Huge Ritual Arena Discovered Near Stonehenge


Staff member
Aug 20, 2006
This is a really cool find, but can someone show me some aliens already.

The stones are thought to have been hauled into position more than 4,500 years ago to form the southern edge of a ritual arena centred on a natural depression. The stones appear to have joined up with a chalk ridge that had been cut into to accentuate the natural border. “We presume it to be a ritual arena of some sort,” said Gaffney, whose team has mapped the terrain and subsurface features around Stonehenge with a rich suite of instruments.
Too bad the hulks of the robots that used to roam that arena rusted away eons ago.
I've been following this project for a while, I think it's pretty rad they are starting to figure out non-destructive ways to find out about our past. The old method of digging up and preserving in a museum only the items of perceived value is like writing a thesis with an eraser.

It would be pretty awesome if they could do this same kind of study over at Yonaguni.