Cool Video of the Day

I would have to guess that this is the creator's vision of all the people's Souls Suffering in Hell, but I suppose it could be someone on an "Acid Trip" too.
Front Page! w00t! :p Thanks, Steve. :)

I watched that video and had the same WTF? reaction. Thing is that WTF? turned into, "This is very cool!" so I knew it had to be on [H]. :D
When I saw the first half all I could think of was the white walkers coming to life beyond the wall in the Game of Thrones / Song of Ice and Fire series.

That was quickly shattered though.
Awesome vid!
Pretty cool video, but the music was amazing.
In case anyone was wondering: this is exactly what your experience is going to be like when you smoke DMT.
In case anyone was wondering: this is exactly what your experience is going to be like when you smoke DMT.

How do you smoke DMT? Not that it's really accessible in any shape or form around here, though. I've been looking for years with no luck. Almost makes me go to the US and then South America to get it :D