Rock - Paper - Scissors Robot

First it's Rock-Paper-Scissors, then it's a nice game of chess, then it's thermonuclear war and everyone's wondering why the planet is now ruled by robots.
First it's Rock-Paper-Scissors, then it's a nice game of chess, then it's thermonuclear war and everyone's wondering why the planet is now ruled by robots.

We're all doomed, this thing is just the beginning, this is how the T-1000s will rule us all. MARK MY WORDS!!!!!!!
Next: Watching your entire body to know when you will commit a crime and arrest you before you do it.
I was thinking that, too. Did you see how *angrily* it was throwing down rock, paper, scissors? That T-1000-in-the-making looked pissed against the little scientist hand.
Worst handjob ever

Couldn't you trick it by making a slightly ambiguous shape it wasn't meant to detect, but a human brain would parse as a valid answer. Example: Throw paper while keeping your fingers in that vulcan peace symbol. It will detect paper, but you are throwing scissors.