Stop Motion Excel Music Video

I could be amazed by how bored they must have been...

I could be amazed by their work ethic in successfully completing this...

But, mostly I'm amazed by how stupid they were in doing this when they could have faked it in After Effects in a couple of hours.

(...unless they're pulling a fast one and actually did do it in After Effects. In which case, well played. But otherwise... yeah, I'm going with stupid.)
Well, if you believe the making off video, he did the mosaic in after effects, then inlisted help from the internet to help copy all 700+ frames into a spreadsheet.
That's not Excel, it's OpenOffice.

I assume he titled it Excel mainly because the average Youtube user is much more familiar with Excel that whatever the name of the OpenOffice spreadsheet program is.
They may have done one frame by hand (or pretended to). The rest would be easy to code. Have a directory full of individual low res frames courtesy of some video software. Have the Open Office counterpart to VBA read each frame and color each cell accordingly. Have the VBA equivalent take a screenshot and save that out to another directory. Reconstruct the screenshots into movie footage. Kind of not impressive. If it was actually mostly done by hand that would be impressive, but not convinced.
All I can think of is Office Space where the main character was telling the efficiency boss's how much actual work he does a day. The rest of the time he's in excel doing that lol