Cool (Literally) Video of the Day

Man - it took about 2 minutes in to verify to myself that they were recording upside down.
Even WITH the bubbles it still screws with your head. That's awesome thanks for the vid.
neeto.. & yeah it took a miniute to realize what was going on & what they kept dropping that was that much heavier then water that it fell that fast
The air bubbles made it instantly obvious they were upside down. I think it would have looked neater if they had shown it so they looked upside down.
so i'm trying to figure out how they're staying upright... i get the guy w/ the buckets of air

are they filling thier wetsuits with air too? i'm not seeing that...

Thier bodies want to float to the surface but the ice shelf wont let them, so it acts like gravity. ballance and an ass kicking equalibrium is all they need to walk upsidedown underwater.
Likely just inflate their BCD to stay well planted on the bottom of the ice.

Cool vid :cool:
Man - it took about 2 minutes in to verify to myself that they were recording upside down.

Thanks for this. My mind was pretty fucked there...

Also, this reminds me of a level in Crysis or something... *throws up*
Reminds me of the old philosophical question: If a man farts underwater, does anyone smell it?
Not sure - but I can tell you that if *someone* farts in the room I am sitting in - you certainly do...

(just checked)
Nice Vid. I was wondering what was holding them "up' but then I realized that your body will naturally float by itself. Those dudes have awesome balance.