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  1. S

    Is my GA-EP45-UD3P bad?

    EDIT: Figured it out. See last post. Whenever I try to restart the system it shuts off instead. I can try to restart it by exiting the BIOS, the reset button on the case, or through Windows (end of install or from Start menu) but the computer shuts off instead. I've also had it tell...
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    Moving RAID array - ICH7R compatibility

    My PS just went and took out my Asus P5WD2 motherboard where I had RAID 1 setup. From what I've read moving RAID arrays is dependent on the southbridge. The southbridge on the motherboard is ICH7R with Intel Matrix Technology. If I replace the motherboard with one with the ICH7R southbridge...
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    XBox360 Phoenix LANners?

    Anyone interested in getting together occasionally for some 360 LANnage? Gears of War, whatever?
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    How to get IE to remember textbox inputs?

    Developing a web application. A page has textbox. It would be nice if it remembered previous inputs. Does IE do this (remember and then display them to you) by default or do you have to do something special for the page? Thanks
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    Non-dual core and 955 chipset

    I'm really out of the loop (still running 1.4GHz). I'm getting a 3.6GHz non-dual core CPU (for free :D) and trying to find a mobo for it. I haven't found if non-dual core processors will work on a mobo with the 955 chipset. Will they? Thanks.
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    C# - Localizable Form messes up TabControl size

    Pic I want my TabControl to look like the top one. However, as soon as I change my Form's Localizable property to true my TabControl comes out looking like the 2nd Form in the pic. My machine is in English. The Language property is left on (Default). I even tried changing it to...
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    C# Problem: Form loses ability to close (Close() does nothing).

    I'm stumped. First off, I know how to reproduce the problem but that hasn't helped me in fixing it. Here are some code excerpts from my form. // Handles Click event for mItemExit private void mItemExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Debug and trace code for my own...
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    Perl help

    New to Perl Here is a simplified example of what I'm trying to do. The questions are comments in the code. package Entry; sub new { my $class = shift; my %params = @_; my $self = {}; $self{Name} = $params{Name}; $self{Data} = $params{Data}; return bless...
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    C# Reflection - Get list of public strings in a class

    EDIT - Found what I was looking for with Type.GetFields(). Using Reflection, is it possible to get a list of public strings in a class? I have been looking in the documentation and googling but so far have not had any luck answering my question.
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    PowerPoint: "Quicktime and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are required" message

    I downloaded some slides for a class of mine and I the message "QuickTime and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture" shows up where pictures should be. I tried searching google for a TIFF (LZW) decompressor but the results that are coming up are only PowerPoint slides with...
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    MySQL - Query help

    Version 3.23.54 I have some data in a table A that I want to retrieve only if there is not related data in another table B? Is such a query possible with MySQL? Basically what I want is SELECT * FROM A WHERE A.Id NOT IN (SELECT * FROM B) Thanks.
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    Quick C question

    I can't remember if C would zero and NULL this memory for me. See the code excerpt for details and question typedef struct list_type { node_ptr head; node_ptr tail; uint size; } list, *list_ptr; int main(void) { list l; // will l.head and l.tail == NULL and will...
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    How do you deal with project partners without style?

    Maybe I'm just a nazi when it comes to this type of stuff but it REALLY gets to me when a programmer lacks style - inconsistenties, lack of formatting, no naming conventions (to distinguish between local and global vars for example), etc. Taking an OS course this semester and we have...
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    shutdown.exe for Windows 2000 Pro

    I want my computer with Windows 2000 Pro to shutdown at a certain time after some tasks are completed. I obtained shutdown.exe for it. However, when I execute the shutdown command the system stops at the "It is now safe to turn off your computer screen". If I were to shutdown the computer by...
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    C++: LinkedList destructor

    Kinda new to C++ so I wanna see if this is right A Node has a pointer to an item and the next node. For the destructor I just want to free the memory allocated for all the Nodes and not the data. Is this correct? class L { Node *head; L::~L() { for(Node *c = head; c...
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    XP - Won't stop complaining about my pagefile

    OS is Windows XP Professional I'll give some background info about today because I'm sure it is related -Boot up laptop. Blue screens with INVALID BOOT VOLUME -I boot off CD and run chkdsk. -Load up windows and I get the following error Limited Virtual Memory "Your system has no...
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    C# and SQL 2000 - Returning value

    I have a stored procedure that returns an integer. I know how to setup the SqlCommand in C# but how do I get that value that the stored procedure is returning in my C# code? Thanks
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    MSSQL 2000 - Stored Procedure syntax problem

    Here is the sproc but there is a syntax error with "TOP @NumHeadlines". I'm not sure what is wrong. If I do "TOP 5" or something it works. CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.News_RetrieveLatestHeadlines @NumHeadlines int AS SELECT TOP @NumHeadlines ContentId,Title,PostDate FROM Content WHERE...
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    2000 Prof - Can't delete directory

    I have a Restore directory that I use for restoring backed up files. I'm trying to remove its contents but I am getting "Access Denied" errors on some directories. I'm logged in as root (Administrator) and have even tried changing the security to Everyone and telling it to reset the...
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    MS SQL Server 2000: How to transfer table defs from one server to another

    I am doing development at home. I need to transfer my table definitions to another server. I'm new to MSSQL and I can't find where to do this. My google attempts were unsuccessful. Thanks
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    IIS Problem and local ASP.NET app development

    This code works on other IIS machines but isn't working on mine. The page is supposed to print out the localtime but it doesn't. It seems it is treating the .aspx page as a normal page and isn't executing it. Pages don't even display asp elements such as TextBoxes. I have no idea where...
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    C++ question

    Consider the following #include <cstdio> class A { private: int myVal; public: A() { myVal = 1; } A(int val) { myVal = val; } }; int main() { int int1; A a1; A *a2 = new A; A *a3 = new A[1]; int int2...
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    XP: Editing whats shows up under right-click->New

    I have exlporer open. Lets say I'm in some folder. When I right click in the folder, I have the option of going to "New" and selecting "Folder", "Shortcut", and other various options such as "Text Document" and "Bitmap Image". How does one edit what shows up there? I would like to add a...
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    Something to help me get color/brightness close on dual monitors?

    I have two Sony G410Rs. I've tried to get them to match as close as possible but with some things it is quite obvious that they aren't that close. I'm referring to color, brightness, etc. Is there anything available to help with this?
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    HTML: How to make it so changing browser text size causes no change to page

    How do you make it so if someone goes, View->Text Size->Largest in Internet Explorer for example, the text size of the page does not change?
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    GTA Vice City Car Guide w/ pics

    I'm looking for a guide online that has a picture of each car and their name. I've been googling and have been unsuccessful thus far. Anyone know of one? Thanks
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    How do you keep track of bugs in your projects?

    I'm working on a large project and I am trying to find a better way to keep track of bugs. I was wondering what methods you guys use?