How Anonymous is Threatening a Mexican Drug Cartel


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
It seems that Anonymous is changing its ways and taking on projects that actually make a difference to the well-being of the general population…..or maybe the group has suddenly developed a death wish. Anonymous is taking on a Mexican drug cartel. It would benefit them if they all stay true to their group name ;)
if you want them to keep on doing the good stuff they have been (mostly this and the child porn thing) you have to condition them by praising and telling them you appreciate what they're doing when they are doing good things. it needs to be done quickly too or a type of "lag" effect will happen(forgetting the correct term) in which they think you are praising them for the other stupid shit they do after the initial good behavior

plus its a good thing for the cartels to get all their shit messed up cause they're bad people. someone should mess/destroy their shit and be glad they're doing it instead of you because of the aforementioned chopping off of heads. cant get the tech scoop if you dont have a head
I think it's their best idea yet. One way to get cops and politicians to think twice before taking some drug money. Pretty damn brave too!
I applaud their choice of targets, but doubt anything they will do will be of benefit to the Mexican civilians being murder daily in this war.

And as always when it comes to vigilantes, "Great job on picking a suitably evil target, but you still have to go to jail.". Just because you harmed another criminal, does not make you any less of one.
I think they've always been going in the right an extent in the past, and now this.
Theyre playing with fire there. This is an extremely bad move they are making. If they do this they better pray that none of the Drug cartel find where they live.
Theyre playing with fire there. This is an extremely bad move they are making. If they do this they better pray that none of the Drug cartel find where they live.

That's true, the cartels have the money to find these people. And the lack of civilized mores, to do whatever is needed to find them, as well as no laws to hinder them. Perhaps the cartels will do us a favor and get rid of anon. ;)
Now their just attention whores.
Not going to accomplish anything, ask the DEA.
Not understanding the half-witted comments from the peanut gallery. Surely we don't all drive Camero's, and can understand a+b doesn't always = c.
Is it simply a matter of not wanting to be bothered in the realities of the world, or an obsession of ones favorite game where they are the hero, and reality can't quite match.
What is it then?
The first rule is that you do not talk about ...

stfu & stfo
Well. I like the idea. Still dangerous.

Obviously the mexican government can only do so much (for a variety of reasons, not all above book) and the American government is limited by rules and what not. Should be interesting.

Though I'm curious, how does one rickroll a driveby?
As long as they target childporn sites, druglords and so on, I say go for it Anon. Their shit needs to be screwed up badly even if it doesnt accomplish any permanent good.

But this is a risk for Anon too and this may end up badly. Hopefully not.
Anonymous members will get tired of being do-goobers and move onto nasty stuff again because that's more fun.
It's not like the Mexican Mob has a website they can hack. They could go after known kingpins and harass them with identity theft or deface their Facebook page. The people they are targeting tend to live under the radar a deal in cash. Not sure anon could do more than annoy any of them anyway.
I say hell yeah go for it. Busting up child porn sites is a noble cause, but being able to bring down a paramilitary drug cartel that's got an entire country wrapped around it's finger? That's a much bigger fish to fry.
legalize and stop all of this nonsense.

Legalizing is nothing short of surrendering to the thugs. We need to treat the cartels as terrorists. If the Mexican government can't get their act together and stop them,we should,and the hell with politics.
The cartel said they would kill bloggers and reporters if they had stories about the cartel. I imagine this is just a trolling tactic.
Pothead troll is still a troll.

ROFL! What? The only person who trolled there, was you :rolleyes:

Legalizing is nothing short of surrendering to the thugs.

Wrong. So wrong. Study before you speak. Legalizing would DESTROY their need in our market. Americans can easily grow better, and cheaper stuff (they are doing this in California, and Colorado for example) than the seedy garbage the mexicans bring over in dirty ass, super-compressed bails of bricks.

Remember, its our nations #1 cash crop... more of that is sold per year than oranges, apples, or grapes.... so you might need to get a clue or two on how much money we are pissing away by NOT legalizing ;)

Also, you should look up the country that has legalized not just soft drugs that dont do harm, but ALL hard drugs too. The government says its been a great success, crime has dropped, and so has drug related deaths. Crackheads are given free treatment, paid for taxes on drugs sold..... would you look at that! :eek: