        168,856
28      Just Me                                         312,000        23,802        21,710        24,661        25,035        23,465        29,222        26,441        161,466
29      STUDIO Mia                                      286,836        23,938        24,691        20,184        26,939        20,042        20,374        19,749        154,857
30      BOINC@TOKYO                                     262,386        14,522        16,910        15,888        10,767        18,827        23,969        28,437        147,588
31      Harbin University of Science and Technology     198,325        15,104        14,607        15,289        15,417        14,159        16,713        19,699        102,441
32      UTAR Malaysia                                   183,368        15,200        17,736        11,828        16,035         8,135        19,448        13,983         96,203
33      Day drive                                       175,649        18,551        19,775        14,757        21,121           795         3,455        15,316        100,430
34      ACOLISYS (Campinas-SP / Brazil)                 174,741        13,443        17,920        11,621        10,789         1,168         4,782         4,745        123,716
35      BOINC@Pfalz                                     166,268        12,601        20,666        12,070         5,066         7,004        12,108        16,942         92,412
36      ProjectArea51                                   148,658         8,219        18,258         4,974         1,424         1,688         1,517        10,042        110,755
37      SHANGHAI 2009                                   143,474        11,141        15,817         7,666         9,939        14,249         5,671         8,761         81,371
38      Aussie Helpers                                   43,975         4,376         3,401         5,862         3,864         2,674         4,894         2,176         21,104
39      kuegmi                                           22,937         1,651         1,702         1,485         1,767         1,355         2,073         1,792         12,763
40      Crunchers4Life                                    4,281             0             0             0             0             0             0             0          4,281
41      kouro                                                 0             0             0             0             0
No, the "no" was for fastgeek's proxy going down, which I guess it didn't (or got fixed).
No, the "no" was for fastgeek's proxy going down, which I guess it didn't (or got fixed).
Ah, I was wondering about that, too. It was... and it was. Appreciated the heads up from Skillz and MGMCCALLEY as I'm really able to watch it carefully at the moment. :)
Rank    Team                                              Score    3-day avg.   Thu, Dec 14   Wed, Dec 13   Tue, Dec 12   Mon, Dec 11   Sun, Dec 10    Sat, Dec 9    Fri, Dec 8      Dec 1 - 7
1  -->  HardOCP                                     233,910,660    16,762,418    16,634,404    17,108,817    16,544,032    17,071,780    16,702,195    17,349,044    17,085,742    115,414,646
2       Team China                                  222,645,062    15,405,245    15,479,342    15,396,595    15,339,797    16,119,509    16,456,143    15,746,312    15,904,107    112,203,257
3       TeAm AnandTech                               65,124,337     3,745,236     2,968,907     2,675,976     5,590,825     5,404,972     5,491,351     5,847,387     4,036,453     33,108,466
4       Team Andrax                                  37,164,905     2,715,785     2,710,049     2,692,832     2,744,474     2,675,359     2,649,793     2,606,368     2,626,256     18,459,774
5       UK                                           31,826,032     2,280,588     2,168,995     2,277,013     2,395,756     2,280,196     2,237,976     2,297,560     2,302,757     15,865,779
6       SNURK and friends                            25,576,425     1,828,636     1,906,266     1,759,854     1,819,789     1,869,269     1,918,777     1,882,518     1,901,363     12,518,589
7       MyOnlineTeam                                 18,656,603     1,392,947     1,378,555     1,358,909     1,441,378     1,372,862     1,299,539     1,274,650     1,275,808      9,254,902
8       BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID                         13,408,449       933,892       876,888       959,567       965,221       933,280       791,336       801,369     1,054,242      7,026,546
9       SETIKAH@KOREA                                 8,793,721       635,396       588,249       655,141       662,797       642,522       574,589       649,655       680,597      4,340,171
10      Vulture Central III                           7,313,710       483,833       513,852       440,963       496,684       547,841       529,954       524,350       528,653      3,731,413
11      Kraland                                       5,970,038       398,734       372,278       387,756       436,167       455,539       462,341       486,275       489,724      2,879,958
12      SeriousCrunchers                              5,871,697       560,061       532,563       573,655       573,966       562,637       512,272       496,141       531,358      2,089,105
13      top40.nl                                      5,812,108       466,579       427,210       449,149       523,379       495,981       467,187       511,055       513,949      2,424,198
14      Chicago-IL-USA                                3,977,512       309,018       322,684       304,128       300,243       277,471       301,988       276,106       278,795      1,916,097
15      CHINA BOINC                                   2,197,443       147,995       120,957       245,080        77,948       120,072       174,088       137,444       200,364      1,121,490
16      Special: Off-Topic                            1,531,206       113,025       101,961       110,220       126,894       126,524       136,419       128,554       125,987        674,647
17      Abstract Media                                1,233,730        96,448       105,288        84,668        99,388        87,748        86,744        81,599        91,275        597,020
18      UCSB Active                                   1,154,894        78,364        93,252        68,434        73,406        69,520        59,846        73,179        83,992        633,265
19      NULL-A                                        1,071,825        85,143       112,087        70,777        72,566        78,696        74,572        72,202        89,293        501,632
20      Liverpool Community Grid                      1,054,942        55,842        53,693        51,039        62,793        53,390        47,776        46,126        59,676        680,449
21      Sweden#Crunch                                   913,693        65,186        65,167        68,944        61,446        62,242        60,111        63,399        72,562        459,822
22      BOINC@Malaysia                                  883,447        57,514        63,825        53,136        55,580        75,830        65,740        59,270        62,380        447,686
23      Naked for the World                             654,526        45,916        58,657        28,560        50,530        72,591        32,427        38,399        38,744        334,618
24      Bird Conservation                               638,766        42,806        38,960        42,939        46,519        41,729        36,494        40,009        40,584        351,532
25      World Bus LTD                                   481,286        30,072        27,118        32,166        30,933        33,216        36,963        31,465        45,893        243,532
26      oliopur78                                       453,538        34,365        88,563         5,924         8,609         9,581        23,328        33,872        42,829        240,832
27      ALSACE COMMUNITY GRID                           383,138        29,607        30,854        32,136        25,831        31,641        31,605        25,979        36,236        168,856
28      Just Me                                         335,124        23,165        23,124        21,710        24,661        25,035        23,465        29,222        26,441        161,466
29      STUDIO Mia                                      305,139        21,059        18,303        24,691        20,184        26,939        20,042        20,374        19,749        154,857
30      BOINC@TOKYO                                     269,590        13,334         7,204        16,910        15,888        10,767        18,827        23,969        28,437        147,588
31      Harbin University of Science and Technology     216,257        15,943        17,932        14,607        15,289        15,417        14,159        16,713        19,699        102,441
32      UTAR Malaysia                                   198,608        14,935        15,240        17,736        11,828        16,035         8,135        19,448        13,983         96,203
33      ACOLISYS (Campinas-SP / Brazil)                 188,797        14,532        14,056        17,920        11,621        10,789         1,168         4,782         4,745        123,716
34      Day drive                                       184,811        14,565         9,162        19,775        14,757        21,121           795         3,455        15,316        100,430
35      BOINC@Pfalz                                     176,513        14,327        10,245        20,666        12,070         5,066         7,004        12,108        16,942         92,412
36      ProjectArea51                                   158,728        11,101        10,070        18,258         4,974         1,424         1,688         1,517        10,042        110,755
37      SHANGHAI 2009                                   154,157        11,389        10,683        15,817         7,666         9,939        14,249         5,671         8,761         81,371
38      Aussie Helpers                                   47,786         4,358         3,811         3,401         5,862         3,864         2,674         4,894         2,176         21,104
39      kuegmi                                           25,112         1,787         2,175         1,702         1,485         1,767         1,355         2,073         1,792         12,763
40      Crunchers4Life                                    4,281             0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0          4,281
41      kouro                                                 0             0             0             0             0
Well today I have been powering down a few of my rigs to transport them to my new place. So half my production is currently offline while I get them setup at the new place. Tomorrow I plan to move the rest of them. Should be very minimal downtime, but I expect to be back 100% production by Wednesday at the latest.
Got my new Ryzen up and running but my 8320 is not staying powered on... took everything apart but its still powering off after a few minutes. checked everything and even running on cardboard. last thing to check is psu. hopefully i will have both running soon but maybe not before this challenge is over. good news is my gpu isn't giving me folding errors with the new system. its funny that my ryzen system running @ 3.8 uses 10 watts less power than the 8320 did @ 4.2
Got my new Ryzen up and running but my 8320 is not staying powered on... took everything apart but its still powering off after a few minutes. checked everything and even running on cardboard. last thing to check is psu. hopefully i will have both running soon but maybe not before this challenge is over. good news is my gpu isn't giving me folding errors with the new system. its funny that my ryzen system running @ 3.8 uses 10 watts less power than the 8320 did @ 4.2

yeah the ryzen chips are efficient as hell compared to the FX chips.. hell even my x4 940 @ 3.8Ghz used 30w more power than my r5 1600.
Rank    Team                                              Score    3-day avg.   Fri, Dec 15     Dec 8 - 14      Dec 1 - 7
1  -->  HardOCP                                     233,910,660    16,762,418    16,705,117    118,496,014    115,414,646
2       Team China                                  222,645,062    15,405,245    15,718,937    110,441,805    112,203,257
3       TeAm AnandTech                               65,124,337     3,745,236     2,911,675     32,015,871     33,108,466
4       Team Andrax                                  37,164,905     2,715,785     2,718,407     18,705,131     18,459,774
5       UK                                           31,826,032     2,280,588     2,174,743     15,960,253     15,865,779
6       SNURK and friends                            25,576,425     1,828,636     1,828,418     13,057,836     12,518,589
7       MyOnlineTeam                                 18,656,603     1,392,947     1,292,925      9,401,701      9,254,902
8       BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID                         13,408,449       933,892       915,892      6,381,903      7,026,546
9       SETIKAH@KOREA                                 8,793,721       635,396       642,558      4,453,550      4,340,171
10      Vulture Central III                           7,313,710       483,833       513,251      3,582,297      3,731,413
11      Kraland                                       5,970,038       398,734       401,799      3,090,080      2,879,958
12      SeriousCrunchers                              5,871,697       560,061       559,769      3,782,592      2,089,105
13      top40.nl                                      5,812,108       466,579       369,487      3,387,910      2,424,198
14      Chicago-IL-USA                                3,977,512       309,018       328,830      2,061,415      1,916,097
15      CHINA BOINC                                   2,197,443       147,995       155,152      1,075,953      1,121,490
16      Special: Off-Topic                            1,531,206       113,025       134,808        856,559        674,647
17      Abstract Media                                1,233,730        96,448       101,462        636,710        597,020
18      UCSB Active                                   1,154,894        78,364        89,841        521,629        633,265
19      NULL-A                                        1,071,825        85,143       104,303        570,193        501,632
20      Liverpool Community Grid                      1,054,942        55,842        50,202        374,493        680,449
21      Sweden#Crunch                                   913,693        65,186        62,048        453,871        459,822
22      BOINC@Malaysia                                  883,447        57,514        54,955        435,761        447,686
23      Naked for the World                             654,526        45,916        38,280        319,908        334,618
24      Bird Conservation                               638,766        42,806        51,579        287,234        351,532
25      World Bus LTD                                   481,286        30,072        39,733        237,754        243,532
26      oliopur78                                       453,538        34,365        43,433        212,706        240,832
27      ALSACE COMMUNITY GRID                           383,138        29,607        25,084        214,282        168,856
28      Just Me                                         335,124        23,165        25,661        173,658        161,466
29      STUDIO Mia                                      305,139        21,059        20,724        150,282        154,857
30      BOINC@TOKYO                                     269,590        13,334        13,487        122,002        147,588
31      Harbin University of Science and Technology     216,257        15,943        16,803        113,816        102,441
32      UTAR Malaysia                                   198,608        14,935        14,359        102,405         96,203
33      ACOLISYS (Campinas-SP / Brazil)                 188,797        14,532        12,473         65,081        123,716
34      Day drive                                       184,811        14,565        24,885         84,381        100,430
35      BOINC@Pfalz                                     176,513        14,327         6,478         84,101         92,412
36      ProjectArea51                                   158,728        11,101        14,700         47,973        110,755
37      SHANGHAI 2009                                   154,157        11,389        14,856         72,786         81,371
38      Aussie Helpers                                   47,786         4,358         1,028         26,682         21,104
39      kuegmi                                           25,112         1,787         2,038         12,349         12,763
40      Crunchers4Life                                    4,281             0             0              0          4,281
41      kouro                                                 0             0             0              0              0
beside skillz's efforts for a regular update I just added a kind of pilot site http://wcg.hard-dc.com/ for the current challenge. For whatever reason I got twice the same scores delivered (but different timestamp). Let watch the next days and declare this round as public beta testing. For a next challenge it should be ready. :geek:


Screen Shot 2017-12-17 at 22.46.57.png
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Can we also get a link that shows individual contributions for the challenges? I know that has been something requested in the past.
Looks like I'm averaging about 10k points per day on my r5 1600, at least according to free-dc stats.
Can we also get a link that shows individual contributions for the challenges? I know that has been something requested in the past.

Option 1: by users; each in total ?
Option 2: by user; for each day ?

Option 1 is easier; Option 2 take more time

In addition due to storage constraints I have an "amnesia" around December 1st +- 4 days; so I will not have the full total but for a ranking should be fine.
Both would be nice for challenges. But total for the challenge for sure. SETI.Germany's page typically has per hour in it if the projects stats are frequent enough. I don't know if anyone really wants it broken down that much but a per day would be beneficial for those monitoring rigs going down.
Free-dc shows points for current day, 7, 14, and 28 day periods on the team page for all team members (iirc), or for each of the last 28 days on the member's page. There are graphs too, but they aren't too useful to me.
The problem with free-dc is their day doesn't start at the same time as WCG day. So the stats overlap each other. Hence why your stats on free-dc never lineup with the daily stats on WCG.
Just realized that two of the 2P 5118 boxes have been offline for ~1 week. WTF?! Fixed that, so should see a small bump.
Just realized that two of the 2P 5118 boxes have been offline for ~1 week. WTF?! Fixed that, so should see a small bump.

How many rigs do you have that you don't notice two of them down for a week?
At the moment? 26. They were on, just hadn't noticed they weren't turning in WUs until now. Oh, and a 2P E5-26787v3 was offline, too. D'Oh!
Did you fall off the map Skillz? I didn't see you in the top 10 today.
Yeah I am moving. Got everything out of my old house and just waiting on some CPUs I got for my 4P to upgrade them while they are down. They seem to be lost in the mail somewhere. Since we are dominating in 1st place so well I haven't been in a real huge rush to get them back online. If Team China does anything fishy though I'll temporarily get them loaded up and wait on the upgrades till next year.
Yeah I am moving. Got everything out of my old house and just waiting on some CPUs I got for my 4P to upgrade them while they are down. They seem to be lost in the mail somewhere. Since we are dominating in 1st place so well I haven't been in a real huge rush to get them back online. If Team China does anything fishy though I'll temporarily get them loaded up and wait on the upgrades till next year.

Gotcha. Must have missed your post describing it previously.
Wait, how many systems does Skillz have? I heard an excuse for the 4p, but....

OK; here now with breakdown of names ...


points are in WCG scale (means 7 times BOINC)

There are two tables on the page; upper one is the daily team overview; lower table is cumulated contribution across team with donors/participants.

Screen Shot 2017-12-19 at 22.29.50.png

Eventually these tables will be splitted in separate pages and adding one for our team members daily contribution (to help fastgeek and skillz to identify their outages :p)
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Is my assumption right that we had some heavy initial "strategic" gain in credits; I miss files from begin December; i'm flying blind in that timeframe