Your Desk Is Making You Stupid

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Scientists have discovered that your desk is making you stupid AND trying to kill you.

According to the New York Times, scientists discovered that when we sit all day, "electrical activity in the muscles drops… leading to a cascade of harmful metabolic effects," and sadly even getting regular doses of exercise doesn't offset the damage. But now there's new evidence of the harm of sitting. Not only is it making you fatter, it might also be making you dumber.
It's a good thing I use a laptop and lay on my bed or prop it in my lap while I type from my sofa instead. :p
Yes...even your $10k desk. :D

There are standing desks. There are also adjustable height desks so you can change posture between sitting and standing. The more elaborate motorized adjustables can get up there.
Tried reading article, but there were pop ups that moved around the screen, so fuck that site.
This is interesting. I recently started going back to college and I have noticed that when I am doing math I always do a better job when I am standing up at my whiteboard. When I sit down and do it on paper I just can't seem to think as clearly. Hell, I can't even sit down (or even lay down) very long without getting sore. Probably all those 13 hour work days stuck in one spot in a broken chair frantically using the phone and crappy computer for every last second with barely time to take a piss. I will require a standing desk if I ever have to work at a desk again, there is no way I could work while sitting the entire day.
Does this mean the bigger your desk the stupider you are? I should trade it in for a smaller desk :D
i guess stephen hawking must be a mutant freak after sitting non stop all these years
Should we start doing 20 minute pushups?

Maybe i should get a standing desk and pace more often.

Which one's yours?



So sitting in a classroom and learning things is counteracted by the desk you sit at?

All I have to say is "New York Times". Yeah, like I'm going to believe anything they report on. They're about a trustworthy as a politician.
All I have to say is "New York Times". Yeah, like I'm going to believe anything they report on. They're about a trustworthy as a politician.

Another one who is sitting at a desk. What would you say if I told you the research came from the Mayo Clinic, and has been posted elsewhere on the internet?
LOL I am all for science, but this is just absurd. It seems obvious that sitting at a desk is not good, but there's no way it's all that bad.
If you sit at a desk all day, get up and walk around every hour, at least. As someone who has spent the last 15 years sitting at a desk, trust me. Set a automated timer and get up and move around, stretch, whatever. Its not as bad as they make out, but its not good either. It could be much worse, you could be in a coal mine.
In new york, mice will be banned and you will now do all you office work via Kinect.
This is why my coworker and I take a walk when we need to discuss important technical things. Not only does the fresh air help, but walking gets you out of the slow relaxing work environment and stimulates your body, helping ease thinking. I guess we have known this for a while now.
That's why I hover 1 inch over my chair all day.....don't question it.

I need to learn that trick so I can use it on my laptops. They'd get better airflow and I'd be more comfy if they weren't sitting directly on my thighs. Ugh, peeling one off your legs in the summer....bleah!
These studies about sitting seem to come out several times a year. Not sure what the agenda is. If you think standing all day is a good plan just ask someone who does it, like a hair dresser. They have all kinds of problems with their feet, backs, etc.

Walking seems to keep the mind and body healthy but there are limits to what you can do while you are walking around. There are studies that show that the brain works differently depending on whether you are standing, sitting, or lying down. You can't go into deep concentration on a problem while you are on a tread mill, for example.

I try to mix it up. Like Monkey God said, get up and move around at least once an hour. I also keep weights at my desk and use them at least twice a day.