New Process Creates Clean Water from Cow Pies


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Cow pies, cow poop, landmines or whatever you choose to name them; not just for growing magic mushrooms any longer.:D Researchers from the University of Michigan have been knee deep in a new technology which could provide clean water from cow manure. The Fremen of Arrakis would approve. :cool:

This essentially amounts to a bovine stillsuit, a water reclamation device that helps reduce water waste.
Great now massive cattle farms have an excuse to clear more land and breed more cattle for human consumption cause now we are making water!

Nature has been doing this since the beginning of time..
I don't get it. When the water evaporates out of cow dung it doesn't disappear. If you live in a place where the only way you can get the water to allow the cows to drink is from recycling it from the animal's own feces, perhaps you should re-evaluate the notion of a cattle farm.

I would also think it would be much easier to reclaim water from the cows urine. You gotta start with the low hanging fruit.
I don't get it. When the water evaporates out of cow dung it doesn't disappear. If you live in a place where the only way you can get the water to allow the cows to drink is from recycling it from the animal's own feces, perhaps you should re-evaluate the notion of a cattle farm.

I would also think it would be much easier to reclaim water from the cows urine. You gotta start with the low hanging fruit.

^ didn't RTFA.
Holy shit! Didn't see this story getting dropped anytime soon!
I don't get it. When the water evaporates out of cow dung it doesn't disappear. If you live in a place where the only way you can get the water to allow the cows to drink is from recycling it from the animal's own feces, perhaps you should re-evaluate the notion of a cattle farm.

I would also think it would be much easier to reclaim water from the cows urine. You gotta start with the low hanging fruit.

Article as said, read it....

there are plenty of places in the world (and in North America) where draught is still a major problem for farmers and private citizens alike. This essentially amounts to a bovine stillsuit, a water reclamation device that helps reduce water waste.

Right now, 100 gallons of manure produce about 50 gallons of clean water,

I would of thought the easiest way would of been to literally "cook" the shit and capture the water vapor...
There's nothing really new about treating the waste, except it's not normally well treated. Cow manure is not so different from human waste. Human waste is converted into near drinking quality water every day at your local wastewater treatment plant. Adding extra steps like reverse osmosis just costs more money. If they can minimize costs and produce good quality, it's ideal for large cattle farms. Centralizing waste processing might contribute to massive commercial farm development though. Small farms could never afford a treatment system.

Drought is spelled wrong in the third paragraph. It is not draught.

I'd reply to the article, but I'm too lazy to make yet another account for website that will be out of business or hacked next week.
All joking aside the article is actually quite interesting:

- 50% conversion of the waste into water by volume (with target of 65%)
- reduce the amount of physical waste requiring disposals
- extract the chemicals that are normally waste (and use them for fertilizer or dispose of them)
- reduce the financial burdens on farmers
- reduce the water requirements in drought stricken areas

Good to see science creating something this useful :)
"more profitable farms need less government assistance"

there just seems to be something wrong about the government paying farms to produce hamburgers
floride is going to get really expensive if they are creating a lot of grey water from methain...
Fluoride needs to be banned anyways since it is a poison for us and does nothing for us.