First Trailer for Ridley Scott's 'Halo' Series Full of Sci-Fi Tropes

Looks like a straight to video Uwe Boll movie.

In that vein yes - though prettier and probably shot on better equipment.

Scott peaked in 1981 and it has been downhill ever since. I wonder what happened to one of my favorite directors, who not only had to go make an alien mess in Prometheus, but now is doing this! He should really re-watch Alien and Bladerunner to remind himself of what a good movie looks like.
One movie I'll make sure to skip. I think Mass Effect series would of been a better choice.
I don't get why people didn't like Prometheus so much. It cruelly left a lot of unanswered questions... however this will make the second movie all that much better.
I'll watch it. I don't exactly have high hopes, but judgement will be reserved until it's actually released.
I don't get why people didn't like Prometheus so much. It cruelly left a lot of unanswered questions... however this will make the second movie all that much better.

Because It sucked? The plot was asinine and required way too much suspension of disbelief to even begin to be credible.
I don't get why people didn't like Prometheus so much. It cruelly left a lot of unanswered questions... however this will make the second movie all that much better.

Oh dear, there is a sequel on the horizon? Anyway Prometheus was a disjointed pile of scenes and was impossible for me to feel invested or immersed in. I didn't care about the characters, I didn't care for the plot, which is impressive considering that I am a huge fan of the Alien universe. Unanswered questions are fine, but any film needs a script that binds all the scenes together to create a believable micro cosmos.

Nice links, thanks.
I still see typical marketing gimmicks work; guys the movie was produced by Scott, produced. Not directed by, but produced by, which just means he gets the profits. The film was directed by some other hack, and the director is what counts, and explains why this miniseries looks so cliche and bad.
I don't get why people didn't like Prometheus so much. It cruelly left a lot of unanswered questions... however this will make the second movie all that much better.

The first half of the movie is pretty damn good in my opinion. The cinematography is great and even the "theory" it offers is very interesting to me. But once the, ummm, abortion scene happens, the whole thing really falls apart on multiple aspects.
I still see typical marketing gimmicks work; guys the movie was produced by Scott, produced. Not directed by, but produced by, which just means he gets the profits. The film was directed by some other hack, and the director is what counts, and explains why this miniseries looks so cliche and bad.

Wait a minute! Are you telling me Steven Spielberg didn't write every single episode of Tiny Toon Adeventures himself? :eek: :eek:

Maybe, I just have low standards (my wife would say so when it comes to movies) but it looks kind of cool to me. I'm just happy to see some battle armor on screen. And the whole "used to be a spartan" character seems interesting to me. Though, the plot looks to be a rehash of Halo 1: Going to a halo and fighting the flood. Seeing that in RL-type filming--not just a CGI game--could be cool. Wondering if I will be able to see it somehow since I don't own an XBOX of any kind at the moment. I'm more of a PC gamer. I so wish the Halo Collection would be on PC. (Totally futile, wishful thinking, I know.)
Looks like a straight to video Uwe Boll movie.

That's because Ridley isn't really involved. This is a marketing arrangement dressed as a "production deal", where a company pays a fee to license the use of his name. Its like how there was that glut of "produced by JJ Abrams" shows that were complete garbage. Same with Spielberg, he never even sees half the shit he sells his name to appear on.
I can't help it... That music gets me right in the nostalgia. I'll probably find a way to watch it.
Some people just enjoy picking apart a movie and finding every little thing which is wrong with it .... that must be terrible.
I don't understand why successful directors and other content creators lend their name for this kind of shit. If they're approached, it means they have a good reputation and are already rich, so why throw dirt on your name.
What are you people expecting? This is pretty much free movie just like Forward Until Dawn was. Which was much better than anything Uwe Boll can ever hope to do.
I don't get why people didn't like Prometheus so much. It cruelly left a lot of unanswered questions... however this will make the second movie all that much better.

I actually liked it, but as others have said there are a lot of issues with the plot and some totally nonsensical plot devices.