Get Ready for a Summer of Sci-Fi


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Trailers, trailers and more trailers: All of you geeks and geekettes, get ready for a busy summer season of new and sequeled sci-fi film offerings. Summer seems to bring out the best in science fiction, fantasy or just plain old geeky flicks and this summer will be no exception. Check out the trailers to see what looks interesting enough to part you from your cash.
You know I thought I was going to come here and trash this remake of such an Arnie classic... but uh Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel... hmmm maybe I will likie of my all time favs.
Oh movie looks interesting too. :D
This might be closer to the original 'We Can Remember It for You Wholesale' novel than the 1990 Total Recall movie. The whole Mars thing was just a vague memory/desire and had very little to do with the plot in the book.
Got the original on Blu-Ray, after seeing this trailer I regret never reading the original story. Don't disappoint me Hollywood, with these ticket prices you better deliver.
Hollywood? Disappoint? Psssssht.

MiB3 is about the only gem in that pile of junk movies, although I'm hoping Dark Shadows is at least watchable despite starring Tim Burton's fuckbuddy.
How dare they redo Total Recall.

You cant fuck with a Arnold classic.
Batman, I'm sure will deliver. It's Christopher Nolan and he hasn't let me down yet. Promethius is another one that I'll be going to on opening day. With the release of Aliens Colonial Marines due out in Fall, it's going to be a good year for the Alien franchise.
Honestly I'm more entertained by watching Twilight Zone re-runs than what they call cinema now a days. I'm amazed how a low budget TV shows outshines the best of Hollywood. No special effects, no computer graphics, no explosions, No million dollar stars, not even color.
The most elementary use of camera angles; light and shadow and what they DON'T show and leave up to the imagination.
Compelling story lines makes you identify with and care about the characters on the screen. When the storytelling impacts you like this; no matter what the subject matter it is very enjoyable.
And it isn't that screen writers don't try; but often the hero of the story is an anti-hero; someone you don't identify with, don't like, and don't care if they live or get their head bashed in. The lives such a character lives is full of self induced trite drama filled with shallow individuals you don't care about either.

If solid story telling isn't the core of a film prepare for an utterly forgettable turd of a film.
While I think Beckinsale and Biel are hottter than hot (with Beckinsale the winner), I hate when they just throw good looking chicks in movies for eye-candy when the movie has no substance. Hell, I'd rather see Kathy Bates and have it actually be a good movie than watch most of the tripe that's out there with hot chicks just for the sake of having them.
Kinda only really excited for The Avengers, Batman, and Prometheus.
Prometheus is what Im looking forward to. the rest, meh
Promethius looks to be the shit! Just watched the trailer(s) again and can't wait! :cool:
Can't beat Paul Verhoeven's classic but looks watchable hehe
Okay I know more than a few people waiting on this and looking forward to it but I have to say this.

Really? Already? We need a rule, like remakes should only come after xyz years, after the main star9s) have passed away or severely forgotten about.
Only movies that really interest me are Prometheus and Abe. Total Recall looks good, but I can wait for the BR.

Surprised that so many more people are interested in Total Recall than Prometheus?
I'm looking forward to Total Recall (2012). Collin Farrell was awesome in "In Bruges", one of my favorite comedy.
Wow Hollywood has run out of remakes to make so now they resort in this masterpiece originally played by Arnie. So in the end this movie just revolves around two hotties, some lame acting and a bunch of CGI to make the super hit of this summer.
The only two movies that I'd be interested in seeing on the big screen are the Avengers and Dark Knight movies, although the DK could probably wait until bluray. I just hope the Avengers movie doesn't fall victim to every other comic book movie where 75% of the movie is building up the back story, because all of those movies already did it

While movies like MiB3, Prometheus, and perhaps Spiderman do interest a watch, I can wait until they come to TV, or something.

Brave? WTF is that POS Pixar flick doing on there? Story of a redheaded girl who goes after a big bear, who's really her mother, and her mother doesn't talk the entire movie (odd for disney animals). Oh yeah I wasn't making any of that up either
Avengers, Dark Knight, Total Recall, Snow White, Spiderman, and Promethius all look good to me.
But who in the world thought up the idea to put Abe Lincoln in a vampire movie?
better be triple breasted woman in this movie

Been done already.

I thought it was the summer of George.

Yea, been done already, looooong ago....

Three titted Marsian Princess from the 1924 movie "Aelita"
Before I watched the trailer the thought of Collin remaking Total Recall made me cry. But it doesn't look too bad, and it's got some babe action in it. Renter.
"You make me wish I had 3 hands"
"If I am not me, then who the hell am I? " / "You are not you, you're me"

Seriously though, I'm not seeing these actors able to deliver the kinds of awsome quotes from the original. I wouldn't want them to reuse any of the same dialog either, but I can't see them doing anything memorable. Plus they better have midget prostitutes with machine guns.